Chapter 136

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September 3rd
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (7 months 2 weeks)

   Harry's POV

   I stare at the table in front of me nibbling on my toast.  Dray is back at school... I'm getting married in like a month! Most of the preparations are ready to be set up, but I'm still incredibly anxious.  Everybody knows their parts... I hope.  "Willow has her dress...Aspen too... twins!" I mumbling to myself when I drop the toast from my hand watching it fall to the ground.
  "I wasn't that hungry anyway" I sigh picking it up and throwing it into the trash.  Wait what time is it!  Poking my head out of the dining-room door.  I look to the side to get a good look at the clock.  "and it is... well crap" I groan throwing the door open the rest of the way.
  I walk past the people in the common room speedwalking to the nursery. I quickly and quietly open the door.  Walking over to his crib I take the small blanket off of his feet grabbing on to his foot.  I chuckle shaking it a bit as he kicks and rolls over.  "Atlas you gotta wake up bud" I whisper as his eyes go wide and he brings his hands to his mouth.  "Papa" he squeals in fear as I pick him up.
  "Yup I'm right here" I reassure him while he clings onto my shirt shaking.  I use my free hand to grab Wolfie before bouncing the small boy in my arms.  "Hey, you gotta stay up" I laugh as he yawns attempting to hide his face in my shoulder.  "Mehhh" he whines as I shake my head.  "You have to... who's going to be here to greet daddy when he gets back!  Or who is gonna play with Asher!  Maybe I should go play with Asher by myself..." I sigh a smile growing across my face.
He lifts his head from his shoulder as he struggles to get out of my grip.  "No!" he shouts and I set him on to the ground.  He waddles to the door, but immediately comes back making grabby hands.  "what is it baby" I ask while he jumps for his stuffed wolf.  "oh you want Wolfie" I state the obvious.  "Can I have a hug first?" I ask. He gurgles and hugs my leg.  I smile handing him the wolf.
  Small noises come from his lips while he hugs the wolf tightly.  I start to walk back to the common room assuming Atlas would follow.  I stop when I feel him cling to my leg.  "so we're doing this now" I laugh looking down at him.  He gives me this adorable closed-eye smile.  "yay!" he cheers and I begin walking.
   Walking down the hallway. Atlas was being a little monkey, as he made happy squeals and gurgles. "Whatcha got there mate" Ron laughs pointing to Atlas.  I continue walking over to the couch.  "It's a child believe it or not Ron," I say sarcastically as I stop letting Atlas off.  He cheers flopping onto his butt.  Only to stand up immediately when he heard Asher giggle. "Atlas I thought I was going to play with Asher because you wanted to sleep" I joke. He stops waddling over to the other baby and turns to me.
   "Papa no!" He cries tears welling up in his eyes.  I throw my hands up in defeat "okay... okay... I'm sorry" I apologize with a small chuckle as he resumes waddling to his friend.
  "So what's going on?" I ask sitting down next to Ron who was laughing his arse off.  Blaise was looking the other way holding in his laughter.  I turned my attention to Atlas who was groggily attempting to climb onto the couch with Asher. 
  "We're brainstorming ideas," Blaise answers through a cough as they all nod.  Ron's face was still extremely red from laughter.  "Ophelia wants us to think of ideas to help strengthen Asher's muscles" He is unable to sit up without help when the girls are already able to get up on all fours," the twins explains.  George reaching over to help Atlas up.
  He tickles Asher's stomach before placing him in between Atlas's lap.  I smile at the two kids while Atlas wraps his arms around the boy in front of him protectively.  "Ophelia gave us some ideas" George added "She just wanted us to think of some as well" Fred groans looking over to the two.  "Okay, can we just admit that those two are so going to date," Ron blurts out of nowhere. We all stay silent for a minute before bursting into laughter.
  "I bet you 100 galleons they will!.... just don't tell Draco I said that" I continue laughing.  "Well, you know what that means." Ron shouts lifting his eyebrows while eyeing the twins. "break time from brainstorming ideas... and SHIP NAMES!"  All three brothers shout. Blaise leans away from Ron to look at me with his face displaying fear.
