Chapter 11: BULLYING?!

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This chapter is a little long cuz my ass got too excited () and... I'm going to be shameless and say that I have an insta acc,my username is 'Yoonjikikrland' I post sneak peeks or some unreleased stuff. Follow me if you'd like-

"Woah! Its you!" You spoke out and pointed at the janitor. "Huh?? You again?? Tsk tsk,a teacher this time?? Who's next? Is it me?? How scary..." The janitor says while covering his body with his hands, You looked at him with disgust. "As if I'd do something to an old man like you." You rolled your eyes.

"How old are you anyways?? Probably 40 or something." You added,"I'm 31 years old! And I'm not an old man!! Youngsters these days..." He says while letting out a sigh, "Why are you even working as a janitor? Instead of pestering me, Aren't you supposed to be with your wife or something??" You asked,

"I don't have a wife nor a girlfriend,I never had one throughout my whole life..." He says and starts sobbing. You soon started feeling sorry for him because you were the same,you never had a boyfriend throughout your past life. You then pat his back,"I feel you're pain..."

"Mr.Boomer,there seems to be a misunderstanding,I'm only helping her water the plants so she could come home sooner." Muzan says,"Oh right,You were tutoring her..." The janitor says and wipes away his tears.

"Pfftt... Boomer..." You mumbled while holding out your laugh, "Whatever,Just finish up soon,I'm gonna lock up the school." Mr.Boomer says and walks away.

"His last name is really Boomer??" You asked while laughing your ass off. "Yes,his full name is Blake Rodriguez,but was soon changed to Blake Boomer,his parents died in a car crash when he was young and his other family members didn't wanna take him in,so he changed his last name to Boomer. He says that it would be hilarious if his childs last name would be boomer,but because of that,no girls want to date him because they don't want to be called Boomer."

"Woah... Thats sad,funny and stupid all at the same time... You really know alot about the staff..." You spoke out in awe. "Its a little scary and creepy.." You mumbled. "Of course,As a head teacher,I must be knowledgable with the people I work with." He says with a smile. "Now shall we finish up?" He asks,you nodded.

-Time Skip-
It was the next day and Today was the day for the nominating of council members. You didn't really care since you already knew who would win. "Argh... I wonder who's going to be president and vice president... I hope its Shinobu or Mitsuri." Zenitsu says while fanboying.

'None of them becomes the Vice President or the President,Rengoku becomes President while Senuro becomes Vice President... Now that I think about it Giyuu never introduced himself to me,so if I meet him again I shouldn't call him his name...' You thought.

"Are you running up to be a member of the student council Y/n?" Tanjirou asks,"I don't think I'd be that much help." You chuckled nervously.

"You shouldn't look down on yourself too much." Tanjirou says,"Yeah you're smarter than this meat head." Zenitsu looks at Inosuke.
"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME?!?" Inosuke complains.

"Oh shit! I forgot that I still haven't done the math homework!!" You cursed,
"Well you better do it while there's still lunch time." Zenitsu says, "FUCK WAIT FOR ME I'LL QUICKLY GRAB IT!!" You got up from your seat,"I'll help you Y/n." Tanjirou says with a smile."

"THANK YOU TANJIROU!!!" You shouted while running out of the canteen and started heading to your classroom.

You were running around the halls until...
"I told you... T-Thats all I have..!" You heard a familiar voice,you looked around to see Senjuro and three male students in an empty classroom.

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