{61} Could We Turn Back Time

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Song lyric is from: Lotus Inn -Why Don't We

I paced around my room frantically trying to figure out how I should tell the girls. How I should tell Daniel.
I grabbed out my phone and dialed the clinic number just to be sure this is all actually happening.

"Hi this is the clinic, how may I help you?" A woman's voice rung through the phone.

"Yeah hi. I would like to set up an appointment as soon as possible."

"Okay. What for?"

"I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive."

"Alright and you would like to set up an ultrasound?"

I pursed my lips together, "Um yes please." If there's a baby I might as well see it.

"Does tomorrow morning work into your schedule?"

I nodded even though she couldn't see me, "That would work perfect."

"Okay. What's your name?"

"Madeleine Blanchet."

"Got it. I'll see you at 8am."

"Thank you, bye."


I hung up and sighed, throwing my phone onto my bed.

I got up at 6:30am to get ready for my appointment. I still don't have a plan to tell the girls or the guys yet and that scares me the most about this whole pregnancy besides the fact that in eight months a baby will be coming out of my vagina. I'm not ready to birth a child, I'm only twenty-two and it just now feels like I'm beginning my life.

If I could turn back time I would have never gotten pregnant but who knows; this could be the best thing to ever happen to me and maybe it doesn't feel like that right now because I'm just... Scared.

Christina and Tate are still asleep so when I finished getting ready it made it pretty easy to sneak out.
I drove to the clinic still nervous out of my freaking mind and walked inside to the front desk.

"I have an appointment for Madeleine Blanchet," I told the woman.

She smiled. "Yes. Have a seat over there please," she motioned me towards the waiting area so I sat down in the closest chair, bouncing my leg up and down like I was impatient. I told Christian I would be here but he was too busy to come and support me. I hope eventually someone will come with me and hold my hand, to tell me everything is going to be alright.

My name was called a few minutes later and I followed a woman in pink scrubs to a small room.

"Lay down please," she looked at an exam table that I quickly obeyed to lay on. "I'm Crystal, your OBGYN for the rest of your pregnancy. Is there a father with you here today?"

I shook my head, "He was busy."

"That's okay. Can I have you lift your shirt up?"

I lifted my shirt up so my stomach was exposed. She squirted some kind of gel on it. Since this is my first time being pregnant I don't know what it's called.
She turned a computer screen towards me and grabbed a transducer, which is basically the remote thing that helps you see the baby. Like I said, I don't know anything about this.

The screen turned on and Crystal smiled. "That's your baby," she pointed to a very small white dot.

"That's my baby?" I got a lump in my throat. This is about the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Mmhm. I'd say you're about two months pregnant."

"No that's impossible. I have to be only a month."

She squinted at the screen, "It's very possible to have symptoms for the first month but this baby is definitely two months old."

No it's impossible because that would mean this is Daniel's baby.

I started crying and she frowned. "I am so sorry. Did you not want to hear that?"

"No it's fine, it's just that I didn't know I was that far." And pregnant with my best friends baby.

"I can tell this is your first baby."
I nodded.
"Do you want pictures?"

I bit my bottom lip, "Yes please."

She printed off pictures and gave them to me. She wiped the gel off my stomach and I pulled my shirt down.

"You can find out the gender in a couple months and I want you to come in every month to check up on things and see how you and baby are doing."

I smiled, "Thank you."

"But today went really great. The baby is about one inch in length and is very healthy so basically just keep doing what you've been doing and these next seven months should go by quick."

Yeah but I've met a lot of pregnant women in my life to know at some point they won't the baby to desperately come out and it's a very slow process. I can't wait.

I left the clinic and got into my car. I don't know what I was thinking in the moment but I dialed my moms number. Chase gave it to me before he left and told me to check in on our parents but I didn't want to at first.

"Hello?" Her voice spoke through the speaker. It sounded the exact same from the last time we've spoken.

"Hey mom."

"Maddie?" She sounded disappointed.

"I just wanted to call and let you know that I'm pregnant."

"You're pregnant?" She scoffed.


"I hope you're not expecting me to be happy about it. You lost your ability to speak to me and your father when you ran away. I don't want to be in this child's life if that's what you want."

"Um no. I definitely do not want you to be in my baby's life but I just thought you would want to know that because of you I learned what kind of mother I want to be, one that is going to be so damn much better than the one you were to me and Chase," I hung up before she could argue back and then called Chase.

"Maddie! It's so could to hear from you. How have you been?"

"Pregnant but good."

"You're pregnant? That's amazing! I promise you I will be back in LA to meet my niece or nephew when they're born."

"Thank you."

"Is it Christians?"

"Of course dumby," I lied.

I can't fucking believe I'm pregnant with Daniel's baby. I guess I got caught up in the new found excitement that I now have that I forgot that the baby I'm carrying is not my boyfriends.

I took out the pictures I was given and looked at the small white dot.
This is my baby.

Mine and Daniel's baby.

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