Chapter 157

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February 14th
Harry (13 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (1 year)

Draco's POV

Today was the day! I've been incredibly excited for the whole week. First I got school off! Second, it's Valentine's Day and third, we're figuring out the gender of the baby!... hopefully.
   We don't usually celebrate the holiday... a quick mention of it and we carry on with our day.  I had some chocolate for Harry because either way, I would have gotten him some. Pregnant Harry needs a stash or he becomes unhappy incredibly quick.
   I was now standing in the closet just contemplating it all as I realized I actually had to move. I step out of the closet and head over to the bed. Harry was curled up sleeping on his side. 
  I noticed he had quickly replaced me with a pillow.  Crawling into the bed I lay behind him creeping my hand up his shirt laying it over his stomach.  I rub his abdomen gently planting a few soft kisses on his shoulder.
    He groans and his grip on the pillow tightens.  "Hey, baby you gotta get up now" I whisper into his neck. He groans again stretching his arms up over his head about whacking me in the face.
  I scoot back a little to prevent that from happening. Harry slowly turns around and wraps his arm around my back.  "I don't wanna" he yawns laying his head on my chest.
   "When we get back you can go back to sleep," I tell him as he nods his hand running up and down my ab- where did my shirt go.
   I turn my head the other way towards the closet and noticed it crumpled on the ground.  "I got so excited I forgot to actually put the shirt... on" I laugh as Harry's hand begins drawing patterns on my stomach.
   "I don't mind" he giggles tiredly I let out a hushed laugh and lean forward kissing his head.  "I'm sure you don't" I whisper to him as his hand runs up my chest and to my shoulder.
    "Do we have to gooo" he whines puffing his lip out.  I shut my eyes and smile "we have nothing else to do anyways" I smile knowing if I can't see him his pouting can't get to me.
   I open my eyes once he lets out a mad little huff.   "It's fine we will be in and out in no time," I tell him as a small smirk appears on his face.  "What's that face for... no stop... you're scaring me" I whine as he begins giggling.
   Harry sits up pushing me flat onto the bed.  His hands run up my sides to my chest as he bites his bottom lip.  "How about we stay in bed Dray~" he whispers seductively as my eyes widen.  I groan watching MY shirt slip off of his shoulder.
   All of a sudden it got really hot in the room.  I roll off the bed taking the blanket with me scrambling out of it.  "Ok- I- get- baby... Atlas- baby... get him ready!" I stutter while Harry groans flopping back onto the bed.
  I laugh scooping up my shirt and heading to the nursery almost running into the door on the way out.  That was a close one I definitely almost gave in.
I burst straight through the nursery door catching Atlas in the act of climbing out of his crib. He was almost out when he stopped and turn to me his scared face changing as he giggles.
I walk over rolling my eyes as I grab the small child. He hugs me. That's when I notice the tears staining his cheeks. "Oh, baby... nobody was here when you woke up... I'm so sorry" I coo at him as he sniffles still clinging to my shirt.
"You calmed yourself down without any of us I'm so proud of you" I continue as he just tightens his grip. "Was that why you were so excited to see me" I whisper kissing his head as he looked up grabbing my face.
"Dada" he whispers before shoving his head back into my chest. I hum while taking him over to his changing table. I changed his diaper putting him in a nearby onesie that covered his tiny little feet.
After I had finished combing down his hair I grab his little jacket just as Harry trudged into the room coming up behind me. His hands wrapped around me.
"Darn you have your shirt on now" he mumbles making me chuckle. "Well yeah, I'm not just gonna go everywhere shirtless" I reply to his comment as he sighs. I fumble getting the jacket on Atlas as Harry's hands crept up my shirt tracing my abs again.
"And you guys call me the pervert," I say as he just shoved his head into my back grumbling. I finished with Atlas and then turn to Harry his arms going back to his sides.
I laugh at his outfit which is just flannel pants and one of my sweatshirts. His hair was a total mess and I used my hands to try and flatten it down. Harry shakes his head in protest trying to get my hands away.
I smush his cheeks in between my hands and stop his head as he gives me a small pout. Leaning over a bit I give him a quick kiss. His hands go to my chest once again and I smile pulling away.
