{78} Look At Me (Free)

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Song lyric is from: Look At Me (unreleased at the time of this chapter) -Why Don't We & Free -Why Don't We

"Oh my God!" I ran to the small black puppy that was walking around the Why Don't We house and scooped him up into my arms.

"This is Kobe!" Daniel excitedly said.

"And that's Wes," Jonah pointed to his dark colored cat. I put down Kobe to hold Wes.

"They're so cute! Do they get along?" I asked.

"Surprisingly yes."

"Hey," Christian walked in without knocking on the front door.

"Christian?" Daniel cocked his head to the side.

"Can I talk to you? You and Maddie?"

"Um sure," I frowned and followed them outside.

"Are you finally going to hit me? I don't blame you if you do," Daniel looked down.

"No I'm not going to hit you. I came here to forgive you both," Christian told us.

"What? I told you that's not what we're expecting from you," I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"I know but you guys are important in my life and yes I'm so broken for what you both did to me but sooner or later I'm going to have to forgive you whether you expected it or not."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've been thinking about it. I'm not going to get over it for awhile but I just wanted to let you both know that I'll support you and I can do anything you need me to do."

"Okay then I need you to think about this again. I don't want you walking into something you aren't ready for."

"I walked into a relationship with you that you obviously weren't ready for. I think I'll be fine."

"Really?" Daniel raised his eyebrows. "Because you saying that to her just now doesn't seem like it."

"Please just take my forgiveness," he walked away before we could answer so we both went back inside.

"That was so weird," I sighed.

"Right?" Daniel was so shocked. Christians forgiveness was definitely not expected to happen today and I actually didn't expect it to happen for a very long time, maybe until they next Seavey family reunion but it happening now did make me feel more free. "Come with me, I want to show you something."

"Okay," I followed Daniel into his brown themed room. He grabbed a box from his closet and set it down on his bed. I sat down next to it and crossed my legs, grabbing out what looked like a book from the box.

"Books?" I asked.

"Baby books my mom got for Tyler. It was passed down to each of us and she was wanting to give it to us for the baby."

I put the book down and my eyes started to tear up.

"Wait why are you crying? Is this bad? I'm so sorry," he started freaking out.

"No sorry, it's my hormones. This is just- this is just so sweet."

He let out a breath, "She was going to give them to you herself but I went to to see her so she gave them to me instead."

"Keri's amazing."

"So she's been told," he chuckled.

I leaned back to lay down on his bed, putting my hands over my belly. "I can't remember if I asked you this before but why is your walls painted brown?"

"Maddie," he laid down next to me. "Do you know what color your eyes are?"

"Yeah they're brown."

"And how long do you think I've been in love with you for?"

"I don't know... A few months unless you never stopped from when you said you loved me when we first met."

"I never let you into my room until recently because I was sure you would figure it out."

"I don't understand."

"But I see that shouldn't have been something to worry about."

"Daniel- OH!"

"Don't say it like that!"

"You painted your walls brown because of my eyes?" I whispered. "You were willing to paint a really ugly color on your walls?"

"Your eyes are more like a caramel color, a lighter brown and even though you claim they're ugly and darker then they actually are I couldn't help but paint my walls because it's the most beautiful thing about you. My room reminds me of you."

"Daniel, I just can't believe you did this."

"Are you mad?" He got worried.

"No I'm not mad! This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me," I leaned over and kissed him softly. "I love you."

He smiled, "Man, I can't wait until that damn wedding so you can be my girlfriend."

"Oh yeah? You're hot so imagine how I feel every time you post and I can't claim you as my boyfriend."

He grabbed my hand to hold it, "Corbyn and Christina need to set a date already so I can start a countdown."

"I 100% agree."

"I feel so bad for the baby. He can hear us you know?"

"He can?"

"Yeah I read about it."

I looked at my stomach, "Hey little guy. I'm so sorry you have to hear your mommy and daddy attempt to flirt but your dad is very attractive so expect a lot of girls to like you. You're definitely going to get his good looks."

"Or your mommys," Daniel put his hand over mine. "You're going to love her."

I smiled, "You're going to love us both."

"How do you feel about private school for him?" Daniel changed the subject.

"Private school? Hell no, he's being homeschooled. There is no way Daniel Seaveys son is going to an actual school with how fast you're growing in fame."

"I guess that makes sense and I agree."

Just four more months until we have a baby. I can't wait for our little family. We'll have him January 10th-15th but how iconic would it be if he was born the same day the guys released their sophomore album, the most amazing album yet.

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