{14} Invitation

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Song lyric is from: Invitation -Why Don't We

"You made it!" Sydnie pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, Kristin said she has some news she wants to announce," I mentioned.

"Yes, over dinner."

I walked into the beautiful small house, the house that Jack grew up in. The Avery-Stanford family is my second favorite after the Seavey family. Both families are really nice and treat me like the own, I've said that before but it just amazes how different each family is compared to mine; lonely and under appreciated.

"Everyone's out in the back," Sydnie told me so I followed her to the back door and outside. The backyard is very big and fits everyone for this cook out.

"Maddie!" Kristin ran over to me and hugged me. "We missed you visiting. I think you'll love the news I have to share!"

"What is it?"

She smiled, "You'll find out when we start eating. Jack is grilling hamburgers."

"Oh no."

"They aren't bad, I promise," she laughed.

"Hey, funny seeing you here," Daniel nudged me.

"I was invited and you know that," I giggled.

"I don't remember that."

I playfully punched his arm, "Be quiet."

"Food will be ready in ten!" Jack shouted.

"Hey, tell me what Corbyn has been whispering to everybody but me," Christina walked up to me and crossed her arms.

"I'll leave you two," Daniel walked away.

"I can't tell you," I told her.

"Why not?"

"You'll just have to wait and see," I walked away from her before she could say anything else that might make me slip up. I could see Corbyn staring at us from a distance while he was with Zach and Jonah probably silently hoping I wouldn't tell Christina about his plan. He's worked so hard for this for awhile now and I praise him for trying to find a right place and time to do it. I can't wait until the day.

We waited for the food to get done and once it did we grabbed a plate and served ourselves. We sat around a table Kristin set up for us and began eating.

Kristin stood up and clinked her fork on her glass filled with water, "Alright, everybody's been waiting for the news that I have and want to share with you all today. I invited you all to this cookout because I wanted to celebrate." We started clapping.

"Hurry!" Isla, Jack's younger sister joked.

Kristin laughed a little, "Okay fine I'll skip to the point. I'm getting married!" She announced and held up her hand to show us the engagement ring. I didn't even notice it on her finger the entire time I've been here.

"Oh my God! Congratulations!" Christina smiled and we all congratulated her. This has been the best news all year.

"I also want to announce that I want you," she looked at me, Sydnie, Christina, Gabbie, Kay, and Tate. "To be my bridesmaids."

"I'd be honored!" I told her.

"Does that mean you all accept?" We nodded. "My fiancé wants you guys to be his groomsmen despite not meeting you yet. I told him a lot about you."

The guys looked at Jack. "I've met him and it's cool guys," he told them.

"Then we accept!" Jonah said.

"Yes! Thank you guys so much! The pairs are going to be Daniel and Maddie, Jonah and Tate, Corbyn and Christina, Jack and Gabbie, Zach and Kay, and then Eben will be walking down with Sydnie."

"Wait, Eben is going to be there?" Zach asked.


"How's tour going for him? We haven't spoke in so long."

"He's really good, I talked to him last night," Sydnie mentioned. That's cute.

I guess I'll be walking down the aisle with Daniel and he's forced to be my date to the wedding. The entire Seavey family is invited so I know Christian will be there. I rarely ever go to weddings let alone be in one so I feel incredibly thankful that Kristin is willing to allow me to be in hers especially since she has friends her own age so she didn't have to ask me to be apart of her special day. I love mama Stanford.

We all went back inside to celebrate seeing as it got darker outside. I watched after Lavender while Gabbie helped Jack clean up outside.

"So glad you talk to me now," Daniel said out of nowhere and I turned around to look at him.

"I've been talking to you since yesterday."

"I know and I'm happy that you chose to stop ignoring me after the dream you had."

"Daniel, I told you not to mention it again."

"I'm sorry," he chuckled.

"You aren't sorry."

"Not at all, may I?" He looked down at Lav.

"I don't know why you're asking, she's not my baby," I laughed.

He bent down and picked Lavender up. She smiled at the sight of him and quite frankly I would too if I was a baby and an attractive guy like him picked me up.

"Hi little Lavender, you look just like your daddy did you know that?" He caressed her cheek and I smiled. He's so good with babies he'd make an amazing father one day.

"That's sweet."

"What is?"

"You talk to her like that."

"I'm her uncle and favorite one at that, aren't I?" He asked Lavender and she giggled. She's so cute it makes me want to just get pregnant and have a baby. Is that weird? I think that's weird. "Where's Christian?"

"Beats me. I think we've been drifting," I looked down.

"Are you going to break up with him?"

"No I just think we should spend more time together."

"Yeah you've been spending more time with me than him."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"I just think you're giving people the wrong impression; they might think we're dating," he set Lavender down in a blanket so she could play with her toys.

"Alright, I'll just stop hanging out with you then."

"Come on now, don't do that."

"But people might think we're dating," I mocked him.

"Let them."

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