Chapter 57:

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Me: why? how bad is it there?

The doorbell rings.

I place my phone in the pocket of my sweatpants and head downstairs to open the door.

A gust of wind hits me in the face. It's dark out

Skinny...dark hair... up to her shoulders... tight jeans... boots... hoodie on.

"Mattia" she says smiling weakly at me.

I look at her, emotionless. "Jenna why are you even here"

She winces and clutches her phone to her chest. The wind blows her hair in her face. "Mattia I'm sorry for what I said earlier"


She frowns. "Okay?whats that supposed to mean?"

I shrug. "It means okay"

"Do you forgive me?"

I shrug. "Why are you here"

"To say sorry"

"You couldn't say it over text? Or a phone call?"

"That's not the only thing I wanted to talk to you about"

I furrow my brows. "So what did you need to tell me?"

She walks closer to me and moves her lips closer to my face. Until she's directly next to me and there isn't any space between us

But I don't move away because I know she wouldn't try anything. She just wouldn't

She smells dark .

Not like flowers like Dawn does. No, she smells dark.

"I wanna make it work between us. I know that we can-"

I shake my head and she stops talking. She backs away and looks at the ground

"I really fucked things up huh" she sighs

"It's just not gonna work. I like Dawn"

"But you told me you liked me too. How do you just lose feelings for me overnight?"

"I've always liked Dawn. For years"

"She doesn't care about you"

"She does"

"So why isn't she with you right now? Yet I am"

"Because she cant be with me right now"

She furrows her brows. "Bullshit. She's probably out fucking another guy right now like the hoe she is while you're thinking about her day and night"

"Dawn moved"

She raises her brows. "She moved? What do you mean she moved? She was just here"

"She left to Connecticut yesterday"

Her mouth goes agape. "Oh"

I nod slowly

"And I was with her before she left. And she told me she loved me and I said it back so Jenna, I really think you should go"

She shakes her head but steps closer to the doorstep. "When you lose those feelings for her that you claim you have, don't run back to me"

"Good to know" I say and shut the door.
I look down at my phone to see if Dawn texted me back.

She did

Dawn baby 🤤❤️: I'm homesick and I miss you.

Damn I wish I could be with her. Just a minute with her. She should be here with me.

I just wish I can see her.

Me: i miss you too :(

Maybe I can though

I walk up to my room,open my laptop and go on google

'How much is a round trip to Stamford Connecticut?'

I scroll down on websites when I find a price that I can pay for myself

$300 for a round trip. 5 days.

Am I really doing this?

Yes. Of course I am.

I text the boys in the group chat

Me: guys

Kairi 😍: what

Ale 😁😁😁: ^

Roshaun: whatchu neeeeeed 🤦🏿‍♂️

Me: I'm going to see Dawn. I made up my mind


Ale😁😁😁: ayyyyye

Roshaun: that's my sonnnn

Robert👅: when?

Me: I'm looking at the prices and I think imma go this weekend

Roshaun: Mattia's in loveeeee ooooh

Me: stfu. Don't tell her though . It's a surprise

Imagine how happy she'll be when she sees me. Imagine the look on her face. She's mine and I'm gonna make sure we can make things official

I just hope she feels the same way

A notification goes off . A text from her

The smile on my face fades and turns into a haul of nervousness

Dawn baby🤤❤️: this guy keeps hitting on me.

A/n: what do you think's gonna happen next ?

More than friends- MATTIA POLIBIO 😩😍Where stories live. Discover now