"Now let me put your hair up at least" I sigh look at the tousled mess of hair that we are going to have to cut soon. He crosses his arms with a pout but doesn't tell me no... in Harry's language that means yes.
I run to the bathroom and return with a hair tie Atlas now cuddling up to Harry. Both of Harry's arms were wrapped around the toddler as he left a bunch of kisses on his head. I came up behind the two and gently grab Harry's hair pulling it back as I attempted to flatten down his curly locks and pull it into a loose bun.
That's another thing Atlas got from Harry his blonde hair is way curlier than mine. I let the bun hang low and kissed the top of his head when I'm done. Harry grumbles to himself as he trudges behind me not bothering to grab his coat.
I grab mine throwing it over me quickly as I grab his too.We stop at the door and I take Atlas from him handing Harry his jacket. "So bossy" he groans. "I didn't even say anything yet?" I laugh at him as he continues groaning pushing his arm through one sleeve.
Once he finally gets his coat on, Herb opens the door for us and I grab Harry's hand pulling him to the carriage.  Atlas was bouncing up and down on my other hip ready to go somewhere.
   Once we reach the carriage I help Harry into it following close behind. Setting Atlas on the floor, he quickly waddles over to Harry as I turned back to close the door. Once I do I sit next to Harry who immediately climbs into my lap.
   Atlas who had been pulled onto the seat follows close behind sitting on Harry's lap.  "I swear you both are such cuddle bugs," I tell them. Harry giggles and Atlas nuzzles into his chest.
     My husband then rests his head back on my shoulder and I kiss his cheek.  The both of us keep a conversation going until we arrive at Ophelia's. Once we get there Harry hops up off of me holding the sleeping baby.
   It's then I realized we never fed him. "Harry he didn't get any breakfast" I whisper as Harry sighs stepping out of the carriage. "If he wakes up we will just have to keep him busy" he whispers stepping out of the carriage "mmm okay," I say putting my arms out for the child.
I cradle the toddler to my chest as we walk up the steps. Once we reach the door it is immediately opened by Ophelia as she smiles at us clapping her hands together. "Here you are" she cheers inviting us in. I sit in my usual spot.
Putting a hand under Atlas to keep him up and the other on his head keeping him close to my chest.  "Hello, Ophelia" Harry chimes in his mood lifted 100%. 
  "Hello, Harry dear" she smiles back at him before heading towards the kitchen.  "Do you think we will be able to see the gender today" Harry calls to her. She pops her head out of the kitchen with a thinking face.  "I do believe so," she says turning back to grab her stuff.
  I smile at this news standing up and laying the baby in the chair.  He sleeps peacefully as I start to pace waiting for Ophelia to come back. "Dray calm down" Harry chuckles making me pout.
"I can't I'm so excited" I whisper-shout as he nods lifting my sweater to display his stomach. Barely noticeable, but there was a difference. Ophelia comes walking back out levitating stuff with her wand as she looks at a list in her hand. Harry flung his arm behind him over the back of the couch and I quickly walked over grabbing his hand, Ophelia sets the ingredients down on the table.
The procedure is the same as usual applying the cold gel and chanting her spells. Harry stiffens up and squeezes his eyes close as Ophelia brings her head up staring at a certain spot on the wall.
The whole 10 minutes she mumbles to herself as Harry shifts around. Turning every once in a while checking on the still past out Atlas. All of a sudden Harry lets out a gasp and his hand lets go of mine.
I snap my head back to him and he smiles "sorry hadn't realized I was holding my breath" he chuckled as I nod my head. Ophelia starts to come out of her trance evaporating the gel.  I take a step back giving her some more space.
Harry quickly sits up as we both look to her ready for the news. She rubs her eyes and blinks a few times taking a step towards us.
"Draco would you like to sit down first," she asks me and I wave her off "no I've got it under control now" I laugh as Harry shoots me a suspicious look. "What I do" I whine making him roll his eyes.
Ophelia starts to giggle as she rests her hands in front of her. "Well, congratulations to you both you're having a baby girl!" She cheers throwing her hands up.
Harry gasps as I suddenly feel extremely dizzy. My balance suddenly leaves me as I fall to my knees and then my face. "Draco Malfoy are you serious right now!" Harry shouts right before I blackout.

Harry's POV

"I've got it under control" "yeah under control my ass"

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