{57} Grey

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Song lyric is from: Grey -Why Don't We (unreleased at the time of this chapter)

christian 🥰
my mom invited you to dinner tonight, are you down?

maddie 🌼
yes yes yes

christian 🥰
pick you up at 5?

maddie 🌼
I'll be waiting ♥️

What could possibly go wrong at this dinner? Me, my boyfriend, and the guy I'm completely and insanely in love with all at the Seavey family dinner.
My life lately has been like a black and white movie, not amusing; just grey.

On top of that I haven't talked to Daniel in a week ever since I confessed that I love him which by the way is the biggest mistake of my life because not only did it basically ruin my friendship with him but it also just makes me look like I'm going around the block. Who's next? Tyler? And then when I run out of Seavey men I get into girls and fall in love with Anna? Fuck fuck fuck.

Let's leave the parents out of this one though.

I snapped myself out of the trance I was in and rubbed my eyes. I have two hours to myself before my day gets crappy. Can't wait.
I stared at the poster that is now hanging above my dresser thanks to Christina and fell onto my bed.

A faint knock sounded through my day before a very happy Tate walked in. "So we haven't spoken about it in a really long time but how Maniel doing?" She giggled.

"Eh. I can't speak about it because it's not going well."

She frowned which is funny to me because of the sudden mood change that I caused. "Who screwed it up?" She crossed her arms.

"I did."

"What did you do?"

"I told him something that I don't think he liked."

"Sorry for the twenty questions but are you breaking up with Christian?"

I got up from my bed, "No, not yet but I'm planning it."

"Does Daniel know?"

"He doesn't really have a right to tell me who I can and can't be with so I'm not asking for his permission," I said it as nicely as possible.


I took the elevator down to the parking garage and found Christians car, getting into the passenger side.

"Hey babe," he leaned over to kiss me and drove to Keri and Jeff's house.
I don't know how long I can fake this.

Once we got there I carefully walked over to door prepared for this hell hole of a mess. Christian opened the door for me not even bothering to knock but again, this is the Seavey family house and last time I checked he is definitely a Seavey.

"Christian, Maddie!" Keri smiled wide and pulled us in for a hug.

"Ignore her. She's extra happy today," Anna joked which caused me to laugh.

"It's been months," I hugged her.

"Come in! I made an Italian dish. I thought I would switch it up from French," Keri told me.

"I love Italian food!" I mentioned.


I went into the living room to sit down on the couch.

"Daniel's putting on a concert for us later. It's more like a karaoke session," Tyler announced to everyone.

"Hey Ty," I smiled at him.

"Maddie!" He came over to hug me. "I feel like I'm your least favorite Seavey."

"Are you kidding? You're by far second place."

"Second place?" He pouted.

"Yes because I'm first," Anna nudged him.

"Where's Dani?" I asked.

"In the kitchen helping mom prepare the food to set up the table," Tyler answered.


"Dinner is ready!" Keri called out. That was oddly fast.
We all headed into the dining room and my eyes immediately landed on Daniel standing across from me. He glanced over at me for a couple seconds before quickly looking away. I found a seat between Christian and Anna while Daniel sat by Tyler in front of me.

"So Maddie, how is singing going?" Jeff started a conversation while we passed around the food.

"Not sure. I haven't released any music in months. I've been super busy," I replied. "And I also haven't had a lot of inspiration to write new songs. I'm kind of lame."

"My boys certainly don't think you're lame," Keri interrupted. I blushed at her comment but thankfully nobody noticed.

I kept looking at Daniel wondering what he's been thinking about and a few times he kept looking back at me. The face Keri made when she caught as looking at each other worried me.

She put her hands together and sighed deeply, "I have a feeling somethings going on between you two."

"Hm?" Daniel pretended he didn't hear her correctly.

"Are you fighting?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "No. We're just great."

"So great," he agreed.

We headed into the living room, waiting for Daniel to set up his stuff to sing. Sometimes he performs for everybody at these dinners and usually I would love it but right now I don't know how to feel.

"I won't be singing my own songs but I have a few covers prepared," he pointed out. He started the music to Blue Ain't Your Color by Keith Urban. I dislike country music but he manages to turn it into any other genre but country. He does it all the time when he sings covers of country songs in front of me and it's because he knows me so well.

He stared at me as he sang "I'm telling you, you don't need that guy. He's stealing your thunder, baby blue ain't you color." I looked up at Christian who was sitting right next to me. He didn't seem to notice the major tension building up between me and Daniel.

The next song he sang was Crush by David Archuleta. I feel like there is some kind of theme but there is absolutely no way.

Once he sang "Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just a crush?" I leaned towards Christian and grabbed his hand, "I'm going to go use the restroom."

"Alright. Is everything okay?"

"Everything's fine," I looked at Daniel and could feel his eyes on me as I walked away.

This has to all be in my head.

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