I shrug my shoulders the same look of fear across my face.  "That's kinda hard... because Asher and Atlas?" Fred starts murmuring as George and Ron start staring off into space. "Somebody rename your kid... preferably a name that doesn't start with A" George looks to me as I roll my eyes "not happening" I sing.
   "I don't know maybe Atsher" Ron groans as I finally realize what is going on.
"How about we don't do that now?" I laugh throwing my hands out in front of me. They all slump down in their spots, but I could tell they were still thinking of ideas.
"Yay!" Atlas cheers as we all look up to look at him.  He's helping Asher sit up holding his shoulder as the baby grips for his shirt.  Asher begins giggling letting out little squeals here and there.
  I just kinda blink as I watch Atlas slowly bring him back to his chest so he is sitting up with support again.  "Well, we can do that!?" I say getting back on the topic of strengthening him up.
  "We've tried that, we always assumed it was hurting him!! He would cry and scream!" The twins shout looking at each other with overjoyed faces.
  "Harry we are stealing your child" they cheer as I slump back against the couch.  I thought Draco was crazy saying that Atlas was a natural flirt and all that.  Merlin! The kid takes better care of babies than I do...
   Fred stands from the couch and squats down in front of the two.  "Hey, Asher... baby," he says snapping a bit to get his attention.  Atlas slowly turns his head to look at Fred. Letting go of Wolfie, he hurried to take the wolf back holding it in one hand.
  "Are you hurt.... do you feel okay" Fred coos lifting the small child.  Atlas grumbling to himself as Fred lifts the back of the tiny baby's shirt.  "Not swollen, red, or bruising... I don't think it hurt him" Fred cheers lifting Asher over his head before bringing him down to kiss his forehead.
  Asher giggles while grabbing onto Fred's hair running his tiny hands through it with wide eyes. "Wanna go back to your boyfriend now?" He asks as we all chuckle.  I look back to the door making sure an angry Draco wasn't standing there.
  I let out a breath of relief and sit back down facing the others.  Asher stayed playing with his hair as Fred attempted to sit him back down with Atlas who was over his tantrum now that he had his boyfriend back... if Draco could read my thoughts he would soooo kill me.
  "Gotta let go of my hair baby" Fred whispers as he attempts to pull his hair out of the child's grip.  "Yeah beat him up, Ash!" George cheers and Fred finally gets his hair away from Asher sending him a glare. 
   "So Harry heard you're going to wear a dress," Blaise says out of nowhere as my eyes shoot open and I death stare a confused Ron.  "Ron!! You said you wouldn't tell anybody!" I shout raising my arms to strangle the man.
   "Harry you got to believe me I didn't tell anyone" he swears, raising his arms over his head.  I sit back down with a huff returning my gaze to Blaise who's jaw was now slack.
  "I was just kidding are you seriously wearing a dress!" He asks gripping onto his boyfriend his face now showing a look of bewilderment.  I nod shyly as Ron lays his head on Blaise's shoulder his trembling hands covering his neck "my life just flashed before my eyes..."
   "Draco is going to go crazy" Blaise whispers ignoring his boyfriend as I bite my lip snapping my head towards him.  "I'm wearing the dress for the dance part... and crazy? Like bad or good crazy?" I ask my face flustered from embarrassment.
  "Is there any such thing as good crazy when it comes to Draco" Blaise jokes as I sigh... he's not wrong.  "But- Uh- seriously do you think he will care... or get mad" I pry into it more as Blaise shakes his head.
  "Mad! are you serious! Harry... Draco's the most perverted person in the world!! He's gonna ra-mmmmmmmm" he is quickly cut off by Ron slapping his hand over his mouth.
  "We all know... you don't need to say it" Ron sighs as I look to twins who are nodding their heads. 
"He's not wrong"

  "He's not wrong"

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

What would their ship name be?🤔Asher/Ash x Atlas

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

What would their ship name be?🤔
Asher/Ash x Atlas

Time to Vote sorry all the options kinda suck...
#2- 6
#3- 23
#4- 33

{Strawberry Tea} ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz