They React to Their Young Child Cursing

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Arthur knew that it was probably only a matter of time before you started imitating what you saw around the camp, and even though he avoided cursing in front of you he knew that some of the others didn't. He doesn't think that it's a huge problem but knows that he can't have you running around cursing, so he will talk to you and explain why you can't say certain words.


Dutch is disappoint and claims that he raised you better than that. He's a little over dramatic but that's nothing very new. He gives you a whole lecture/speech on why you shouldn't say certain words. It's more likely to bore you than anything but is surprisingly effective since you don't want another lecture from him.


Does not care. He probably curses around you by mistake but doesn't see it as a big deal. When you curse for the first time he just doesn't care much, he was probably cursing at your age as well. However, if you curse at him, that's a different matter. Don't disrespect your father like that. He'll tell you to watch your mouth and not talk back to him. Still doesn't care much if you curse, he just doesn't see the problem with it. Might even find it amusing. 


Charles' head just slowly turns to you, trying to process whether you just said that or not. He doesn't curse too much and he never does it around you, so you have definitely learnt that from somebody else. He asks you to repeated yourself and you instantly know that you messed up. He barely even has to say anything for you to know that you shouldn't have said that and that you probably shouldn't say it again.


Unsurprisingly, the first time you swore it was in Spanish. Javier tends to curse in Spanish a lot, more so than in English, and you were just imitating your father. He's a little annoyed that he couldn't blame anyone else for your language, you could have only learnt that from him. He will respond in Spanish, asking you what you said and telling you to watch your language. He just seems genuinely shocked and that makes the people around him chuckle a little.


Sean finds it funny and he laughs. It's just so adorable! Then he remembers that he probably shouldn't be allowing that and that he should do something. He would try to be a serious parent, telling you to stop saying that word, all while trying not to laugh about it. He doesn't think that it's a huge deal but knows that he should address it, he's trying to be a good dad and do the right thing!


You didn't learn it from him. Hosea doesn't curse much and he never does so around you. Hosea handles it maturely. He wasn't exactly expecting it but he knew that realistically you would probably repeat something like that at some point. He calmly explains that you shouldn't say that and tells you not to say it again. Now you know it's wrong and hopefully you wouldn't repeat it. If you say it again, once you know it is wrong, Hosea would get a little stricter.


Shocked and not sure how to react. Kieran doesn't curse, not much anyway, and he never curses around you so he doesn't know where you learnt it from. He's not going to get angry or anything but he will tell you that you shouldn't say that word anymore. Kieran isn't the best at discipline, he's just too soft, especially with you.


You curse and that makes John curse, then he curses again because he cursed. Arthur is laughing. John collects himself and tells you that it's a 'bad word' and that you shouldn't say it. You ask why and John doesn't really know how to answer but he's doing his best. He is aware that you probably learnt the word from him but insists that you learnt it from someone else.


Sigh of disappointment, more at himself than you because he knows that you probably learnt it from him. He has a habit of cursing without even realising it. He had cursed and you had repeated him. He told you not to say that word, then you asked why he could say it and you couldn't. He didn't have an answer for that other than 'because you're a kid', which apparently wasn't a good enough reason for you. He couldn't believe he was debating a child. Disaster dad but we love him.


Lenny just sighs because he isn't completely surprised. You are being raised in a gang of outlaws, it's not surprising that you've picked up some bad habits like cursing. At least it's just cursing rather than anything more serious. Still, he tries to put an end to it. He's calm and explains that you shouldn't use those words, even though the other members of the gang do.


Completely blames other members of the gang, as far as he can recall he hasn't cursed in front of you. It's rare for him to curse at all, this isn't his fault. Like Hosea, he's mature and calm about it. He just explains that you shouldn't use those sort of words and hopes that you'll listen to him. If you continue to use those type of words, he knows that he will have to do something about it.


It's possible that you learnt it from her but it's more likely that you were imitating another member of the gang. Knowing the gang, Sadie wasn't all that surprised. She tried to catch it early, telling you not to say that and explaining why. Still, she didn't have high hopes that some of the other gang members' bad habits would rub off on you, no matter how hard she tried to avoid it.


You definitely learnt that from other members of the gang and Josiah won't accept any other explanation. You did not learn this from him. He doesn't like the idea of you picking up bad habits like that. He takes a job that will take you both out of the camp for a while, so that he can remind you of your manners. He loves the gang, he really does, but he won't have them rubbing off on you like that.


Orville is a little shocked when you first curse around him, he knows that you didn't learn that from him but isn't really surprised that it's something you would learn from other members of the gang. He appreciates that's its a less serious bad habit, compared to other things you could learn from them. Still, he tries to address the problem, explaining why you shouldn't say those words. He's pretty calm about it, it's just part of having a child, it was bound to happen at some point.


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