{100} I Could Put A Ring On Your Finger (Finale)

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Song lyric is from: What Am I -Why Don't We
The beginning of this chapter was meant for the last one and I'm so mad at myself for forgetting because it ruined it but hey here you go lmao


chase 👌🏼
when is this?

daniel 💙
valentines day

chase 👌🏼
alright I'll fly in the 13th

daniel 💙
okay thank you. can you meet at the why don't we house if I drop the address?

chase 👌🏼
yeah no problem

chase 👌🏼
what time should I be there by?

daniel 💙
anytime before 12pm

It's been twelve days since I talked to Chase about my plan. He's supposed to be on his way over right now before Maddie arrives. So far she hasn't realized that he's in Los Angeles even after all the secrecy and his name being brought up on accident.

"It's all set up. We got the little gift," Jonah handed me a small wrapper box.

"Thank you. You think she'll love it?" I asked worried out of my freaking mind.

"Are you kidding? If she doesn't want it I'll take it."

"In coming!" Christina shouted. We moved into the living room and Chase walked in.

"Am I late?" He asked.

"Not at all. You're actually just in time," I told him.

"This feels weird—to here without Maddie around."

"We'll have to together more often. She'll be really excited to see you."

"Yeah I miss her plus I've only seen James in pictures."

"You want to see him? He's in his swing."

"Yes please!"

I walked over to the slowly swinging swing James was in.

"Oh wow," Chase bent down to be leveled with him. "He's adorable."

"So we've been told," I chuckled.

"She's going to be here in like thirty minutes," Kay announced.

"Are you ready?" Tate asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know we were going to see the guys today."

"It was kind of last minute but they just want to hangout."


We got to the Why Don't We house and I was really confused by the last minute planning. That usually never happens and when it does we just show up and don't ask. We're almost always available.

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