{35} I Know I Said I'll Be Your Friend

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Song lyric is from: Hard -Why Don't We

"I'm heading to the café," I announced while walking towards the front door.

"Alright, see you later," Christina waved me off and I left downstairs to the coffee place that we call the café. I opened the door, hearing the dinging of the bell above me and made my way over to the counter up front.
I ordered an expresso and found a table in the middle of the room. It's a chilly morning which is weird because it's rarely cold in LA so a hot expresso seems appropriate.

"Hey," Daniel sat down in the chair in front of me.

"Hey, funny seeing you here."

"Oh because you invited me?"

I laughed, "Yes. I didn't think you would come."

"Well, I did so what's up?"

"We haven't hung out where we just talk and not about what we've been doing."

"It does make for a good conversation."

I scoffed, "Maybe in another world where I'm single." I took a sip of my expresso once it arrived.

"Anyway, we're friends right?"

"The bestest," I smiled.

"So where's my necklace?" He smirked and I started laughing.

"There's a very good explanation for that."

"I'm sure there is."

"There is, Dani. It's in a drawer in my vanity for the reason of why the fuck would I wear a necklace with your name on it?"

"To show that you love me."

"What's your definition of that?"

He chuckled and looked down, "You're taking it wrong. It's to show that you love me as a friend because you know I said I'll be your friend until the end of time."

"That's true and I do love you."

He grabbed my hand so he was holding it, "I love you too, as a friend of course."

"Oh my God!" A girls voice yelled. I quickly took my hand away from Daniel. "Your Maddie Blanchet and Daniel Seavey! I love you both so much!"

"We love you too," Daniel answered for the both of us.

"Are you dating?"

"No definitely not," I said a little too quickly.

"It looks like it. Can I get a picture with you both?"

"Of course."

We both got up from the table and the girl held out her phone to take a picture with us. "Thank you!" She skipped away and we started laughing.

"Does it look like we're dating?" I asked.

"I mean we were just holding hands and we're alone at a table together," he replied.

"Then we're fucked if this gets out."

"No, you my friend would be the one fucked because of Christian."

"He's your brother."

"Exactly. He has to forgive me for this one day but with you he doesn't have to."

I frowned, "Wow thanks."

"I didn't mean it that way."

"No, it's fine. I have to get back upstairs so I'll see you later," I got up and left back to the apartment leaving Daniel alone at the table. What he said kind of hurt me but he's right. If Christian finds out about us it will be Daniel that he forgives one day. He can just stop talking to me and that would be it but he'll see Daniel at family events and eventually he'd have to talk to him.

"We have to talk!" Christian stormed into my apartment. Tate and Christina are out with Jonah and Corbyn but I wish they were here right now.


"What the hell is this?" He showed me a picture of Daniel and I holding hands at the café.

"It's not what it looks like."

"That's literally what everyone says on TV when it's exactly what it looks like."

"Christian, we're just friends I swear to you."

"So tell me why it feels like your lying."

I put my hands on my hips, "Have I ever lied to you?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "How am I supposed to know? You're a pretty damn good actor."

"Are you fucking kidding me? I am not into Daniel. You're my boyfriend! I am in love with you not him!"

"You're always around him!"

"I told you it's because I don't spend enough time with him! I'm trying to make up for it!"

"What about me? We never talk anymore."

"Because of your job, because you just had to pay Sams hospital bills and went broke. It's you that doesn't have any time for me!"

"My bad for wanting to do something nice for your best friends family since you couldn't do it!"

My mouth fell open, "Why would you say that?"

"N-No I didn't mean that way I'm so sorry," he was quick to apologize.

I backed away from him, "For your information the reason why I didn't help is not because I couldn't. I didn't help because I didn't know that they needed it. It doesn't make me a bad friend!"

"I didn't say that you were a bad friend."

"Yeah but you basically said that I am."

"You're over exaggerating."

"Get out."


"I said get out. I don't want to talk to you anymore. I can't even believe you would frame me for cheating and then call me a bad friend to Gabbie."

"I'm sorry," he left.

I feel horrible for yelling at him for the cheating thing because it's true. I am cheating on Christian but he had no right to call me a bad friend. We can get past this argument, I know we can but I don't think we'll ever get past the Daniel thing if he ever finds out and I have an odd feeling that he will one day but not on his own.

I feel like one of us will tell him and it would be in a bad situation because that's the people that we are.
I am a bad person and I'm turning Daniel into a liar.
I just don't know how long I can keep this up and I need to do something before it gets too out of hand.

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