{6} Unbelievable

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Song lyric is from: Unbelievable -Why Don't We

I put my leggings and hoodie over my swimsuit. Today I'm going to the beach with the girls and the guys. Christian got an actual job so he's not able to go since today is his first day working. I've been proud of him lately for trying to get out of his parents house and get a new place even more proud that he helped Gabbie's family pay for Sam's hospital bills.
My room has been coming together very nicely, it's been a week since Daniel helped me paint the walls and it looks pretty. I rearranged my room a few times since I moved in but I think I finally have it the way that I want it. I'm going for a yellow theme since it keeps my happy.

I walked out to the living room where Christina and Tate were waiting for me.

"I got the beach bag," Christina told me while raising the bag up. "I grabbed a few towels for us."

"Okay so are we ready to go then?" I asked.

"Yep," Tate opened the door to walk out and we followed behind. We took my car after playing Rock Paper Scissors in the parking garage to see who would be driving, we all hate driving let alone carpooling. I've always been afraid to drive because I'm worried about car accidents so when someone else is in the car it scares me even more thinking that I'll be responsible for it.

I drove to Malibu beach and parked next to Corbyn's car. I think the boys rode with him, his car can fit them all somehow.
We got out of the car and walked down the concrete stairs onto the sand. I took my shoes off so I could feel it on my feet and carried them the rest of the way down. We found the guys and set the towels down to sit on.

"Aren't those for drying when your wet?" Corbyn asked.

I nodded, "Yes but you don't expect us to sit in the sand do you?"

"You could just wash it off in the water."

I looked out at the water where the waves were crashing and the sound of seagulls above. It's a beautiful sight.

"It's a girl thing," I responded. "We forgot chairs."

"Makes sense."

"Hey, Maddie!" Daniel got out of the water and cane running over to me. I smiled at him. "What's up?" He asked.

"If you want me in that water it's not happening. Not yet."

"Take your clothes off."

I gasped playfully, "You shouldn't say that, Daniel."

He started laughing, "You know what u mean."

I took my leggings and hoodie off and he looked me up and down.

"No!" I yelled at him and started walking towards the water.

"Race you!" He started running towards the water so I ran behind him, once I got closer I jumped into his back causing him to start laughing. "Cheater!"


"I am not a cheater!"

We finally got into the water and I pushed him into the deeper end.

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