{26} One Way Ticket Pt. 3

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Song lyric is from: Come To Brazil -Why Don't We

"Wake up!" Christian shook me awake. "We're going swimming."

I groaned, "What the hell?" I looked out the window and saw that it's still very much dark out. "What time is it?"

"Don't get mad, it's 4am."

"And you couldn't wait till later?" I got up off the end now that I'm fully awake.

"Swimming is so much better at this time and besides we need to try out that hot tub on the balcony."


"I woke up Daniel too," he left the room.

Daniel, oh fuck. My eyes widened as the memories just a few hours ago rushed through my head. Today is day three of our Las Vegas trip, the last day actually and I already screwed it up.

What was I even thinking?

I closed the bedroom door to change into my swimsuit, a black bikini. Not the best choice considering my situation.

My lying cheating situation.

I walked out of the room and to the balcony. I opened the sliding doors to step outside, it was warm out and it felt nice.
Daniel instantly locked eyes with me but I quickly looked away. I got into the hot tub and sat next to Christian with Daniel on the other side. The hot water helps to wake me up even more now so I'm aware of my surroundings and what the hell I'm doing.

"I'm sorry I woke you up so early. What time did you go to sleep?" Christian asked.

"Like an hour after you did. I took a shower first."

"Yeah I heard the water running."

Daniel and I exchanged glances because if he heard the water running in the shower I wonder what else he heard.

"Did Daniel take one too?" Christian cocked his head to the side.

"Uh yeah, after Maddie was done," Daniel answered.

"And you left the water running?" Christian looked at me.

"Well, yeah he was just getting in right after me I didn't see the point to turn the water off. Why are you interrogating us?" I know why but I can't make him even more suspicious.

"Never mind. I'm just in too over my head. We go back later tonight, ready?"

"Nope. I don't want to go back home," I looked over the balcony at the city.

"I don't want to either but our life is in Los Angeles. I'm glad you both enjoyed it here though we should go on more trips together."

"Yes definitely," I smiled even though I'm a little scared to find out what another trip with the Seavey brothers would go and what other guilt tripping ideas I come up with involving Daniel.

"I'll be back, I'm going to get us some drinks," Christian got out of the hot tub and dried himself off to go back inside.

"Okay listen," Daniel moved over to sit next to me. "Can we talk about what happened when we get back home in LA?"

I nodded, "I think we need to."

"Okay," he moved back to the other side of the hot tub and Christian came back out with cans of coke.
He handed us one and I popped the tab open to take a drink.

I can sincerely say that the saying whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas can come in handy.


Maddie @MadsBlanshay tweeted:
on my way back to la!! will miss my days in vegas

^@maddiefan1 replied:
hope it was fun!

^maddiefan2 replied:

^limelight1 replied:
can you tell daniel to follow me please

^limelight2 replied:
do we get daddie content
^MadsBlanshay replied to limelight2:
^limelight2 replied to MadsBlanshay:
maniel* 😂

Daniel • WHY DON'T WE @SeaveyDaniel replied:
my world is ending without lv in my life :(

Tatum @TateDoll replied:
finafuckingly babes we missed you

We put our suitcases in the trunk of the car and got in our seats. I sat in the back again with Daniel because Christian insisted. Hopefully this trip will go back faster than the trip over here but since I'm sad and don't want to leave I doubt the car ride will be fast.

Christian stopped at a steak and shake so we can get some food for the ride back. It's somewhat a little light out, the sky is a dark blue but any minute it will be black. We left a lot earlier than we did when we left Los Angeles. We'll probably get back home around 11pm so it will still be late.

I ended up falling asleep on Daniel's shoulder but Christian didn't think anything of it since we're just best friends. I only know this because I woke up a few times. Sleeping in cars aren't that comfortable.

I unlocked my apartment door, now alone and walked inside. Christina and Tate came running out of their rooms and jumped on top of me to hug me.

I started laughing, "I missed you guys!"

"We missed you too!" Christina hugged me again but tightly. "Tell us all about the trip! How beautiful is Los Vegas?"

"So beautiful especially at night! And there's not much to tell about the trip, we mostly stayed in and definitely enjoyed the hot tub on the balcony of the hotel room."

"No way! Christian reserved a fancy hotel room? Damn, Daniel was third wheeling so hard," Tate laughed.

"He told us no PDA," I smiled and pursed my lips together.

"Sounds like him," Christina added.

"Anyway, I'm so tired so I'm going to head to bed," I told them.

"Okay, goodnight."

I walked into my room, seeing it for the first time in three days was so weird to me.
I changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down in my bed. I stared up at the ceiling, I thought that sleeping with Daniel the first time would be easier to forgive and forget but I did t again, in the shower this time and there's no way I'm getting out of this.

And I don't want to. I love doing this with Daniel.

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