{38} You Know I Wouldn't Walk Away

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Song lyric is from: Hooked -Why Don't We

"I was thinking that we should watch a movie, just a chill out today," I suggested.

"I'm down," Christina said. Today is the day Corbyn is proposing to Christina at the Why Don't We house. Right now Tate and I are trying to keep her distracted just in case she planned on visiting the house to see Corbyn. The guys are helping him set up in the back yard and I know it's going to beautiful and special. I've rooted for them for years and now they're going to commit to forever, that is if Christina says yes but of course she will. I know her too well.

"We should invite the guys and the other Trust Fund Babies to have like a movie day," Christina got happy.

"I have a feeling they're busy."

"Oh. Maybe another time," she turned the TV on.

"What are we watching?" Tate asked.

"After We Collided is on Netflix now, we can watch that," I said as Christina clicked on Netflix.

"Wait we can binge the After movies!" Christina got excited and searched for the first After movie. If this is what will keep her away from Corbyn than binging the After series is what we'll do so shout out to Anna Todd for this amazing distraction.

Throughout the entire movie the girls kept screaming about how hot Hardin Scott is and I couldn't help but laugh at them for it. I've read the book series so the comparison is unreal.

I grabbed out my phone, uninterested in the movie now that I've seen it so many times and went onto Twitter.

@limelight1: the new album is amazing!!! @MadsBlanshay how do you feel about it? need a reaction vid
maddie @MadsBlanshay: I've already heard the songs before it was released :( I didn't get that idea so sorry

Daniel • WHY DON'T WE @SeaveyDaniel: tgtatbo out now!! tell me what y'all think 💙

Jack • WHY DON'T WE @jackaverymusic: we worked really hard and hope you all enjoy this album 🔥

Zach • WHY DON'T WE @ImZachHerron: make sure to stream tgtatbo 💛

Jonah • WHY DON'T WE @JonahMarais: album out now! 🥳

Corbyn • WHY DON'T WE @corbynbesson: so what do we think?

Why Don't We @whydontwemusic: our new album the good times and the bad ones is out now! stream extra hard we love you ♥️

corbyn 💚
ready 🥺

maddie 🌼
ahhh I'll be there with her in a few!!

corbyn 💚
so excited!!

maddie 🌼
me too 😭

"Let's go," I got up from the couch.

"Where are we going?" Christina got confused.

"The Why Don't We house. I'm bored," I told her.

"Okay I guess so," she shrugged and Tate smiled at me. We went downstairs to my car and I drove us to the house. I'm so excited to witness this you have no idea.
Once we got there I grabbed out my phone to start recording.

"What are you doing?" Christina laughed at me.

"Just follow us," Tate answered. We led her towards the back of the house and through the gate to the backyard. When she turned towards the pool there stood Corbyn dressed in a black dress shirt and black dress pants. All three of our jaws dropped at the sight of everything he put together for this.
Christina's hand covered her mouth in awe and she was smiling so wide.
Petals from roses were laid out in the grass and the boys were dressed nice and standing in a line near Corbyn. Fairy lights were strung around the fence and it almost made me cry to see how much they've both wanted this and now they're getting this.

We got closer to them until Christina was standing directly in front of Corbyn and Tate and I were by the boys.

"What is this?" Christina asked with a small giggle.

"I had to wait until you didn't see it coming," he chuckled. He grabbed her hand to hold it and looked at her, "But I love you so much and I've loved you for so long that I just want to love you forever, I'm going to love you forever even if your answer is no. You make me happy and I want to dedicate the rest of my life into making you happy and making sure that you stay that way because you deserve the entire world and I'm going to give you that so Christina Marie Harris," he got down on one knee and opened the little box with the ring inside. "Will you marry me?" He finally asked.

She started crying, "Yes!" She grabbed his face to kiss him. He grabbed her hand to slip the ring on again and kissed her one last time.
I looked at Daniel and he was staring at me. I smiled at him and looked back at Christina and Corbyn. I can't wait to have this one day, if that day ever comes.

"Yay!" Gabbie pulled Christina in for a hug and me, Tate, and Kay joined them.

"I'm so happy for you!" I told Christina. "So so happy."

"How long have you known?" She wiped a tear from her face.

"Months," I laughed. "Tate and I had to distract you in case you tried coming over here."

"It's a good thing you did that because I planned on coming," she giggled and I laughed again.

"Let me see the ring!"

She held out her hand so we could see the ring.

"It's beautiful," Kay smiled.

"Corbyn, you did great!" I yelled towards him while he was celebrating with the guys.

"Thanks!" He yelled back.

"I love you guys!" Gabbie exclaimed. "It's about damn time."

We all laughed.

We spent the rest of the day talking about how happy we are about the engagement and had a little dinner party inside. Ashley, Corbyn's sister came over to celebrate with us. I haven't seen her in ages so it felt really good to see her again. Most of the time I avoided Daniel but maybe I should forgive him, after all I did forgive Christian.

Deception (1) {D.S.}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon