{93} SPECIAL: For You

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Song lyric is from: For You (obvi lmao) -Why Don't We

January 2nd 2022. That's what today's date is. We're only four hours in and I have a feeling today will be eventful.

I sat up in my bed and winced in pain as I put both of my hands on my stomach. I got up to go out to the kitchen but my stomach hurt so much that I had to bend over the counter in pain.
"Tate!" I shouted. It's 4am so she's sleeping, attempting to wake her up when I can hardly move is frustrating.

She quickly ran out of her room after I called for her a few more times.

"What's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"I-I think. Oh God," I closed my eyes tightly. "I think I'm having the baby."

"What? No you're not. Please tell me you're joking!"

I groaned, "Nope. I'm pretty sure."

"Oh, OH! OH MY GOD. I'll call Daniel!" She ran back to her room to get her phone and came back out. The pain was so unbearable that I accidentally drew blood after biting my lip from the pain. "Daniel?... So sorry to wake you up and I know that we literally never call but-... Okay sorry, MADDIE IS HAVING THE BABY NOW!" She shouted so loud that I'm pretty sure everyone in the building heard her.
She hung up and grabbed my arm. "I'll help you get to the car. Daniels going to meet us at the hospital and he's going to let everyone else know."

"Okay let's go," I told her as we carefully walked out of the apartment. We had to stop a few times to let me breathe and until the contractions I'm continuously getting stopped. I'm eight and a half months along but I just assumed I had more time; at least two more weeks like I was supposed to.

We got to the hospital and Tate instantly recognized Daniels car so she parked next to him. He got out and rushed over to open the car door for me.
He put his hand on my back, "Are you okay? Is everything fine?"

"I'm okay. This just hurts like a bitch," I winced and grabbed his hand to squeeze.

"I called the front desk and they're sending someone out with a wheelchair. I told them you're in a lot of pain," Tate mentioned.

"Thank you."

A minute later someone came out with a wheelchair and Daniel helped me over to it.
I was pushed inside the hospital and my stomach turned at the feeling of having a baby in my arms in a few hours. Mine and Daniel's baby. How amazing is that?

"Madeleine Blanchet?" A doctor called out when I got inside. They completely butchered my last name but there was no point in correcting them.

"Yes?" I asked in a raspy voice. I couldn't speak normal because of all the screaming.

"We're skipping triage because of the amount of pain you're in. Your contractions seem to be very close together so you're definitely in labor right now."

"You think?" I laughed lightly. Triage is when I get assessed on whether or not the baby is coming now or not so I'm basically just monitored until the contractions are closer together and I'm deemed in labor.

"We'll take you down to the delivery rooms."

"Okay," I was pushed towards the delivery room and Daniel held my hand the entire way there. I already my support system is going to be so helpful during the process.

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