{18} Now You're Waking Up Here In My Bed

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Song lyric is from: Unbelievable -Why Don't We

I woke and stared at the white ceiling. I made a confused face and looked around at my surroundings.
Oh shit I'm still in the hotel room.

I got up quickly and groaned at the pain banging through my head. Gosh this sucks. I looked over and saw Daniel. You have got to be fucking kidding me.
My eyes widened and I looked down at my body to see I was completely naked and my clothes are all scattered around in the floor.

I shook Daniel awake and he slowly opened his eyes, "What?"

"Daniel, get the fuck up."

His eyes flew open and he jumped up.

"Oh fuck, we're in so much trouble."

I grabbed the sheet and wrapped it around my body so he wouldn't see me naked AGAIN.

"I have no idea what the hell happened but I am so sorry if I took advantage of you," he quickly put his clothes back on and I did the same but grabbed the clothes from the bag Kay left making sure I didn't look at him.

"No I'm sorry. I might've taken advantage of you I don't even know. I can't remember a fucking thing," I told him. "Im going to go I think it's best if we stay away from each other for awhile." I limped towards to door.

"Wait, Maddie are you okay?"

"No. This is noticeable, Daniel. Christian is going to break up with me and I don't blame him," I left. I fast walked down the hall and returned my room key. I had to wait for the process to check out to get done and I waved for a taxi.
I left without saying goodbye to anybody and hopefully I can have a good reason for doing so. Maybe tell them I had a hard night and wanted to get home, yeah that will work because they know I was drunk at the reception.

I got to my apartment and ran into my bedroom to lay down on my bed. I feel so guilty. I cheated on Christian with his brother and this time it wasn't a small mistake, it was just a quick make out session in the kitchen. It was way worse and I can't ever take it back.

I face palmed my head and got up to go to my bathroom. I poured two advil pills into my hand and hurried out the kitchen to grab a cup of water and swallow the pills. It should help with my major hangover.

I went back to my room and closed the curtains so the sunlight would stop hurting my head. I heard the front door open and close and then sound of Christina and Tate's voices from the living room.
If I go out there right now they will know something happened. I should look different because that's how it's like on TV; I'm supposed to look more mature.

A knock sounded on my door and I slowly got up to open it.

"Hey! We missed you this morning, you got here early," Tate said.

"Yeah I had a rough night," I responded.

"We saw that. You got pretty drunk."

"Biggest mistake of my life."

"I get that but anyway, Christina and I are going to head over to the boys' house, you coming?"

"Not right now. I've got a huge headache and I think I should rest a bit until it passes."

"Understandable. I'll see you later," she left. I waited until I could hear them leave to let out a breath I didn't know I was holding for so long.

Someone knocked on my door again so I opened it quickly since I hadn't gotten the chance to lay down, "Tate, I'm fine- Oh," I stopped mid-sentence when I saw it was Daniel and not Tate. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk. The girls let me in when they left."

"Well, I don't want to talk. I'm so very confused right now and you being here is just making it worse."

He walked in all the way causing me to roll my eyes. "I completely respect that you don't want to speak to me but we need to talk about this."

"No we don't. We can ignore it."

"It's not that easy and you know that."

I sighed, "If I have to I can forget it."

"You took my virginity, Maddie! That's something that needs to be talked about. I'm not even in love with you and you had sex with me!" He raised his voice.

"Are you kidding me? You took my virginity, you know the same virginity Christian is supposed to take when we get married."

"If you get married."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means when he finds out what we did you won't even be dating anymore."

"He won't find out because we won't tell him."

"You and I both know secrets to stay kept in our friend group."

"Daniel, shut the fuck up! I'm pissed at you for doing this to me!"

He groaned, "Stop blaming me! There are two of us and two to blame. It's your fault too."

"Um... I'm pretty sure you initiated it. You were in my hotel room!"

"We wouldn't have done it if you told drunk me to stop!"

"Oh my fucking gosh. Could drunk and dream you stop messing around with me?!"

"Stop thinking about me then!" I didn't answer. "Exactly!"

"Could you not yell? I am dying of this hangover and you should be too."

"I am but I'm just so mad that you're mad at me."

"Forget it, Dani. Drop it, it's over. We won't do it again so it doesn't need to be talked about. I just have to fake it with Christian."

"Good luck to you."

"Is that sarcasm in your voice?"

"Is that pissed off in your voice?"


"Then you know my answer!" He walked out.

This is just going to be an amazing rest of my life.

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