{15} Don't Change

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Song lyric is from: Don't Change -Why Don't We
kay kay 💍
can I use our rain check and ask to hangout today?

maddie 🌼

kay kay 💍
okay mall at 2pm?

kay kay 💍
we can go shopping for our bridesmaid dresses for the wedding

maddie 🌼
yess do you know the colors kristin is theming the wedding?

kay kay 💍
nope can you ask jack?

maddie 🌼

I switched the contact over to Jack.

maddie 🌼
what's the color scheme for the wedding?

jack 💛

Okay this should be easy. Purple is a pretty color so I'm just happy she didn't pick brown or something ugly. I can look good in purple; I don't want to show up looking like trash even though I probably should do all the attention is on Kristin instead. Ha I'm being insensitive my bad.

I checked the time on my phone reading:
Friday, December 4th

I took a shower and listened to Lotus Inn through a speaker I put in the counter. The boys released the music video a couple hours ago so it's been popular and trending on Twitter. I didn't talk much about the day the audio was released but it was pretty awesome. The limelights have been loving the new eps and just like me are overally excited for the album to come out in January.

I got dressed and waited for two to roll around so I can go to the mall with Kay; and once the time came I grabbed my car keys and headed down to my car.

I met up with Kay at the front entrance and we walked in together.

"It's been awhile since we've hung out just us two," she mentioned.

"I know we have to do it more," I told her.

We walked into a fancy formal clothing store. It's expensive as fuck but I'll get by.

"How about this?" Kay held up a sparkly purple dress.

"No sparkles I don't want to stand out," I rejected. "Do you like this?" I grabbed a long light purple dress.

"I love it! You should get that one."

"I think it would look so much more better on you," I held it up to her to see what she would like in it. "Yes take it this is yours."

She laughed. "In that case you should wear this," she handed me a dress similar to hers but strapless.

I gasped, "Oh my God. It sucks I'll only wear it once in my lifetime."

"You never know."

We walked over to the dressing rooms and went to separate stalls. I took my clothes off and slipped the dress on. It fit perfectly.
I looked in the mirror to see what it looked like on me and I love it. Since I hardly dress formally it felt weird to see myself like this and actually not looking like trash.

I walked out to show Kay and her jaw dropped and so did mine once I saw her in her dress.

"You look amazing Zach is going to freak!" I told her.

"No way look at you! You'll get Daniel and Christian's attention at the wedding," she laughed.

"Kay! Christian is the only man in my life."

"Yeah yeah."

I laughed and walked back into my dressing room to change into my own clothes. When I finished I walked back out to see Kay was already changed out.

"I'm buying, the dresses are on me," I announced.

"No, there's no way I'm going to let you pay for my dress. We can pay for our own."

"But you're my best friend and now you can't say I never gave you anything," I carried both dresses to the register and paid for them.

"I owe you for this."

"No you don't."

"How about pretzels?"

I smirked, "Okay maybe you do owe me."

We walked out and took the escalator to the second floor to go to a famous pretzel place we have here in LA. It's one of the best which is why I'm okay with it being payment from Kay for paying for her dress even though I did that because she's my best friend and because she's done so much for me.

"How may I help you?" The guy at the counter asked us when we walked in. We ordered our food and found a small table against the wall we could sit at.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" Kay randomly asked.

"Actually yeah. I'm really happy for Kristin and she deserves to be happy."

"Any idea who the guy is?"

"Nope but I guess we'll see."

We got our pretzels and ate them.

"Today's been really fun," Kay told me.

"It really has been. I missed hanging out with you."

"I miss hanging out with you too and hey, if anything happens with you and Daniel I should know first right?"

I laughed, "Nope because nothing will happen."

"The more you say that the more it's unlikely to be true."

"Is that even logical?"

"It's logical in my head."

"Well, it's not logical at all."

"Yes it is," she laughed.

"You're a little twisted in the head, did you know that?"

"I do now and I'm not ashamed. I'm just being myself."

"I know that and don't change, Kay Cook. You're perfect the way you are."

"Oh my God, are we about to kiss right now?" She moved her eyebrows up and down and we both started laughing hysterically.

"I'm game if you are," I joked just making us laugh even harder.

Kay and I have been best friends ever since Zach introduced her to the Why Don't We boys and the Trust Fund Babies. Me and the girls agreed to ask her to be apart of our group so here we are, two years strong.
I never explained why us girls are called the Trust Fund Babies and it's because when the song came out limelights started calling us the Trust Fund Babies because were the girlfriends of the band except me. They added me because I'm shipped with Daniel but I've let it happen and joined in anyway.

That's probably not a good idea.

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