{74} 8 Letters

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Song lyric is from: 8 Letters -Why Don't We

I got ready for my five month appointment. This month feels like it's going by so slow like it's going to last until Chapter 80 of some random story someone reads.
Today is special though, today Daniel and I are getting a 3D ultrasound because our sons facial features have been beginning to form. We can finally see who he looks like the most and hopefully that will be Daniel.
Everyone just thinks Christian can't go to these appointments and has been asking Daniel fill in. It makes him look like a bad person so I feel horrible about it.

We walked into the clinic doing our usually routine which was sitting in the waiting room until my name was called.
Crystal walked down the hallway to the waiting room and smiled when she saw us. "I'm ready for you," she motioned is towards her and walked into a room we don't normally go in. "We do 3D ultrasounds in a different room because all of the equipment we need for it isn't in a normal exam room."

"Oh okay," I laid down on the table and she projected a screen on the wall in front of us. Daniel sat down in the chair next to me and held my hand.

"We're going to get started right away," Crystal told us as she did what she need to do to project the image of our baby. I gasped at the sight of him and laughed lightly, "And that is what your son looks like. His features will be a lot more visible as he gets bigger but you can make out who's nose, lips, and ears he has. His eye color won't show until he's born though."

I admired the baby's face on the screen. I noticed that he DOES have Daniel's nose and has more features of him than he does me.

"Maddie," Daniel whispered.

I turned to him, "What?"

"Do you mind if I go back to the apartment with you? I think we should talk."

"Yeah sure. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's just something I've been wanting to talk to you about."


"Do you guys want pictures?" Crystal interrupted.

"For each of us please," Daniel answered.

We got back to the apartment half an hour later. Daniel rubbed his hands together like he was nervous. He bit his lip and didn't say a word.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"You know you're my best friend right?" He spoke up. It kind of frightened me about how he decided to start the conversation he's apparently been wanting to have with me.

"Yeah? I think so. Is this a friendship break up? I'd be really upset if it was."

"No, no! Of course not, Mads you know I won't ever leave you. We talked about that before."

"I know but you're scaring me."

"No don't be scared. This isn't bad, I promise."

"Okay," I sat down on the couch. My feet now hurt all the time if I'm standing for awhile.

"Listen," he walked closer to me. "I told you before that for the first year of us knowing each other I had a crush on you which I thought was love- Actually I don't think I want to start with that."

"Daniel, don't be nervous. You can tell me anything," I assured him.

"Right okay," he took a deep breath. "I want you and not just for sex but for all of it. I want all of you and these eight letters," he chuckled at his small pun. "Have been really hard to say."

"And what would those eight letters be?" I smiled. My heart is racing because this is the one thing I've been waiting so long for. Even though I knew it was true I needed him to confirm it for me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

He smiled and leaned in to kiss me slowly.

"Oh great. You got to be fucking kidding me," Christians voice interrupted us and my eyes widened at the sight of him standing in front of the apartment door.

"W-What are you doing here?" I asked frantically.

"Don't mind me. I didn't mean to interrupt a love confession. Are you two dating now?" He crossed his arms obviously upset to have witnessed this.

"No," Daniel replied. "We can't be together because of you. We don't want to hurt your feelings."

"But this doesn't? I sit at home constantly thinking about how I was getting cheated on by the girl I loved for months and the guy that helped her do it was my brother, a guy that's supposed to be my best friend by blood."

"Chris, we didn't know you were there. How much did you hear?"

"Just enough."

"What's going on?" Christina walked in with Tate next to her.

"Why don't you ask them?" Christian said in the most rudest way. "Go ahead."

"Maddie?" Tate furrowed her eyebrows.

I looked up at Daniel, "Text the guys and I'll text Gabbie and Kay. It's time."

He took out his phone and the girls closed the door behind them. "Tell us what?" Tate asked.

"We're going to tell you once everyone gets here."

And this is it. We're now going to tell everyone about what Daniel and I have been doing but most importantly; we're going to tell them who's child this really is.
Also we're going to make it public to the world, to the media and I have a feeling there will be more happiness than disappointment from our supporters but maybe a little hate for cheating on Christian.

All the stress and frustration will be lifted and I can finally live my life with no secrets but the thing is: we're going to start from the beginning starting with Kristin's wedding and Daniel and I will continue to agree to not be together until Christian can come to terms with everything. We don't expect forgiveness but we just want him to be alright with it.

Deception (1) {D.S.}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant