{75} Words I Didn't Say

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Song lyric is from: Words I Didn't Say -Why Don't We

Everyone arrived to the apartment and each waking moment being here with them made me more nervous to tell them. They all sat down on the couch clearly confused and worried about what's going on.

"I don't want to be here for this," Christian stormed out and Tate rolled her eyes, annoyed at him for the way he's been acting. Zach just shook his head and since they both know about the affair they didn't like Christians reaction even though I thought it was an appropriate one.

"Why are we here? Is it an emergency?"  Gabbie asked. "It's not the baby is it?"

"Um no it's something else."

"What is it?"

I looked at Daniel and he pursed his lips together, "Maddie and I have been... A thing I guess you would call it that-"

I cut him off, "I didn't break up with Christian because he was being distant and while that is definitely true it's also because I couldn't hide the fact that I'm in love with Daniel. I was cheating on Christian with him for months now."

Everyone's eyebrows raised in shock. They didn't say anything, just sat completely silently.

"W-When did this start?" Kay stuttered.

"Kristin's wedding," Daniel told them.

"Wait did you guys like sleep together?" Jake asked with a smile on his face like it was a joke.

"Yes," Daniel flat out said causing Jacks smile to fade.

"Huh? Deadass?"

"Deadass," I replied.

"That's been for almost an entire year."


"So is that," Jonah pointed at my stomach. "Is that Daniel's?"

I nodded, "Yes."

"Oh my God," Christina stood up. "You two are in love?" She smiled.

"Is that bad?" Daniel winced.

"Are you kidding? That's all we've been fucking waiting for. You're both jerks for waiting so long!"

"Wait what?" I gave them a look of confusion.

"I mean I feel horrible for Christian but it's about time," Corbyn laughed.

"You aren't supposed to be happy about it!"

"Well we are. Y'all make sense now," Gabbie spoke up. "I had my suspicions."

"Um yeah I caught them making out months ago like Maddie wasn't pregnant months ago," Tate announced and everyone's mouth dropped.

"I knew too! Maddie told me but I had no idea they were sleeping together. She told me it was just kissing," Zach said.

"Holy shit you know?" Daniel looked at Zach. "And you told him?" He turned towards me.

"I needed someone to talk to and I couldn't bring myself to tell the girls," I said in a defensive way.

"Tate knew!" Christina shouted.

"I caught them, remember?" Tate shouted back.

I started laughing, "You guys are seriously not mad?"

They nodded.

"Okay but we aren't going to start dating for awhile because of Christian," Daniel told them to let them know.

Zach scoffed, "Bitch we don't care."

"Maniel is real!" Kay yelled and hugged us.

We announced it on social media and it spread like wildfire. It's been a full day since the Why Don't We boys and the Trust Fund Babies found out and we all got anxious to let everyone in the world know about our charades.
It's only been an hour since it went public and we've already received thousand of replies, most being they've been waiting for this day for years and have lost hope when I get pregnant. Some limelights have expressed how sad but happy they are for Daniel since he's having a baby but it was expected since Lavenders birth announcement broke the internet for Jack Avery.

Christian gained followers but closed his dms for everybody to avoid sympathy. I heard he hasn't been active either so I wouldn't blame if he deactivated his accounts for awhile.
We told everyone that me and Daniel aren't dating but we're so open for it in the future.

"My dms are blowing up with questions," Jonah mentioned. We're currently hanging out at the Why Don't We house.

"Some news station wants an interview," Corbyn held up his phone. "What do I do?"

"Say no," I told him. "We would be put on the spot and I'd rather not."

"Yeah I'd rather not too," Daniel agreed.

"I'm just- I'm just so happy for you guys, what the fuck?" Jack made a confused face. "I'm not supposed to be happy. I'm supposed to be pissed because I don't support cheating but thank God! You have no idea how badly we've all wished for this."

"Careful, Dani she might cheat with Tyler," Zach joked.

"That's not funny," I tried not to smile.

"Too soon?"

"Yes," Daniel laughed.

"Besides I would never. I think I've always been in love with Daniel and it wasn't like that with Christian. I just imagined it was with him," I looked down.

"You told me," Zach smiled. "I'm glad you both are happy."

"Oh and shoutout to baby boy Seavey because without him Maddie and Daniel wouldn't be stuck together forever," Jonah raised his pop can that I didn't even notice he had.

"Eighteen years," Daniel added as a joke.

I allowed him playfully, "No."

I'm so happy we finally confessed to everyone but there reactions is definitely not what I was expecting. Luckily Daniel isn't mad at me for telling Zach about us but at least I didn't say we slept together and I'm carrying his baby. I didn't think good could come from that but now seeing how they're acting it wouldn't have been that bad. If I were to do it all over again I would tell Zach EVERYTHING.

The two guys I could trust the most in the band is Zach and Corbyn. They've always been my two favorites. It's nothing against Jonah and Jack because of course I love them both so much and can trust them but I'm so much more closer with Zach and Corbyn.

I started school again so my goal is two chapters a day during school days. The weekends might be more lol.

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