{66} Until The Sun Comes Up

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Song lyric is from: What Am I -Why Don't We
(Thank you guys for reading this story and commenting, it means a lot as a writer and also please let me know if you like this pregnancy storyline I wasn't sure about it)

group chat
babysitting purposes 🍼

gabriela 💜
we've got a proposition for you

maddie 🌼
a babysitting proposition?

jack 💛
of course what else? duh mads you got pregnancy brain

gabriela 💜
do NOT say that to a pregnant woman jack

jack 💛

maddie 🌼
lmao anyway what's the proposition?

gabriela 💜
pack an overnight bag and come to my house as soon as possible :)) trust me you won't regret it

maddie 🌼
this isn't a sleepover is it?

jack 💛
it's somewhat of one

I grabbed a backpack and packed an extra set of clothes and my phone charger. I don't need much I'll probably be leaving in the morning when Gabbie gets sick of me actually getting sick.

I grabbed my car keys and went down to the parking garage. I got into my car and drove down to the beach where Gabbie's house is at.
I walked in to see Gabbie holding Lavender and Jack waiting for me to come inside.

"Here you go," Gabbie handed me Lavender. "You're staying over and babysitting Lavy like she's your daughter. You'll raise her until the morning."

"I thought you said this was a sleep over," I gave them a look of confusion.

Jack chuckled, "I said it's somewhat of a sleepover. You're having a sleepover with Lav and Gabbie is having a sleepover with me at the Why Don't We house."

"I'm going to be here alone? With your child? For twenty-four hours?"

"It won't be a full day and you've done it before," Gabbie told me.

"Yeah for a couple hours when you're out on dates."

"Hey, think of this as practice for when you have the baby. You'll thank us later," Jack walked towards the door. "See ya and please keep our daughter safe."

"I promise I will. I love her just as much as you do."

"I doubt that and you'll find out soon. Nobody will love your child as much as you will."

"He's not wrong," Gabbie agreed.

"Well I love her deeply so I'll keep her safe and take good care of her."

"Thank you and good luck. Also she hasn't had dinner yet, alright bye!"

They both left leaving me alone with Lavender.

"Oh wow. You're getting heavy," I giggled and set her down on the floor.

"Eat. Eat," she told me.

I smiled, "Okay do you want spaghetti? I can smell some spaghetti."

She nodded.

"Okay Lavy. Go play, it'll only take a bit to cook it," I walked into the kitchen and found the spaghetti noodles in a container above the stove. Gabbie likes to keep things organized. "Man, where does she keep the sauce?" I looked in the fridge unaware of where the spaghetti sauce would be. "Wait," I opened the pantry and found it on the middle shelf. Sometimes I like to talk out loud.

I finished putting everything together and set Lavenders little table up. She doesn't need a high chair anymore now that she's two, it's to help her practice eating at the big people table even though Jack and Gabbie bought her a small one.
I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured spaghetti into, letting it cool down in the fridge for a bit.
Once it was done cooking I set it on the table. "There you go sweetheart," I smiled at her.
I still remember the day she was born, everyone waiting in the waiting area and Jack falling asleep in the room while Gabbie was in labor. It's a story they love to tell and well definitely remember forever.
I wonder what my labor story will be like and if it'll be just as interesting.

I turned the TV on and put it on YouTube, clicking on the first Why Don't We music video I saw which was Slow Down.

"Look Lav, who is that?" I asked

"Daddy," she replied.

"Yes. That's your daddy and want to know a secret?"
She didn't answer but I didn't expect her to.
"Your uncle Daniel is my baby's daddy but no one knows." She smiled at me as if she understood but I knew she didn't. "Don't ever cheat on your future boyfriends, okay? Be loyal and make sure who you're with is who you want to be with. A lot of bad things can come out of picking the wrong person especially if they're brothers." She stuffed her mouth full of noodles and I laughed, "Thank you for listening."

I got myself a plate of spaghetti and sat at the table with her. I'm surprised I fit in these small ass chairs.

After we finished eating I checked the time off my phone.

Tuesday, July 20

"It's time for bed," I told her. She lifted her arms up for me to hold her so I obliged. "You're easy to take care of. I thought I would have to put up a fight to get you ready for bed."

I walked into her room to grab pajamas and then took her back to the living room to lay her down on the couch. I changed her diaper and then put her pajamas on. I'm pretty sure she's being potty trained but just in case; she's still wearing diapers. Gabbie told me they're going to stop when she's three though.

I took her back to her room and kissed her cheek. "Goodnight Lavy and tell your mom and dad I did a great job," I laid her down in her crib and she started to cry. Hard. "I know this trick. You cry because you don't want to go to sleep but you eventually do. You do this to me for nap time all the time," I turned the lights off and closed her bedroom door.

maddie 🌼
I think I can do this

daniel 💙
do what?

maddie 🌼
raise a baby

daniel 💙
good because we're doing it together ♥️

I'm sorry if this was a boring chapter. Let's just say you should look forward to chapter 68 😏

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