{58} We're On Different Sides Though, Lost In The Echo

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Song lyric is from: Talk -Why Don't We

maddie 🌼
happy birthday zachy! 🥳

zach 🤙🏼
thank you !!

zach 🤙🏼
heyyy you're invited to my small party tonight at the wdw house so please come 🥺

maddie 🌼
I'll be there but should I be worried? considering you're the host

zach 🤙🏼

zach 🤙🏼
it'll be fun and amazing, you'll see :))

maddie 🌼
whatever you say

This party will be a disaster but for Zach I'd do anything to see him happy and besides, today is his day. May 27th 2021, his 20th birthday. He will no longer be a teenager but an adult like the rest of our group.
I couldn't be any prouder of how far he's come with his career and just life in general.

Tonight came quickly because most of my day consisted of chilling in my room with no one to bother me. I've been staying away from Daniel and hoped that my feelings for him will go away which they still haven't. It just makes me want him more.
But what he doesn't know is that I'm planning on breaking up with Christian very soon even though I already know Daniel's views on that situation.

"We're leaving and I hope you're coming with," Christina came into my room.

"I am," I got off my bed and followed her and Tate downstairs to the parking garage. I sat in the backseat and let Tate get shotgun since she always loves to be in the front.

We got to the Why Don't We house and as soon as I seen Zach inside I jumped on his back.

"Maddie!" He yelled.

I got off of him, "Happy birthday buddy."

"Thank you," he kissed my cheek. "I made Jonah get me a two tier cake that way everyone gets sent home with leftovers."

"You know me so well."

"I thought of you," he winked and walked away.

Daniel came out of his room with Christian and we awkwardly stared at each other.

"You know what they call this?" Tate whispered.


"Deception. You're lying to yourself and to them. Be with who you want to be with," she walked away from me.
I'm a deceiver.

"Can we talk?" Daniel asked once Christian left him to talk to Jonah and Jack.


He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards his room. Zach eyed me down on my way there but I ignored it.
Daniel closed the door and let go of my arm, "I'm so sorry for... You know but I really want us to be best friends again and go back to normal."

"Daniel, it hasn't been normal between us since Kristin's wedding."

"I know but I mean before you said what you said."

Deception (1) {D.S.}Where stories live. Discover now