{45} There Are Bad Girls In Paris Pt. 1

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Song lyric is from: These Girls -Why Don't We

We got off the plane after a very long eleven hour flight which felt like forever.
I took my phone off of airplane mode, receiving a whole bunch of notifications that I ignored.

"It's 1am here," Kay told us.

Christina groaned, "Isn't it look a nine hour time difference from Los Angeles?"

"Pretty sure, yes," I answered.

"Our schedules are going to be so fucked when we get back home," Tate pointed out causing us all to laugh.

We grabbed our suitcases from the baggage conveyer and called an uber.

After thirty minutes we arrived at the massive hotel Christina booked for us, it was modern-like.
We found our room and claimed our beds. I'm sharing with Christina and Tate and Gabbie are sharing. Kay wanted to sleep on the pull-out couch alone.
I walked out onto the balcony and stared towards the Eiffel Tower that sat a few blocks away from our hotel.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Gabbie walked out and stood next to me.

"It's so beautiful. So much more beautiful than I imagined it to be," I looked at the view in awe. I absolutely adore Paris.

"Jack and I were talking about coming here for our anniversary since it's so romantic. We might take Lavender here one day too, maybe for a birthday we're not sure yet."

"You should wait until she's older and can remember it. I would want to remember something like this."

She smiled, "Me too and now we're going to."

It was dark and silent outside, nearing 2am but the lights made everything look so much more beautiful and colorful. It was an amazing sight to see and just like Gabbie said; it's romantic.
Weird to be here with friends.

I walked back inside seeing that the other girls have already drifted off to sleep. I laughed quietly at the sight and so did Gabbie when she came back in. Everyone has already crashed so I did the same.

"Get up!" Tate shook me away. I groaned and sat up in the bed. "We're planning to go to the Eiffel Tower after breakfast!"

"Really? On the first day?"

"Yes! It'll be fun so come on, get up!"

I got off the bed, grabbed my suitcase to find an outfit to wear for the day. I took a quick shower and got dressed.

"I feel like you're the slowest of us all," Kay joked.

"And I feel like you're right," I laughed.

"We can grab breakfast down by the lobby. They have an amazing food court, y'all will love it!" Tate exclaimed. She's definitely more excited about this trip than the rest of us and I'm the one who has always wanted to come here. She reminds me a lot about Jonah, always excited to see a new place. That's my favorite thing about both of them.

We took an elevator down to the lobby to go to the food court. Tate was right, I already do love it. It's gigantic and has an open bar which I could use to my advantage but won't. You already know what mistakes I get myself into when I'm drunk.

We claimed a table then got our food from the buffet. Right now it's obviously just breakfast food which means it's earlier than 11am; I'm way too lazy to check the time on my phone.

"So I was thinking that after this we take an uber to the Eiffel Tower. We can take pictures to send to the guys to make them jealous," Tate suggested.

I laughed, "They won't get jealous. They've been here before so I don't think they're really care."

"So? Everyone wants to come back here after coming once. They probably do too."

"You do make a good point."

We finished our food and did exactly what Tate told us we would do. We grabbed an uber to the Eiffel Tower and even being up close it was gorgeous. Wow, watch me simp for a fucking tower.

"Okay I got this," Tate set her phone up on the ground. "Picture time!" We got together to take the picture and Tate ran over to check it. "It's perfect! I'll send it in the group chat."

Group chat:
trust fund babies 💜

tate 🧡 sent an image
^❤️ reacted by maddie 🌼, gabriela 💜, christina 💗, kay kay 💍

We got closer to the tower and looked up at it to admire it. Not many people were here which I was actually thankful for because it was less photo-bombers for our picture and a better view.

I miss Daniel though. So much it's unbearable and I don't know why. I've never missed him this much before. I think I might be blind at the reasons to why I do miss him but I just can't admit anything to myself about it; anything about him needs to stay out of my head.

"Have you guys had macaroons before?" Kay asked.

I shook my head, "Never."

"We're definitely getting some. Zach got me macaroons before for my birthday and I'm telling you, they're absolutely amazing."

"This place is overall absolutely amazing," I smiled.

"I don't ever want to leave," Tate frowned.

"We can come back someday and maybe with the guys this time," Christina suggested.

"Does that include Christian because you know... Maddie?" Gabbie wasn't subtle with that at all.

"You don't have to invite him. I know who you guys want me to actually be with," I told them.

"It's nothing against him... We just think it would make more sense if you and Daniel were dating."

"Well, you can't just want us to be together because it makes sense in our group. Does it make me any less of your friend if I'm not a Why Don't We girl?" I looked down.

"I'm so sorry that's not what I meant," she tried to quickly apologize.

"No it's fine I don't care," I started laughing.

"You jerk! You had me scared I offended you."

So sorry if this chapter was poorly written and was all over the place but we're nearing 50 chapters which means this book is almost half way done!!

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