Chapter 54:

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( bro I love this song with this chapter too omg)

She's really leaving isn't she?

I wash my face in the sink and look up at the mirror. My eyes are still red and puffy.

She's gonna know I was crying

I continue washing my eyes with cold water when someone knocks on the door.

"Mattia?" another knock. It's Dawn

"Y-yeah?" I reply shutting off the water

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine,I-I'm good" I dry my face with a towel and open the door. She gulps as she stands in front of me, looking at me, her curly hair in her face . but she doesn't say anything.

She outstretches her arms slowly and wraps them around my neck. I shake my head as she hugs me and then I find a tear fall from my face and onto her shirt


"It's gonna be okay" she says quietly

But I know it won't be

It won't be okay

She's moving and she's gonna forget about me. She's gonna forget about us. She'll meet new people and have new friends and start a new life in a whole other place.

Far from me

When am I gonna be able to see her? Every few months when we have a few days off of school? That won't be enough time.

She needs the world. She needs attention. She deserves that.

Not a FaceTime call where she can't even hear my voice in person.

She pulls away and we head back into the room. The boys are zipping up her luggage's when she takes a few clothes in her hands. "I'm gonna go get ready" she says

She massages my hand lightly before letting go and disappearing into the bathroom

I take a seat next to the boys.

Kairi pats me on the shoulders. "Bro, it's gonna be okay. I promise you that"

"Yeah. You can see her when we have off next month. Thanksgiving break" Roshaun says

I wince as I put my hoodie on. "What's four days off gonna do? A day going there and another day coming back gives me two days with her"

Alvaro sighs. "I know it's hard but it'll be okay"

The door opens and we stop talking. She walks in, black jeans and her timbs, with a grey hoodie pulled over her body.

I observe her like I'm observing a painting in a museum.

She's so beautiful.

Shit, this is killing me

Her mom walks in behind her and Dawn turns around to face her.

"You ready?" Her mom asks

"Why? We still have like two hours left to leave"

"Well the driver's downstairs already"

Dawn turns to face me and I see her face tear up.

"Can you guys help bring these bags downstairs?" Her mom asks

The boys nod but the only thing I'm paying attention to is Dawn. The guys each grab a bag and start heading downstairs when Dawn just stands by the door looking at me, teary eyed.

I instantly break down and walk up to her. I bring her into a hug, holding the back of her head in my hands as I cry. "Please, Dawn. Don't leave me"

"Mattia you know I have to"

I shake my head

"I'm so sorry" she says crying. "I'm so so sorry it has to be this way"

She pulls away and wipes my tears as I bite my lip to stop from being loud.

"Dawn!" Her mom yells from downstairs "C'mon!"

"Coming!" Dawn says. She quickly kisses me on the lips. It's probably gonna be the last tome I'm able to hold her so tight.. the last time I get to kiss her... the last time we get to actually be together

She takes my hand as she walks down the stairs and up to the boys.

"Guys, I'm gonna miss you all so much" she begins but she cries

"Dawn, Stop you're gonna make me cry" Ale says shaking his head

"I know I'm gonna see you all again. Hopefully all at once"

"Of course, we gotta" Roshaun says as he hugs her. Everyone goes in for a group hug but I just can't seem to do it. I stand distanced from them when Dawn pulls away.

She looks at her mom

"You ready?" Her mom asks

She nods and walks up to me quickly, hugging me again and then she plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't forget me"

A/n: omg so I wasn't expecting to update but I just had to


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