{11} Choose

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Song lyric is from: Choose -Why Don't We
christian 🥰
I'm taking you out on a date tonight, get ready ♥️

christian 🥰
oh and surprise! 🥺

maddie 🌼
christian you didn't 😭

maddie 🌼

christian 🥰
we're going to that fancy french place you like so much

maddie 🌼
the ones with the sweet waiters that know me so well?

christian 🥰
that's the one 😍

maddie 🌼
you're so amazing

Gosh I feel so much more guilty for kissing Daniel. I don't even know why I'm still thinking about it. It was the only time it's every going to happen.

I walked to my closet to find something to wear for my date.

"This," Tate grabbed a short spaghetti strapped black dress. "You should wear this."

"That's so revealing! We're not having sex anytime soon."

She started laughing, "Why do you own it then?"

"For when we do," I grabbed the dress from her and hung back up in my closet. "Do you like this?" I grabbed a one shoulder strap red dress. It wasn't too short or too long.

"It's beautiful. The restaurant is fancy right?"


"Yeah so definitely wear that. It's formal and you'll fit right in."

"Alright," I put the dress down on my bed so I would remember it for later and walked out of my room.

"Hey," Gabbie greeted me and I smiled.

"Pick up," Lavender raised her arms.

"Hi munchkin," I picked up Lav. "I'm so happy I can see her more often now. Jack told me about the crocs you bought her," I mentioned.

"Oh yeah that reminds me," Gabbie grabbed a pair of purple crocs from Lav's diaper bag and showed me them.

"Those are super cute."

"I know. I love shopping for her."

"I can't wait till I can go shopping for my baby in the future."

"I'm going with you when that happens," she laughed.

"You can teach me all about raising a child."

"Yes I'm a professional."
We laughed.

"And done," Christina finished my make-up and I looked into the mirror.

"This is amazing, Chris thank you."

"No problem now go change," she shoved the dress at me and I walked off into my bathroom to change.
When I finished I walked out and Christina's jaw dropped.

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