{9} Chills

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Song lyric is from: Chills -Why Don't We

"Jonah told you didn't he?" Corbyn asked when he saw me smiling at him.

I nodded, "He did but he also told me that it's not happening for a while."

"Yeah for at least a couple more months. It's all she's been talking about so I want to wait so she'll be surprised."

"That's so sweet."

I'm at the Why Don't We house to hangout with the guys. Daniel hasn't come out of his room though and I'm not surprised. With what happened between us I would stay in my room too if it was the boys hanging out at my apartment.

"I'm sure she'll love it," I smiled at him which caused him to smile back.

"I'm back with food!" Christina shouted when she walked into the house. She went out and got us McDonalds to eat tonight.
It's just me, the guys, and Christina. Christian couldn't make it since he's working a late night. He stopped avoiding me but then again it's only been a couple days since the last round of avoidance, I still don't know the really reason why he won't talk to me sometimes.

"Don't say a word to her about it," Corbyn whispered and I nodded to show that I understand.

Daniel finally came out of his room and ignored my presence. He sat down on the couch while Christina handed us all our food.
Daniel and I haven't spoken since our intimate moment in the kitchen of my apartment. He left pretty early in the morning and I'm guessing it's so he wouldn't have to see me. I completely regret what happened between us and I'm sure he does to.
He was still a little drunk and I was just way too over my head. It's like I was taking advantage of him and I so badly want to talk to Gabbie about it but I feel like she would judge even though she's not one to judge at all. I know she would never support cheating but she has expressed to me many times that me being in a relationship with Daniel would make her happy.

I quickly ate a fry in silence and stayed out of the conversation everyone else was having which was just about how good the new album is and that they're excited to release it soon.

I glanced over at Daniel and saw that he getting uncomfortable with me being near him. Jonah was the only one separating us otherwise we would be sitting right next to each other.

"Gabbie bought these really cute purple crocs for Lavender. She's obsessed, you should've seen her reaction," Jack said bringing me from my moment of spacing out.

"Really? That's so cute," I smiled.

"You'll have to see them on her someday. Have Gabbie text you a pic."

"I definitely will."

"Also, Maddie," he looked down. "I saw you staring at Daniel."

"I-I wasn't staring," I tried to convince him. Jack has always been one to catch on or realize things before someone does themselves.
This is proved based on the fact that I didn't even realize I was staring at Daniel.

"Yes you were," he looked back up at me. "It's okay you know."

"What do you mean?"

"It's okay to love two people at the same time."

"And let me guess? It's as long as I pick in the end?" He furrowed his eyebrows and I sighed, "It's like you and Gabbie share a brain."

"That's what makes us so perfect for each other," he smiled cheerfully. "Anyway, that's not the point."

"Yeah the point is is that I am not in love with Daniel. I love Christian and him only."

"If that's what you think."

"Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" Daniel asked after leaning over Jonah so I would hear him.

"Yeah I guess." What if he heard my conversation with Jack? That would be so awkward.

I got up and followed Daniel into the kitchen. Everyone didn't even notice us leaving the living room together.

"What is it?" I leaned against the counter.

"I think we should talk about what we did."

"Okay, you first though."

It's only been two days since we made out in my kitchen, God it makes me feel so horrible just saying that.

"We shouldn't do it again," he blurted.

"No, no of course not."

"So we agree? Not to ever do it again or talk about it?"

"Never ever," I agreed. "There's just one problem."

"What problem?"

"I think Jack is suspicious."

I walked back into my shared apartment with Christina behind me.

"Oh hey, how was it?" Tate asked as she popped a potato chip into her mouth.

"Not bad. You should've come with us. Jonah would have loved to see you," I sat down on the couch with her.

"Yeah I know but Kay really wanted to go to that new coffee place below us and you guys already planned on going to the guys' house."

"You mean the one that used to be a bakery?" Christina raised her eyebrows.

"Yep that's the one. How come you didn't know that? It's literally below us in the same building."

Christina laughed, "I don't pay attention except, Maddie where did you go with Daniel?"

My eyes widened, "What?"

"You and Daniel like totally ditched us for a few minutes earlier."

Tate's attention was completely brought over to me, "You and Daniel? Behind Christians back?"

"It's not like that," I hit her arm playfully. "We just went to the kitchen to talk?"


"Okay fine." They have to know I can't hide it from them. "We kissed, once but that's it and it's never going to happen again."

"You kissed in the kitchen?" Christina shouted.

"Not their kitchen but our kitchen the night we took him here after the club."

"That's unbelievable!" Tate yelled but was smiling at the same time.

I cocked my head to the side, "Why are you smiling?"

"Don't get mad at me but I ship you guys and don't get me wrong, I love you with Christian but we love a good boyfriends brother story."

"No! It's never happening again. It's cheating and I don't want to cheat. I love Christian and you know that."

"Really? Because all I do know is that you say that a lot," Christina crossed her arms.

"Because it's true."

"That's what they all say."

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