{31} I Still Do Love You

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Song lyric is from: I Still Do -Why Don't We

I fixed myself quickly than hurried out to the rest of the guys who were still standing at the bar. Daniel was behind me so I guess he really doesn't know what being subtle is.

"Maddie!" Christian called out and pulled me in for a hug.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Christian? I thought it was just me the guys tonight, you know no boyfriends or girlfriends."

"Does that disappoint you?" He looked at Daniel and squinted his eyes. He looked between us both and backed up a bit. "Where did you two come from?"

My heart started to race and I thought that maybe this is it; he caught the imposters. I shook my head, "It's not what-"

He cut me off, "Oh I see. Daniel was showing you the celebrity wall huh? The one Why Don't We was put on to just for coming here?"

I looked at Daniel and he ran his hands through his hair making it seem like that was exactly what he was doing when we both disappeared.
"Yeah, ha you caught us," I laughed nervously.

"Pretty epic isn't it? I think it's cool."

"I put a little heart by name," Jonah smiled. I didn't even notice the wall but I guess that is cool.

"Still think I should be on there," Christian joked and Daniel laughed.

"Yeah man. It would be nice to have the Seavey brothers on the hall of fame," he cut in.

"It would be. Anyway, I'm going to go get a drink and oh," he looked at me. "Christina told me to remind you to back off the bar. They don't any drunk Maddie incidents," he told me.

"Tu l'as eu," I giggled.
"You got it."

He sat down at the bar and called the bartender over.

"Are you staying with us tonight?" Corbyn asked.

"Yeah and that reminds me," I grabbed out my phone.

maddie 🌼
staying at the wdw house tonight, let tate know for me please

christina 💗
alright gorgeous

christina 💗
see you tomorrow?

maddie 🌼
bright and early 😌

"You didn't finish your beer," Jack pointed out.

"Nah I'm sorry. Can't finish it, it's horrible," I replied.

He laughed, "Understandable."

We walked into the Why Don't We house and I collapsed onto the couch.

"I'm exhausted as fuck," I groaned.

"Me too," Daniel fell down on the other side of the couch. "I'm going to have a massive hangover in the morning."

"You're drunk?"

"So drunk it doesn't feel like I'm drunk. I just want to get undrunked."

"Those are drunk words my friend," Jonah slurred. "I, on the other hand am not drunk."

"Are you sure?" I laughed.


"I'm seeing Lavender in the morning so I'm sober," Jack told us. "I'm staying over at Gabbie's house too. It's like a test trial to see how well we'd do living together."

"Why don't you just live together now? I mean you do have a daughter together," I mentioned.

"I know but she understands that this whole music business requires a lot of hard work and for it to be able to work out I have to live here."

"That's why you go out to clubs with your best friends?"

"Listen, I don't make sense right now. I am extremely tired so leave me alone," he laughed.

I turned over to lay on my back and stared up at the ceiling which I do quite often. "I had fun," I said randomly.

"I had fun too," Zach agreed.

"How did you get into the club?"

"Fake ID. Kay and I got one together."

"Huh," I raised my eyebrows. "You know people?"

"I know people," he reassured. "How did you get in?"

I got up to look at him, "Um... With my real ID because I'm actually of legal age. You should go to bed and sleep off all the alcohol. You're one of the dumb drunks aren't you?"

Daniel bursted out laughing, "She called you dumb."

"You should also go to sleep," I told him.

"Fine but only because I feel like complete crap," he got up and left the room.

"And I'm going to my own bedroom to my own bed without Daniel because I want to sleep without him," Zach softly said and walked out to his OWN bedroom to his OWN bed WITHOUT Daniel.
I laughed at his weirdness. I love Zach but sometimes he could be a little bit loopy.

"Have you been feeling okay?" Christian sat down next to me after coming in from the kitchen where the rest of the boys were at.

"Yeah why?"

"I don't know. You've been distant I guess. You've been hanging around Daniel a lot lately."

"That's because ever since you and I started dating I haven't made time for him as my best friend so I'm making up the time for that," I lied. Remember when I said I'm good at acting?

"Oh. I just don't like it, that's all but I understand. Us not seeing each other as much is my fault anyway with juggling an actual job and a YouTube career. I've been streaming a lot."

"I see that," I smiled lightly. Me hanging out with Daniel is making him jealous and I don't know how to feel about it. It mostly just makes me feel more guilty for what I've been doing behind his back. "But trust me, you have nothing to worry about between me and Dani. We are just friends."

"I know that. It's not that I'm jealous which I kind of am but it's because of that whole who's the better Seavey argument."

I looked at him with wide eyes and he started laughing. I realized he was joking so I laughed with him, "You jerk. I thought this was going to be one of those 'stay away from him' kind of things."

"I wouldn't do that. I love that he makes you happy and I love your close friendship."

Yeah, our close friendship. Our very very close friendship.

"Oh, by the way it's Anna. Anna's the better Seavey," I laughed.

"That's okay, I still love you anyway."

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