{60} Fell To A Million Pieces

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Song lyric is from: Hard -Why Don't We

I continued to throw up into the toilet and when I finally finished I leaned back against the counter behind me. I put my hands over my face and let out a soft cry. It's been a week that this has been going on and it's painful for me to have to deal with it. The girls have gotten worried and had even suggested going to the hospital but I declined. I'm afraid of what the doctors would say especially since I think I know what's wrong.

Once the vomiting passed I got up from the floor to find my car keys on my dresser and left to go down to the parking garage. I got into my car and drove to the nearest drug store, my heart pounded in my chest as I did so. I never thought I would have to do this unintentionally. I wanted to do it when it was something I actually wanted.

I walked down the aisle that the thing I needed was in and there they were, pregnancy tests. I grabbed two different brands and payed for them, asking for a bag so that the girls wouldn't see them.
I got back to the apartment to see both Christina and Tate in the living room. They looked at me and smiled.

"Are you feeling better? You haven't left the apartment in days," Tate mentioned.

"I still kind of feel bad but good enough to go places," I answered.

"You went to the drug store?" Christina raised her eyebrows.

"Um yeah I had to pick up some girl stuff. I don't feel well enough to drive across town to the store."

"Man, I needed a few things."

"You'll have to get them yourself but I think I'm going to throw up again," I ran to the bathroom connected to my bedroom and threw up. When I stopped I grabbed the bag and took out the boxes. I opened one and pulled the stick out of the box.

"Je t'en prie, non," I whispered.
"Please no."

If I'm pregnant, depending on how far along I am it could be Christian or Daniel's baby. It would suck either way because if it's Christians than there's no way I can break up with him now; it would kill him but if it's Daniel's it would still kill him because having a baby with his brother isn't exactly the best thing in the world.
I'm more hoping it would be Christians because only one thing could go wrong with that.

I took the test and laid it down on the counter, grabbing a piece of toilet paper to cover it. I looked into the mirror and let out a long breath.

I'm not ready to be a mother.

After two minutes I bit my lip and took a few deep breaths before taking the toilet paper off the test and picking it up. I closed my eyes then looked down and opened them.


I put my hand over my mouth and cried. What am I going to do?

I took the other test and it read positive too. I guess this is it, I'm pregnant.

I stuffed the boxes the tests came in into the trash can, covering it up with toilet paper then put the tests in my dresser under clothes.
My hands were shaking and my heart wouldn't stop beating fast. I wiped my tears and walked out of my room. The girls were gone but this gives me the perfect opportunity to get out of the apartment before they see me. My face is all puffy so they'd known I've been crying.

My plan is to tell Christian that I'm pregnant and that it's his baby. I'm keeping this child no matter who's it's father is so if I don't want my affair with Daniel to be figured out than this baby has to be Christians and if it's not then I'll let Daniel know.

"Maddie," someone grabbed my arm and I turned around quickly. It was was Sawyer.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"I came by to see if you wanted to hang out. I want to get to know you."

"I'm sorry but no."

"Why not?"

"I'm going through something right now."

"So another time?"

I shook my head, "I can't." I went over to my car and drove away from Sawyer who was very confused.

I got to Christians apartment. He finally moved to a place closer to me since he hated the loft he rented out when he left Keri and Jeff's again.
I knocked on the door and he opened it, surprised to see me.

"I need to tell you something," I walked inside and he closed the door behind me.

"What is it?"

"You might want to sit down for this. God, even I should sit down," I sat down his couch and he sat down next to me.

"Wait, I think I know what this is about," he looked down at the floor.

"I don't think you do."

"This isn't going to be a break up speech?"

I grabbed his hand. I have to do what I have to do and if this is what's best for the baby then this is what I'll do.
"Not at all," I replied. "I'm pregnant."

"Y-you're pregnant?"

"Yes and with your baby."
Half a possibility.

"So you're only like a month pregnant?"

"I guess so yeah."

Do symptoms show this early?

Please don't be Daniel's baby.

"We have to wait to tell people right?" He looked at me.

"Just in case anything goes wrong then yes. Are you okay with this?"

"Of course," he smiled. "We're going to have a baby. I would've thought this would happen later down the road but now is completely okay." He pulled me into a hug and I faintly smiled.

I'm going to have to prepare myself and the only two people I can think of that could possibly help me get through this is Jack and Gabbie.

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