{73} Sky's So Clear

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Song lyric is from: Taking You -Why Don't We
(I'm sorry everything is going so slow. I have to keep you guys entertained for 100 chapters 👀)

I pushed in two heavy boxes. "No!" Christina yelled at me. "Don't strain yourself are you crazy!" She grabbed the boxes to push into the apartment. "Where do you want them? Your room? What the hell is this anyway?"

"God I hate playing twenty questions; And yes I want them in my room and it's a crib and changing table. Daniel's coming over to help me set it up in my room since that's going to have to be the nursery for a while."

"Don't worry. When Corbyn and I get married baby boy Seavey can take my room."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Also where are you going to put his clothes? Your closet is pact."

"I'm going to have to do something with the clothes in my dresser and put them in there but thanks for reminding me that I'm not prepared."

"You will be," she stopped talking to push the boxes into my room, becoming completely out of breath.

"Get out. I'm here to help," Corbyn said in the most respectful way while standing in my doorway with Daniel behind him.

"Corbyn, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Thought I could lend you and Daniel some help."

"He forced me," Daniel whispered.

"I wish you would say you were here for me but I get it," Christina laughed lightly.

"Later and I'll be right over to your room so we can hangout," he kissed her quickly and she left the room. "This wouldn't be fun if we didn't play music. Do you mind?" He looked at my speaker.

"No go ahead," I told him.

"Thank you. You should stream The Good Times And The Bad Ones album a lot more, you know."

"You're going to play it aren't you?"

"I wouldn't be Corbyn Besson if I didn't."

"He does this at the house too. Pretty sure half our stream count is because of him," Daniel chuckled.

"I'm letting you get a dog, Daniel!" Corbyn mentioned.

"You're getting a dog?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yes I'm naming him Kobe. The only reason why this is allowed is because Jonah asked for a cat which he's naming Wes by the way."

"Oh great. A house full of animals," I laughed. "Let's get this started because I'd like to finish before tonight."

"Me too," Corbyn grabbed a box to open which was the crib.

"You should paint the walls a baby blue," Daniel suggested.

"Yeah but I think I'm going to wait until Christina moves out. She said the baby can have her room and then we can paint it."

"So she told you were going to get a place together after we get married?" Corbyn asked after putting a couple pieces together. We were all sitting in the floor by now.

"Yeah and I'm pretty bummed. I'll miss her."

"We were pretty bummed too to find out Corbyn was leaving. It's time we all get a place separately though. I mean Jack has a daughter so he should be living with Gabbie plus we all know Jonah and Tate are going to get married," Daniel grabbed the other box to open.

"What about Kay and Zach?"

"Uh I don't know yet. They've been kind of iffy."

"Really? I thought their on and off era was over."

"I just don't think that kind of love lasts."

"Daniel, what the fuck? Be more confident. That's Zach's relationship," Corbyn got defensive.

"Right my bad. I guess I wouldn't want anyone talking shit about my relationship."

"What relationship?"

I laughed, "He got you there." Daniel winked at me considering I'm somewhat having a relationship with him. "Do you guys have a date set for the wedding?" I asked Corbyn.

"No. We're still working on it but we're definitely going to do it after baby boy Seavey comes and you get settled in with him."

"That sucks. Now I feel like I'm delaying it for you guys."

"Don't worry about it. We both thought it would be best but it's not your fault at all."

"You delayed our tour though," Daniel joked and I hit him playfully."

"Asshole. It's not my fault somebody wanted to get me pregnant," I looked at him.

"Touché," he mumbled.

"C'est ce que je pensais," I giggled.
"That's what I thought."

"Tu as oublié que je peux parler un peu. Ha!"
"You forgot I can speak a bit."

I shook my head, "I knew you could understand me."

"What? Daniel, since when do you speak French?" Corbyn got confused.

"Since Maddie thought she could hide whatever she says to me by speaking in a different language," Daniel replied.

"I guess that makes sense. In that case I need to learn."

Actually the real reason is because Daniel thinks I think him speaking French is hot; it is but I think the hottest language is Italian ever since I watched Grey's Anatomy and heard Andrew DeLuca speak it. It will forever change my life and view of Italian guys.

We finished building the crib and the changing table, positioning them next to each other against my wall.

"It looks great. I think we did good," Daniel high fived both me and Corbyn.

"Not bad for my first time building furniture," I became proud of myself.

"Who built your furniture when you lived alone?"

"Jonah and Jack, my two favorite handyman."

"That's so weird."

"I know. They weren't really good at it but they did it."

Corbyn started laughing, "That makes so much sense. They suck at that stuff."

"Hey Jack is actually getting better," I defended.

"Whatever you say, Mads."

Daniel looked at my bed with piles on top of piles of baby clothes and blankets, "Where did you sleep last night?"

"My bed."

"It doesn't look very comfortable."

"I don't sleep in the middle of the bed that's why that stuff is all on one side. I'll take care of it when I feel like it."

Deception (1) {D.S.}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora