{68} Hate To Love You

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Song lyric is from: I Still Do -Why Don't We

I've waited long enough for this moment; the moment I finally break up with Christian and tell him everything. It's happening today.

"Aren't you like three months pregnant now?" Kay asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I'm actually four months now but you know... They won't think that for very long.

"Um yeah," I took a sip from my apple juice juice box.

"So I see that Jack now gifts both you and Daniel apple juice in juice boxes," she joked.

"He sent some home with me after him and Gabbie had tricked me into babysitting Lavender for almost a day."

"It wasn't a trick if you willingly showed up."

I smiled, "Anyway I prefer orange juice so it's been a huge laugh in the face from Daniel. We used to argue over which one his better."

"I know. It got so annoying," she laughed. "I bet he's winning that argument."

"Only for a few more months so I'm letting him brag as much as he wants for now. What sucks is that even the smell of orange juice makes me sick. I can already imagine the amount of hate this child will give me for food I cook."

"I can't wait," she giggled.

"Hey do you know if Christian is with the guys today?" I asked. "He mentioned it earlier but I really need to talk to him."

"I don't think that's until later."


maddie 🌼
can you come over when you're available to do so?

christian 😳
yeah sure

christian 😳
is everything okay?

maddie 🌼

"Merde," I cursed.

"What?" Kay looked at me.

"Oh sorry. I cuss in French when I'm frustrated."

"Wait, why are you frustrated?"

"I just have plans today. Promise me you won't hate me after what I do?"

"I promise but are you okay?"

"I'm great."

"What do you want?" Christian asked kind of in a rude way. This should make it easier.

"Are you mad at me?"

"No Sawyer is just pissing me off. He's changed since he left for Paris."

"Oh. You might want to sit down for what I'm going to tell you."

"I'm fine standing," he crossed his arms. God damn, what is this?

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