Chapter 37

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Ron's POV (13 weeks)

I'm bored and I can't bless Blaise with my presence because he's in the library going over old photos of him and Draco. So I'm going to go bug Harry and see if he wants to do something.
I run up the stairs skipping a step each time.
Reaching the top I jog to Harry's room. I'm almost there when I feel a tug at the bottom of my leg and I face plant. "Ow," I groan as I rub my now tender nose. Hearing snickering behind me, I find my brothers.
They run around a corner, but when I turn the corner as well there's nobody there just a really dark hallway. "Nope," I chuckle, turning back around, set on going to Harry's room again.
"I'm gonna do the rational thing and not investigate" I mumble to myself. I reach Draco and Harry's room and I don't feel like knocking because Draco is busy so there's no way they're having sex.
Grabbing the knob, I twist it throwing the door open "The best bitch is back" I shout, but not loud because of Harry of course.
I look from one side of the room to the other. "He's not even in here is he..... well that's embarrassing" I mutter to myself.
I hear a groan from behind me and I jump before quickly turning around Harry is on the ground behind the... door... bloody- fuck I just hit Harry with the door... Draco's gonna kill me.
"Harry are you ok?" I quickly question him, going to my knees to help sit him up. "Yeah it just hit my forehead and I fell onto my back," he whispers rubbing the back of his shoulders.

Blaise's POV

"Hey, Dray whatever happened to you killing us," I asked thinking he must have forgotten, forgiven us or something. He doesn't look up from the picture book but an evil smirk quickly covers his face.
"Like they say revenge is a dish best served cold" he replies coldly. "Darn it I just canceled the reservation to the funeral parlor...." I joke.
I don't get an answer so I look back up to Dray who's looking at the stairs now "something happened to Harry" I give him a confused look. Where the fuck did that come from. "What do you mean," I ask but by the time the last word is out of my mouth he is up from his seat and bounding up the stairs.

Ron's POV

I help Harry onto his feet as he rubs his forehead where there was definitely going to be a bruise. You could see a little one forming already. Yep, I'm dead.
Closing the door, Harry stumbles over to the bed. Did I give him a concussion! He lays down and stares at the ceiling. I walk over and sit next to him.
"So why d-" Harry starts to stay something but is interrupted when the door flies open with such a force I thought it was going to come off the hinges. In the doorway was Draco who had a look of worry and anger.
He saw Harry lying down and jogged over to us. Next came a breathless Blaise who was leaning against the doorway trying to get his breath back.
I walk over to him mostly so I have an excuse to be closer to the door when I need to run. I hear Draco gasp. "Baby what happened," he asks quietly while crawling onto the bed next to him.
I look back at a wide-eyed Blaise "Harry really got hurt" he whispered to himself, but I still answered with an "mhmm" "oh you don't understand Dray said his Harry senses were tingling and Harry had gotten hurt" he adds still looking confused, but also impressed.
Now it's my turn to be confused what the heck is a Harry sense "that's like a new level of a stalker" I whisper to Blaise and he puts his hand to his mouth to hold a laugh.
Looking back up towards Harry and Draco, he leans down and kisses Harry's forehead before turning around and facing me. I smile and he smiles back, blinking slowly I don't know why but his face gave me complete chills.
I laugh nervously and back away. "Don't worry weasel you're just adding more time to when I beat the living shit out of you" he explains calmly while walking towards the door. "Come on Blaise let's go look at more pictures" he adds. Blaise straightens back up and walks out the door with him.
You can hear both boys immediately start talking. Once I think they're far enough I mumble to myself "git" and walk back over to Harry. "Sorry about him" he apologizes. "No it's fine I'm happy you have such a protective boyfriend I just want you to promise me that you'll come to my funeral," I mention with a laugh and Harry hugs me before saying "promise"
He pulls back and shifts hanging his feet over the bed. "As I was saying before I got interrupted do you need something?" He asks cocking his head to the side. I jump from the bed "yeah I was bored and wanted to hang out" I cheer grabbing Harry's outstretched hand, pulling him to his feet.
"I'm fine with that, but what are we going to do?" he asks going to put a stray book in the bookcase. I walk around for a minute trying to rack my brain for any ideas when I finally think of something.
"Let's go exploring we've been here a week and know close to nothing," I place my hands on my hips with a smile basically, begging 'please come with me'. He seems to think about it for a minute and looks down to his stomach before looking back at me.
"Should be fine let's go" he replies, already grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. "Where to first?" he questions. I shrug my shoulders and point forwards. We walk down the hall laughing as we turned the corner the twins had disappeared in. I swear it got even darker. "Lumos" Harry whispers and the tip of his wand gives off a blue-tinted light.
We walk slowly through the hall and it seemed pretty normal. "It's so eerie. yet it's just a normal hallway" Harry sighs lowering his wand a bit. We walk a bit longer turning another corner, finding a portrait, which was weird because there really wasn't any in the manor.
Apparently, most of them had been taking down because Draco didn't like being reminded of his family. I tap Harry's shoulder to get his attention and point towards it "look" I whisper and he points his wands towards it while we walk closer.
It's a portrait of Draco and Blaise hugging when they were around 5 or 6. I'm guessing that was their age. I'm just gonna say it was one of the most adorable things ever.

Harry's POV

It's so adorable Blaise has super long hair which really surprised me and Draco's hair is messy and all over the place. They both look so happy it's just giving me more baby fever.
We stop once we're right in front of the portrait "it's a little crooked should we fix it or just leave it be?" Ron asks staring up at it.
I feel like we shouldn't touch it because it must be really important and I would hate to rip it or break it but the OCD side of me is screaming at me to just move it in the right position.
Before I could answer Ron sighs "I give up it's gonna drive me crazy knowing I left it tilted like this" he laughs. Reaching forward and placing a hand on each side, pulling the bottom half to the left.
I hear a click and look towards Ron whose face had gone white. "Great going Harry you broke it," Ron says exasperated while throwing his hands up. I roll my eyes and he laughs. The click happens 3 more times and we stop laughing the bookshelf to the left of the portrait moves to the side revealing a dimly lit hallway, but it was lighter than the one were in surprisingly.
"Nope" I hear Ron say but I ignore him. Slowly I walk to the entrance and peek my head in "looks safe enough" I whisper to myself. I step in and hear Ron calling for me "Harry please just come back we don't know where that goes" he begs, which makes me kinda feel bad.
I'm just too curious about this tunnel, we came to explore, didn't we? "Ron help me!.. Ron hurry it hurts" I scream scaring myself at how loud my voice was.
I hear a thud and assume he bumped into the table as he runs in with a concerned face. I smirk at him and let out a heavy breath. With a groan he turns back, but the bookcase quickly slides back into place.
"Well shit," Ron cries and I nod my head. This is gonna be fun.

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