Chapter 56:

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"Why don't you guys come in?"

I look over at my mom who's already inviting these strangers into the house and roll my eyes. I walk up to her and pull her aside. "Ma" I whisper


"We literally just moved in and I'm tired"

"Well these guys seem nice. You should get to know them better"

"Not the day we move in, though"

"Lighten up" she rolls her eyes and continues to tell them to come inside. "You guys could go upstairs and get to know each other better"

"Alright" Kaitlyn says smiling at me

My mom looks at me and smiles as she nudges her head. "Why don't you take them upstairs,Dawn?"

I sigh and walk over to the stairs. They follow me.

"So where are you moving from?" Kaitlyn asks as I open the bedroom door. They enter behind me

"New Jersey"

"Cool" Wes says.

"Well this isn't anything like Jersey, I'm guessing right?" She looks around the room

I shrug. "Not really. I don't know anyone here so" I take a seat on my bed that's wrapped in plastic

"Well now you know us." She says to me.

"Thanks, i guess" I look down at my hands .

I'm feeling a little homesick. This isn't home

This isn't anything like home

The boy walks up to me and sits besides me. "So, Dawn"

I look at him and down at the distance between us. There's barely any.

We're too close to each other.

I move away a little, but not enough for him to notice


My phone notification goes off. I look down at the screen. Mattia texted me.

Mattia💛: is everything okay?

"Who's Mattia?" The boy asks as he stares down at my screen. I pull the screen to my chest and look at him.

Why is he looking at my messages?

He smiles.

"Wait" Kaitlyn says. She walks up to me. "Mattia Polibio?"


"You know Mattia Polibio?" Her mouth goes agape as she looks at her brother

"Who is he?" He asks her furrowing his brows

"He's a tik toker! He's like.. so hot" she smiles and looks back at me. "How do you two know each other?"

The boy looks at me.

I gulp.


"W-we're together"

She scoffs. "No way! And you know Kairi and Alejandro and the boys too?" She says smiling

I nod

"Oh my god! You have to introduce me to them!"


"I don't know Kaitlyn. Not now at least"

The boy raises his brows. "So you're taken?"


"You and the guy are dating?"

No not really


"So you're not dating?" He smirks

"You aren't ?" The girl asks

No. But who knows these guys' intentions

"No no no we are. We're dating"

"Interesting" the guy says.

The girl looks at me. "Well your boy friend's really hot"

"Thank you?"

"How are you guys gonna make it work if you're in two different states"

Who is this girl?

"It's gonna work"

She shrugs. "Mkay sis"

"Well if it doesn't there's other options" Wes says. He looks at me and shrugs as he smiles devishly

I open my phone to text him back

"Tell him I said hi!" the girl says

Oh my god

Me: I hate it here.

A/n: imma update a lot this break so that's why I'm writing these so fast lmao

But.. how do you like this so far? Vote please :)

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