{99} I Need You In My Life

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Song lyric is from: Taking You -Why Don't We

Lately I've felt more bonded together with Daniel ever since James was born. We've definitely spent so much more time together because of him and because of that we've got closer.
I've lost count of the many times we stayed up because James just wouldn't sleep. At the beginning we hated when he slept, all we wanted to do was spend time with him and while that's still true our sleep schedule is now fucked up since he won't sleep when we want him to.

He's a month old today; February 2nd. Gabbie and Jack have been a big help and have been here whenever Daniel and I needed them to be. Lavender has even gotten more gentle with him so they've considered it practice for a second child.

"I think this might be the first night he's actually sleeping through," Daniel whispered.

"Let's not jinx it," I replied.

"Is Corbyn sleeping?" Corbyn walked in. Daniel and I are in the living room so we wouldn't wake James up in my room.

"That's not his name," Daniel laughed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to see Baby D but he's not awake," he frowned.

"It's like 9pm. Why didn't you just come earlier?"

"Christina and I received our wedding album and she wanted to look through it and print some off to frame. We also got a few furniture delivered to our house. Long story short, I was busy."


"Anyway, I'll go if you need some alone time together."

"No it's okay. Stay for a bit."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, man. We love seeing you!" Daniel smiled.

Dorbyn. That's what I'm afraid of— Corbyn taking my boyfriend away.

"Have you talked to you know who yet?" Corbyn asked Daniel. He shook his head.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Talk to who about what?"

"Don't worry about it, Maddie!" Corbyn joked.


"I'm just planning something," Daniel said.

"Another surprise?"

"You're my girlfriend now. I won't ever stop with the surprises."

"That's cute."

He started to blush, "Oh really?"

"Um no this isn't happening in front of me," Corbyn interrupted. "Shut the fuck up now before I vomit."

"Are you kidding?" I started laughing really hard. "I put up with your shit with Christina for five years! You do it all the time in front of me."

"That is my wife!"

"She hasn't always been!"

"Mentally, yes!"

"Stop!" Daniel held his stomach from laughing so hard. This is probably entertaining for him.

Corbyn left after an hour of hanging out leaving me alone with Daniel. Each time we're left alone I get nervous because that's just the effect he has on me.

"What are you thinking about?" Daniel asked. It's something he always asks me whenever I space out.

"About how you make me nervous, still after all these years."

He smiled, "To be fair you haven't loved me for as long as we've known each other."

"That's not true."

"What do you mean?"

"I've always loved you and it just took me a long time to realize it."

"Okay fuck it, I was never going to tell you this but remember when I said that I had a crush on you that went away?"


"It never did and it wasn't a crush, I was straight up just in love with you. I loved you with Christian because he made you happy and seeing you happy makes me happy but deep down it hurt to see you with him. I genuinely didn't want to be the one to break you guys apart though, let alone sleep with you while you were with him and continue to do it."

"But I was already losing feelings for him, way before we slept together."

"Does that mean it's possible you'll lose feelings for me?" He looked down like he was hurt but I grabbed his hand and held it tightly.

"It's different with you. I love you more than I ever loved Christian and that's not going to change."

"I'm afraid that it will— that I'll do something wrong."

"Nothings going to change the way that I feel about you."

"I feel the same way. I love you so much and I'll never love anybody else as much as I love you."

I smiled, "This got sentimental really quickly."

He chuckled, "And emotional. I might cry."

"You're a baby," I kissed him.

"So are you."

I've been deadass foreshadowing 👀

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