{5} A Little Place That We Can All Have Fun

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Song lyric is from: Friends -Why Don't We

Song lyric is from: Friends -Why Don't We~seaveydaniel

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seaveydaniel: throwback to unbelievable 🤙🏼

tagged: whydontwemusic

likes: madsblanshay, whydontwemusic, & 539,294 others

imzachherron: so hot daniel 😍
^seaveydaniel: 😏
^limelight1: okay but hear me out: zaniel is a thing

limelight2: I got the poster with your asses on it it's so unbelievable

madsblanshay: sexy 🥵
^seaveydaniel: oh? 😌
^limelight3: @madsblanshay you have a boyfriend who is daniel's brother back off
^seaveydaniel: @limelight3 its a joke <3

I laughed at myself for commenting that on Daniel's post.
I heard a knock at the door so I got off the stool at the counter to answer it. Christina and Tate are out with their boyfriends so I'm the only one available to answer the door.
I opened it to see Daniel standing in front of me.

"Hey, you ready to go? I figured you haven't bought the paint yet," he said.

"You're correct," I walked out causing him to slightly chuckle at me. We went downstairs to go outside to his car.
His car is extremely nice and I've actually never been in it somehow. I don't think we've hung out with just us two alone in so long, ever since I started dating Christian.

Daniel drove us to Home Depot so that I can buy some paint. I feel like I should've done this yesterday but it just means we can spend more together one on one. It's much needed bonding time especially since one day he'll be my family.

I don't want to sound weird or anything but Daniel is very attractive. His now blonde hair has given him so much justice because damn.
Knock it off.

"You okay?" He asked as we made our way to the paint aisle.

"Yeah I'm great," I responded. "I like this," I pointed to a can of pastel yellow like I discussed with the girls yesterday.


"I don't want a bright color, I'm not trying to blind myself."

"Like Tate's room? Jonah told me all about it."

I laughed, "Exactly like her room."

"Well, I like this yellow," he grabbed the can I pointed at. "It suits you," he smiled at me and grabbed a few more cans, giving me some so we both can carry them to a cart which we had to grab. I had to quickly find some painting supplies that we can use and added them to the cart so we could pay at the register.

Once I paid we got back into his car to go to the apartment.

We carried everything into my room and set them down on the floor.
"Can you help me move my furniture away from the walls?" I asked Daniel.

"Sure thing," he grabbed one end of my bed and I grabbed the other to move it towards the center of the room. We continued to do it with the rest of my furniture until they were all moved away.
Daniel poured some paint into a a paint try and rolled the paint roller through it.

"Don't we have to put tape around so we don't paint the ceiling or my door or my light switch," I laughed.

"Oh that would be smart," he laughed with me and I went out to the kitchen to find tape. I knew that one of the girls put it in a drawer.
I found some blue tape and walked back into my room to help Daniel tape around my room.

"What if I wanted your ceiling to be yellow?" Daniel randomly asked.

"No thanks," I punched him in the arm playfully and he started to laugh. He grabbed the paint roller again and started painting so I did the same. I haven't done this in awhile and it's super easy and quick to even do.

"Guess what?" Daniel smirked.


He dipped his hand in paint and wiped it down my arm.

"Oh please you can do better than that!" I dipped my roller in my paint and rolled it down his white shirt.

"Maddie! I'm wearing white!" He yelled laughing. He dipped both his hands in again and flicked it all over my face.

"How dare you!" I did the same thing he did to me which just made him laugh so hard he fell onto the floor. I fell down next to him and laughed. Our laughs fell in sync and I've never had so much fun. We both laid on our bags and stared up at the ceiling.
One of the supplies we bought was a plastic sheet that we laid down on the carpet so I wouldn't paint it yellow on accident. Right now I'm so thankful that we did that.

"This is fun," I told him.

"Yeah. I'm so glad I came over for this."

"And I'm so glad I invited you."

"We never hangout like this. We should do it more often."

"We should," I turned towards him and smiled at him.

"Do you ever think about what our lives would be like if you weren't with my brother?" He suddenly got serious.

I frowned, "No not really."

"I do. We'd still be friends obviously and you'd also still be friends with the boys but things with Christian are weird. You aren't that close and fans would still ship us because, well to them it just makes more sense since the girls are still in your life. They'd have their families and Christian would have one too. He's twenty-three so he introduces us to his new girlfriend. You're okay with it because you're into someone else."


He shifted like he was uncomfortable, "Just someone."

"And why do you think about what life would be like if Christian wasn't my boyfriend?"

He shrugged and sat up, "I don't know. I guess I just do there's really no reason for it."

I then sat up to be leveled with him, "You're weird, Daniel," I giggled causing him to chuckle.

"I know I am."

And cute.

Holy fuck what is this shit?

"Thank you for helping me paint my room," I told him as I stood back up.

"We haven't finished yet," he laughed.

"Let's finish then," I grabbed the paint roller and we continued to paint.

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