{92} With You This Christmas

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Song lyric is from: With You This Christmas -Why Don't We

"Merry Christmas!" Tate shouted when I left my room after waking up.

"Merry Christmas," I giggled. She's always been so into this holiday.

"We're heading to the Why Don't We house in like ten minutes so get ready."

"Um no I need at least an hour to get a shower in."

"Okay fine. I'll let Jonah know we'll be late. There's donuts on the counter by the way so you can have a quick breakfast."

"Thank you!" I grabbed a donut from the donut box on the counter and quickly ate it so I can get ready for the day.
Once I got out of the shower I changed into a red dress that Anna bought me to add to my formal maternity collection. It's more on the casual side but I knew that this is the dress I wanted to wear for Christmas this year.

We arrived at the Why Don't We house and Tate helped me take in or gifts to everybody. Jonah immediately took them from me to set them under the Christmas tree. Ever since Jonah and I had that deep conversation when I broke down we've gotten closer and talk a lot more. I know I said before that the only thing we could bond over was our origin but I didn't realize how close we weren't compared to the other guys. We considered each other as best friends but we don't hang out as much with just us two.

Daniel grabbed me to pull me into him and hugged me tightly. I smiled into his shoulder and embraced the feeling it gave me. We pulled away and he kissed my cheek, "Merry Christmas. I think we're going to do your surprise first in a bit before everyone else opens presents."

"Wait but I'll feel bad."

"Why? It's a good start to the party!" He got excited.

"If you really want to then it's fine with me," I smiled.

"Great! You'll love it, I promise."

"You're never one to disappointment," I walked away from him to join the others in the couch.

"This isn't right," Gabbie grabbed the snack tray from the coffee table. "Maddie can't have lunch meat you weirdos. It's bad for the baby."

"It's not really lunch meat," Jack tried to argue.

"Yes it is. It's just a smaller version so you can put it on crackers. I told you guys that a vegetable one would be better."

"And we bought that but do you really expect us guys; the ones that don't have a womb to eat vegetables?" Corbyn made a disgusted face.

"I'll get it but this one," she raised up the snack tray that I'm not allowed to eat from. "Stays in the kitchen."


It took her a bit but she returned with the vegetable snack tray which just contained carrots, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower. This is the worst part of being pregnant. I eat this on a normal basis but being forced is just horrifying.

"Can we do Maddie's surprise now?" Corbyn asked.

"A surprise?" Kay asked.

"Yeah Daniel had us do something for Mads," Zach got up from the couch. "Let's do it."

"Okay follow me then," Daniel held out his hand for me to hold and he led us all to Corbyn's old room. He opened the door and inside was a nursery for the baby.
I covered my mouth and happy cried at the view, "You made a nursery here for our baby?"

"Of course. I know that eventually we'll live together but I did this for when he stays here sometimes or when I come to visit the guys with him and he needs a nap or something. Maybe he can stay over with his uncles too. Corbyn lent us his old room for it."

"Yeah I'm just going to crash with Jonah when I stay over," Corbyn mentioned. "You better like it because we spent days doing it."

"I love it," I told them.

"I was also thinking that we can get some stuff from the nursery at your apartment and take it here just to get some stuff out of your way. Jonah told me you've been stressing over this. It was actually all his idea."

I turned around to face Jonah and hugged him. "Thank you," I whispered.

"Anything for you," he smiled.

"This is amazing," I turned back to Daniel. "And he can definitely have a sleep over with his uncles so this is just perfect."

"Don't call it a sleepover! Its a manly stay," Zach got offensive.

"A manly stay? That doesn't make sense."

"Yes it does. We're men and we stay here together."

"Whatever you say, Zach."

"This is so cute and I'm really shocked that this was the surprise," Christina spoke up.

"Why?" Daniel asked.

"You're Daniel. I expected something... Less."

"Wow. Rude," he chuckled.

"I don't mean it like that it's just... This is like a go big or go home thing."

"Yep and I went big with the help of my best friends."

"Thank you guys," I smiled at them all. "I don't even care that this is mostly for the baby, this truly means a lot especially from Jonah. You've helped me a lot through this even though we had one conversation about it," I explained to him.

"I'm really glad I've been able to help and that conversation meant a lot to me. It really shows what our friendship is capable of," he put his hand on my shoulder. "This could go places."

"It really could."

"Can we do presents now?" Kay asked.

"Yeah," Jack answered. We headed back to the living room and passed out all the presents.
Daniels surprise was amazing and the guys helping him set it up is even more amazing. I know I'm not in this alone— I especially know this now. They are the greatest people I've ever met and I don't know how I got lucky enough to have all nine of them in my life.

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