{20} Some Digging For That Gold

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Song lyric is from: These Girls- Why Don't We

I got in my closet and grabbed out a long gold sparkly dress and laid it down on my bed. I was saving it for a special event and because I couldn't wear it to the wedding hence the purple color scheme I decided that this would be the perfect time.
Keri is holding a charity gala to raise money for the homeless. She invited all her rich friends and me, the girls, and the guys for support since she's hosting.

anna 💋
pick you up at 8

anna 💋
don't get drunk this time okay?

maddie 🌼
how can I get drunk off of champagne? 😂

anna 💋
that's a very good point

"I'm a beauty guru check this out," Christina dragged Tate into my room to show me the make-up job she did on her.

"Perfect. Me next," I told her.

"Alright, follow me."

I followed her out of my room and to hers. I sat down on her vanity chair and faced her so she could start doing my make-up. Christina is a YouTuber that's goes by the name BeautyChickee, she mostly vlogs now but has done make-up videos in the past. She's always been claimed to gain fame from Corbyn when in reality they started dating before Why Don't We even became a band, so only her real fans would know she got them on her own. It's only by a few months but still, she did it by herself.

Christina finished my make-up and I turned around to look in the mirror on her vanity.

"This looks amazing, Chris. Thank you," I smiled at her.

"No problem now go get your dress on. Anna's coming to get you right?"

"Yeah at eight. What time is it now?"

"Um... Well, it took an hour to finish your make-up and we started at six so I'm assuming it's seven."

"Crap I have to get ready," I walked back to my room and grabbed the dress of my bed to change. I closed my door so I could change in private and stripped down. I slid the dress on and looked at myself in the full body mirror. Not bad.
I grabbed silver heels and put them on and then headed to my jewelry box so I could wear a necklace and a pair of earrings.

I plan on donating a large amount of money tonight to help out. I've always wanted to donate to a good cause.

I got into Anna's car, "Hey!"

"You look perfect, Maddie!" She exclaimed.

I looked down at her long black dress and smiled, "So do you, Anna!"

"If my brother doesn't fall in love with you tonight I will."

"Christian is in love with me," I giggled.

"Who said I was talking about that brother?"

I looked down. Everyone just wishes I was with Daniel and not Christian.

We got to the venue that gala is being held at and walked in together. I quickly found the boys and walked towards them.

"You look so good," Corbyn leaned down to hug me.

"You too."

"Where is Christina and Tate?"

"On their way. Tate had to go last minute dress shopping because she accidentally ruined the one she was going to wear."

"How did she do that?" Jonah asked.

"She thought it was would be nice to eat in a white dress."

Jonah chuckled, "Sounds like her."

"Mads?" I heard Daniel's voice from behind me. I turned around and smiled at him.

"You just can't stay away," I crossed my arms.

He raised his eyebrows, smirked and walked away. I guess that's his cue to finally leave me alone.

"Champagne?" Keri asked me when she saw me.

"Sure," I replied and she handed me a glass of champagne. "This place looks great by the way. Did you decorate?"

She nodded, "Carrie and I both did. She helped me."

Carrie Frantzich is Jonah's mother and she's a pretty damn good one. It makes me happy how close we all are; I'm close with the Why Don't We boys and their girlfriends, I'm treated like family by their families and I'm even best friends with Anna. We're all just one big family that was brought together by the band. It's amazing.

"Are you donating tonight?" Keri asked.

"I am, yeah."

She smiled, "That's good, Madeleine. Thank you." She walked away.

I looked towards the boys and Daniel was staring at me. He smirked and took a sip of his champagne. Champagne is actually not so bad.
He leaned against the wall and separated himself from the others. I raised my eyebrows and smiled.

Such a sneaky little bitch.

I grabbed my check book out of my hand bag and filled it out for $1,000, being an influencer has its pros.
I slipped the check into the donation box and went to a table to sit at.
Daniel wouldn't stop staring at me like he was silently begging for me to come talk to him.

The music got louder which was just slow classical music that matches perfectly to what a gala is about. My entire life I've thought of a gala as a party for older people to celebrate something but it's not that bad for younger adults like me. It feels great to donate to those in need and it feels great to be out of the apartment. I'm not sick anymore, it passed after a couple days so I feel completely fine.

"Kay couldn't make it," Zach sat down next to me. "I wish she would've came."

"Me too but you know her, always busy. She's doing really well with her music."

"I know, I'm so proud of her for it. She's always supported me and the guys with our music so it's my turn to support her."

"That's sweet."

He smiled at me, "Glad you guys got the Trust Fund Babies name. You should thank Ed Sheeran for that."

I laughed, "I would but he won't answer my dms."

"You tried?" He started to laugh hard.

"Duh, he's amazing!"

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