{7} I Could Drink A Whole Damn Case

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Song lyric is from: Unbelievable -Why Don't We

"Here," I handed the bouncer my ID. I'm finally legally allowed to go inside a club. I've done it before illegally with a fake ID Kay somehow managed to get for me and the girls but now I don't need it anymore.

"Go on in," he moved out from the doorway and I walked in. The stench of alcohol already burning my nose and the music playing so loudly. I immediately found everyone crowded at the bar so I walked over to them.

"You made it!" Christian put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. We're talking again and his reasoning for avoiding me is that he's been super busy. Sometimes I feel like he's just losing feelings for me.
Daniel, Christina, Tate, Kay, and Christian invited me to the club just to hangout. Kay and I are counting it as or rain check from a few weeks ago.
It's kind of like a late celebration from my twenty-first birthday a couple months ago when I didn't have the time to have my first legal drink.

"She'll have a sex on the beach," Christina told the bartender as she ordered for me.

"Really?" I started to laugh.

"Oh my bad. Wrong joke, you're a virgin," Christina giggled at me.

"You're a virgin?" Daniel raised his eyebrows in surprise.


"You and Christian don't-" he was cut off.

"Not until we're married," Christian interrupted. "It's okay, I'm fine with it," he patted Daniel on the back. For some reason I have a feeling he isn't okay with it. We've had the conversation a couple months into our relationship and he promised me he would respect it and wait. Two years has been a really long time without him having sex so I'm really hoping that's not what he's doing when he isn't talking to me.

The bartender handed me my drink and I took a sip of it feeling the burning sensation in my throat.
"It's good, right?" Daniel laughed at my reaction.

"So good," I smiled.

"Give me a sex on the beach too," he told the bartender.

I gasped, "Is this a joke to make fun of me?"

"Why would it be considering that I too am a virgin?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "You're fucking lying. Do you ever look in the mirror?"

He laughed, "I do actually. Nobody's ever wanted me that way. I don't remember the last time I had a girlfriend."

"You're attractive, I'm sure there's a girl out there that would do that with you."


The bartender returned with his drink.

"Hey, Maddie come dance with us," Tate grabbed my arm and pulled me to the middle of the room where everyone was dancing. Christina and Kay were doing some kind of dirty dance and it looked so awkward but attracted quite a bit of guys. They pretended Corbyn and Zach were there to avoid having other guys hit on them, it was kind of funny hearing one of them yell for their boyfriend when they aren't even here.

"Help!" Christian yelled. I walked over to the table he was at and Daniel was sitting in the booth bent over to throw up into a trash can next to him.

"Oh God, that's horrifying," I made a disgusted face.

"Can you drive him home? I will owe you one," Christian randomly said.

"No way, I'm with the girls."

"Please baby. He can't stay, he's literally throwing up. He drove us here so I need to stay and take his car back to the Why Don't We house."

"Fine," I grabbed Daniel's arm and pulled him out of the booth. "Let's go."

"No, no, no," Daniel whined. "I-I'm won't leave."

"I'm? Daniel, you can't even English right."

I dragged him out of the club and opened the passenger side of my car in which he almost threw up on the door but luckily turned around in time to miss the car.
"I hate you," he got in.

"No you don't."

"I would if you weren't always so nice to me."

"Man, I'm sorry," I said sarcastically. I got in the drivers side.

"Wait!" Christina yelled and her and Tate walked towards the car.

"What?" I rolled my window down.

"We're going home. Kay is leaving with Zach, he came to pick her up and there is no way we're staying with your boyfriend," Tate explained as they both got in the back seat of the car.

"D-Don't take me to my house. Take me with y-you," Daniel slurred.

"Why?" I pulled out of the parking lot.

"The guys make fun of me plus Kay will be staying in Zach's room. It gets annoying you know."

"Wait, I think he's sobering up," Christina laughed and Tate punched her arm playfully.

"Oh trust me, I am not sober," Daniel chuckled. "Please l-let me stay with you guys."

"Okay fine," I caved and took him to my shared apartment with the girls. They helped me walk him into the elevator and into the apartment.

"Alright, I'm going to head to bed," Christina told us.

"Me too," Tate started walking towards her room. "Goodnight and good luck with him," she laughed.

"Thanks," I replied.

They disappeared into their rooms and it got quiet.

"Fuck, I feel like I just drank a whole damn case of that sex on the beach," Daniel groaned and sat at the counter to put his head down from exhaustion.

"Why did you drink so much?" I grabbed a cup and filled it with water for him.

"I don't know but I regret it." I handed him the cup. "Thank you," he took a sip.

"I'll get you some blankets and pillows," I walked into my room and to my closet to grab extra blankets and pillows I have. I carried them out to the living room and put them on the couch.

"You can sleep on the couch tonight. I don't want you to think you're expected to leave early in the morning so whenever is fine," I told him.

"Alright," he got up and laid down slowly onto the couch. "I'm feeling a bit better."

"Good, don't ever get this drunk again."

"No promises," he smirked.

I laughed a little, "See you in the morning, Daniel."

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