{19} Something Different

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Song lyric is from: Something Different -Why Don't We

I woke up feeling like shit. Until I forget about it my only choice right now is to avoid Christian at all costs up till I work it out with Daniel. I don't know why I did what I did but it's horrifying to even think about it. I can only how Daniel is feeling considering we took each other's virginity.

christina 💗
christian is here so get your ass out of your room

maddie 🌼
no tell him I'm sick or something

christina 💗
what why?

christina 💗
is everything okay with you two?

maddie 🌼
yeah I just don't feel good so technically I'm not lying about being sick

christina 💗
fine I'll send him home but I'm coming in to see if you actually are sick

maddie 🌼
okie dokie

I heard murmurs coming from the living room and then the sound of the apartment door closing.

Suddenly there was a faint knock on the door. "Come in!" I called out.

Christina walked in and smiled at me, "You don't look sick to me."

"I am," I fake coughed which just caused her to laugh at me. She came over to my bed and put her hand on my forehead. "Oh wow you're actually burning up."

"You're kidding because I was kidding."

"No I'm serious," she left to my bathroom and came back with a thermometer.

I sighed, "Christina, I'm fine. I feel fine."

She put it up against my forehead, "Maddie, you're not fine." She took it away, "102.3, you're staying in for the day."

"I planned on it anyway."

She put the thermometer back in my bathroom and sat down on my bed. "You should rest and I'll let everyone know in case it's a bug. You were around us at the wedding a couple days ago."


"And did you do something different?"

"What do you mean?"

"You look... different, more mature."

I shrugged, "Nope."

"Huh, must be something in the air," she left my room. Yeah, she's definitely catching on and now she's suspicious. Just wait until she sees Daniel because if she can tell I had sex she can tell with him too.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand to text Daniel about me being sick:

maddie 🌼
I'm sick and thought you should know considering what we did

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