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Daniel Seavey.
The person I didn't realize I was missing all my life; the one that I needed throughout everything. My best friend.
Christian Seavey, the ex boyfriend; the past friend and the future friend. The one I deceived mentally and physically for years. It's always going to be stuck with me, the bad outcomes of my relationship with Daniel. I'm always going to think about what I could've done better and how I could've ended it in better terms but I don't regret anything.

I think positive outcomes.
James came from my affair and I fell deeply and madly in love with Daniel. I gave the whole world what they wanted which was Maniel, something they craved for and never knew they would get. Something I never knew I could give them.

Through twists and turns of my life I learned it's not too late to have what you want. Daniel waited years for me and he got me, I waited just as much for him unaware that I wanted it.

But don't worry... It's not over yet.

Thank you all so much for reading this book, I had a lot of fun making it and it meant a lot with your comments about it.

Also congrats guys, y'all spent 8 hours and 5 minutes reading something I wrote 😭 thank you so much

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