{27} Sleeping With The Enemy

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Song lyric is from: Hooked -Why Don't We

"We brought you a muffin and some coffee. You seemed pretty tired when you got home last night," Tate handed me a muffin and a cup of coffee. "I got down at the café."

"Thank you," I said groggily.

"Damn, didn't get a lot of sleep?"

"No. I kept waking up for some odd reason."

"Huh. Weird, now get ready for the day," Tate walked out of my room. I got out of bed to take a shower, flashbacks of Vegas went through my mind and I shook it off.
The shower didn't take long so that I could avoid all the memories faster. I got dressed and grabbed my muffin and coffee. I sat down at the counter in the kitchen.

"Maddie, welcome back," Corbyn cane in.

"Corbyn!" I jumped up and pulled him in for a hug. "How have you been? It's been a minute."

"I've been great. How about you?" He asked.


"So tell me all about Vegas."

I laughed, "Whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

"Ha Daniel said that exact same thing."

"Oh. Did you spend the night?"

"No I just got here like an hour ago. Picking Christina up for a breakfast date!"

"Nice. Have fun," I patted him on the back and went back to the counter.

"I'm ready," Christina came out for her room. Corbyn kissed her and grabbed her hand to hold. I smiled at the sight, they're such a cute couple.
They left and I was alone. Tate was in her room doing God knows what.

I heard a knock on the door so I quickly threw away the wrapper to my muffin and walked over to the door to open it.

"Daniel," I said once I saw who was behind the door.

"I asked to talk you today, remember?"

Yes, yesterday he asked me if we could talk when we got home and we are. We're home and now we have to talk about everything between us.

"Um... Yeah. Let's go to my room though so Tate doesn't overhear whatever you say," I told him.

"Alright," he followed me to my bedroom. I closed the door and backed away from it so our voices were more faded if Tate were to come near it. "Okay so I'm just going to get into it, I like having sex with you," he blurted.

"Oh wow, you really did get into it. You must love getting to the point."

He chuckled, "I know that this complicates things but can you honestly say that what we did will never happen again?"

"No I can't actually. It makes me feel guilty."

"It makes me feel guilty too but I want to keep doing it or at least some part of me that doesn't feel guilty wants to keep doing it."

"Dani, I don't think that would be such a good idea."

"I know but I can't ignore this tension we have."

"I don't want to sneak around behind Christians back and you have to understand that. Think about how he would feel if he finds out."

"He won't and I'll make sure of it. We can do it whenever we want when nobody is around. No surprises though like the first two times."

I looked down in thought, "Fine but in one condition."


"You will not fall in love me or have any other feelings besides best friend feelings. I'm in love with Christian, got that?"

"If you're in love with him than why are you cheating?"

I punched his arm playfully, "I can stop this anytime I want you know that right?"

"Yes I do and I'll shut up now."

"Thank you."

"Anything for sex," he winked and walked towards the door.

"Hey, one more thing."


"Nobody finds out. Not one person I don't care if they're your closest friend. The more that know the more suspicious Christian gets and the worse this will become."

"Okay and same goes to you. No blabbering to the Trust Fund Babies. I don't know if I trust you with them alone if my name comes up."

"I can do it," I gave him a snarky smile. "They don't have to know everything happening in my life."

"Right and actually I want to do something."

"What something?"

He walked over and grabbed my cheeks to kiss me. He pulled away after a few seconds and smiled, "Just for good luck. You know, so we don't get caught."

"Good thinking now get out," I pointed at the door and he took it as a hint so he left.

Sneaking around will get tough but it's hot. The only two things I'm afraid of is getting caught by Christian or getting caught by a fan.

Holy shit. I quickly took out my phone and clicked on Daniel's contact.

maddie 🌼
don't do anything in the public, remember that we have fans

daniel 💙
got it :)

I threw my phone down on the bed. I'm excited for this but my life is going to get ruined, I can feel it. Somebody's going to get hurt; either me, Daniel, or Christian and I'm afraid how everyone else will feel if it comes out. How or families and friends are going to feel and imagine all the hate I'll then receive.

Once a cheater always a cheater right? That's what everyone's going to say me.

I don't want to think about how Christian would feel to find out his girlfriend and brother have been hooking up behind his back and let alone me faking being a virgin now.

I won't think about the possibilities anymore because I'll end up backing out and like Daniel said, we can't deny this tension we have when we're alone together which is crazy because I only feel it when we're alone and then we exchange awkward glances after we did it when we're with other people.

We should be more worried about the ten people in our life that are always around especially the girls.

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