{59} So Good At Faking

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Song lyric is from: Hard - Why Don't We

We started to sing Happy Birthday as Gabbie carried the birthday cake into the living room. What's crazy about having a large friend group is the amount of birthdays that are close together and the amount we choose to celebrate. Today is Christinas; June 3rd, her 22nd birthday.

"I wasn't invited?" Corbyn asked once him and Daniel walked into the apartment.

"I thought you were taking me out on a date for a celebration with just us two?" Christina got sad.

"I am but I still want to be invited to 1/5 of the Trust Fund Baby celebrations."

"It's not a TBF celebration it's a Christina celebration," Tate told him.

"Yeah, 1/5."

"But what you said didn't really make sense."

"Tatum Dahl! Let me live my life!"

Tate started laughing.

"Can I speak to you really quick?" I asked Daniel.

"Um yeah, okay," he replied.

We walked to the hallway away from the others. "I wanted to let you know that I'm breaking up with Christian and I don't need your permission to do so because I'm doing it anyway," I blurted.

"Okay," he responded. "But you should tell him the real truth way so you could spare him more lies."

"Damn," I crossed my arms. "Why do you always have to convince me otherwise?"

"Because I don't want to lose my brother."

"You should've thought about that before I knocked on my hotel room door."

He groaned, "Fuck, fine. Go ahead and lie to him about the real reason but it better be good. What do you got?"

"I don't know. I didn't think about it."

"Then I guess you're stuck with saying 'I fell in love with you brother, oh and we took each other's virginity. Please don't be mad at me'," he mocked the way my voice sounds.

I rolled my eyes, "I knew you weren't okay with it."

"Okay with what?"

"Me being in love with you."

"Well it's not exactly news you should tell to your boyfriends brother."

"Oh but sleeping with your brothers girlfriend is okay?"

"When the girlfriend is my best friend and my favorite person."

"You really just turned this around to make me smile, didn't you?"

"Did it work?" He bit his lip.

I giggled, "In your dreams, Seavey."

"You're in them all the time," he walked away. He's messing with my heart and I don't know how long I can keep it together.

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