Chapter 23:

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"Mattia" I scream. "Please! Please say something!" My head is pounding and it feels swollen. The glass is shattered over the car chairs and I take his hand,rubbing his knuckles with my thumbs.

I can't see his head from the angle I'm in. I can't see if he's awake. I don't know if he hears me.

But everything starts spinning.

I shut my eyes wishing this was all a dream. But i know it isn't . I feel myself drifting off slowly


I'm awake. I look down at my arms observing the few wires attached to me. I look over the minimalistic room and notice an I.V. Attached to my arm

I'm in the hospital.

Moms laying down , sleeping on a couch next to me. "M-ma" I say gently. She jumps awake immediately and wipes her tired eyes as she comes up to me and kisses my forehead.

"Thank you god. Thank you so much"she whispers

"Ma where's Mattia?" I try to get up but I can't. She points to my left as she looks away from me. As I turn my head I see a divider splitting the room in half. I lift it slowly and begin crying at the sight of him.

"No no no" I shake my head, burying it in the palms of my hands. He has an oxygen mask strapped to his face and bandages wrapped around his forehead with blood stained on them. He's asleep.

"Dawn, I told you being around him was gonna hurt you"

I turn to her. She's shaking her head as she sucks her teeth.

"Are you kidding me Ma? That's what you tell me?"

"I told you to be careful and you told me you were going out with friends"

"He is my friend!"

"He's more than that, Dawn. I'm not stupid I was your age once. I know all the tricks in the book"

"I'm not gonna stay away from him just because you tell me to"

"You have to! Are you aware of what happened yesterday? Are you aware of how bad the car you were in was hit? It was hit by a sanitation truck he could've died from the impact of that!"

"Stop yelling!" I begin to cry. "I love him!"

She turns away from me in disbelief . "You have no idea what love is"

She's driving me insane. "Get out!" I yell.

"Dawn I am your mother. You put yourself in this position"

"Get out I said!" I point to the door

She grabs her purse and exits the room slamming the door. I begin crying loudly wiping my tears with the white blanket covering me.

"Dawn" I hear someone say.

"Mattia?" I whisper. I lift the divider and his eyes are opened slightly but he shuts them again. I take his hand softly as the tears stream down my face. "I'm so sorry,Mattia. This is all my fault" i turn my face from him as I bite my lip trying to stop the tears.

I can't stand seeing him like this knowing he's hurting

"No it's not. It's no ones fault" he says quietly. "I'm fine" he manages to get out as he exhales.

I'm crying because I know it was my fault. I leaned in to kiss him. I made the mistake and he just followed it, he didn't know any better. Now look at him, he's suffering more than me.

He should be mad at me. He should refuse to talk to me. I fucked up everything

"Don't be mad at her" he whispers.


"Your mom. Don't be mad.. s-she's all you've got"

"she doesn't want me around you"

"I'll always love you. But to some extent you have to listen to her"

"I'm not leaving you" I say loudly. "Things were getting better for us" I look down.

"I know " he whispers.

"I really love you" I say managing a smile even though I feel like shit.

" I love you more"

"Mattia" someone says as the door opens. We both look in the direction of the sound. It's a nurse wearing all grey.

"Your mom wants to see you" she says

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Where stories live. Discover now