Chapter 25:

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The doctor said that I'm able to go home tonight. But Mattia has to stay for at least two more days because his concussion was worse than mine.

I say goodbye to him and his mom before I exit the hospital. Moms waiting for me in the car outside.

As I walk to the car I can only think about how awkward the ride home is gonna be. And how I have to tell her that Mattia and I are official even though I know she really doesn't want that to be the reality.

I enter the car and slouch into the passengers seat. "Are you forgetting anything inside?" She says blankly, avoiding eye contact.

I shake my head and she begins to drive out of the parking lot.

Halfway home, through a while of silence, I decide to start the conversation.

"Mom" I say quietly. I look down at my hands.

"What" she says annoyed. I know she's still upset at me for yelling at her to get out of the room today. Maybe it wasn't the best decision.

"Uhm" I look up and see her meeting my gaze before she looks away. I fill my lungs with air and then exhale. "Mattia and I are dating"

She turns to me angrily huffing to herself. "I told you this wasn't gonna happen and you still go behind my back and make these decisions!"

"This was always gonna end up happening,Ma! It's not for you to decide!"

She tightens her grip on the wheel as the look on her face screams disapproval.

"I made the exact same mistake when I was your age with your father! That's why I'm not gonna allow this!"

"But I'm not you!" I yell with tears in my eyes. She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "You don't know how much shit I've gone through already!" the words roll out slowly.

"Like what? Huh? Your school work? Social media? That's what you've been through?!"

"I was raped!" I scream. My eyes widen because I didn't mean I tell her that. I didn't want her to know. I turn my face from her and the car goes quiet.


I don't answer.

"Dawn! Answer me!"

"Stop yelling! You don't even fucking care that I went through that you just wanna argue!"

"Who did that to you"

"No one!" I look away before I can break down in front of her.


"I don't know him! I- I don't know who he is! He doesn't even go to my school!" Even though he does, if I let her know that, she'll have me transferred out.

And then I won't be able to see Mattia.

I begin to unlock the door to exit when we come to a red light.

"Hey!" She yells. "Dawn get back in the car!"

"I need a break from you" I turn to her. "From this"

I'm going to stay with Jenna. Her house has people who value each other. Right now, my mom makes me feel valueless and I feel so drained.

So mentally and emotionally drained. And the feeling of that party runs back to me, causing a cycle of disgust.

My body shivers at the thought of what happened.

Forget about it.

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Where stories live. Discover now