Chapter 58

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Draco's POV (32 weeks)

I woke up about an hour ago untangling myself from Harry. Slipping into the closet, I throw on some black clothes and my black robe, before tip-toeing to the door. I open the door freezing when it started to squeak "since when has this door squeaked" I grumbled under my breath. I don't hear any noise so I continue opening it just for it to squeak more. It took me 5 minutes to get the door open a quarter of the way.
"Just open the door and leave already" Harry groans from the bed obviously agitated that I got in the way of his sleep.
"Sorry dear," I whisper-shout before pulling the door open all the way, shutting it behind me. I basically fly down the stairs to wait for Blaise. Hopefully, we leave before Harry changes his mind. Blaise comes down a second later with a smirk on his face "how did you sneak away from Harry?" he asks raising his eyebrows in a questioning way.
I shrug my shoulders "surprisingly he let me come" I mumble realizing how weird that is for Harry to actually let me do this. "How did you get past Ron," I ask and Blaise just rolls his eyes.
   "He sleeps through everything... I literally tripped over a shoe and face planted and he didn't even budge" Blaise sighs. I laugh "that's Weasel for you" we head to the front door in complete darkness to be met by Herb yawning as he opens the door "good-d bye," he says through another yawn and closes the door behind us.
     It should only take an hour or two at most so we should be back at 12 or 1 in the morning. "I hope this little 'mission' didn't interfere with anything," Blaise snickers as we climb into the carriage.
I sit across from him and give him a confused look "what do you mean" I ask and he points to his neck continuing to snicker.
I feel my neck still confused till I feel the new marks Harry had left on me. I bite my lip thinking about it and look back to Blaise. "Nope but if I come back safe I'm going to be having a lot of fun later," I smirk with a low voice staring into Blaise's eyes.
He looks away and nods his head "sounds fun" he replies meekly.  "Awe why so shy are you just mad I'm getting some and you're not" I tease and he stares back at me with an are you serious look.
  "I can go fuck Ron when I want" he growls.  I roll my eyes "well Harry does it better" I sing with a smirk and Blaise bites his lip attempting to hold back what he was going to say.
   He takes a deep breath and continues "We are not going to have this fight right now.... even though it's pretty obvious Ron is the best at it" he whispers the last part quietly.
  I clearly hear him so I go to argue but I'm cut off by the door flying open "you are at your destination" the driver practically shouts not making eye contact with any of us. Once we're out he climbs back onto his spot and readies the thestrals.
  "Perverts" he hisses to us before taking off. Blaise and I look to each other and shrug our shoulders the same smirk plastered on both of our faces "he's just mad he's not getting some" we both say bursting into fits of laughter.
   "Now time to get serious," I chuckle pulling my hood over my head, Blaise doing the same. "Where should we check first," I ask and he looks up at the sky to think. "The store we were at he looked like he was coming from the alleyway next to it let's check there," he suggests as we make our way back to the store.
We got there and stopped at the entrance of the narrow alleyway it was the definition of spooky. It was foggy you could barely see 3 feet in front of you and the lights illuminating the streets were unable to reach over here making it almost pitch black if not for the full moon and stars. "You've got your wand right" I whisper to Blaise and I get a small "yeah" In response.
"Let's do this" I whisper waving him forward and we tiptoe our way down the alleyway the closer we got to the end the lighter it got. Eventually we made it to a plain brick wall.
I turn to Blaise clearly confused as he stared at the wall in full focus. "Why would there be a light down here if it leads to nothing" I whisper mostly to myself.
"Yeah there must be something more here" Blaise mumbles as he studies the area. I look around as well and it just looks like a normal alleyway trash here and trash there oh and look over there... more trash.
Then why is there a light here, does somebody really walk all the way back here to light something because that's just a waste of time.
Before I can complain to Blaise about it he grabs my shoulder "blow it out" he speaks with a monotone voice. "I'm trusting you on this because you're smart, but how am I suppose to blow it out" I laugh and he taps his chin.
"Spread your legs," his face was still serious "sorry mate, I'm taken, and a top," I joke as he rolls his eyes. "Ok ok," I huff, spreading my legs shoulder-width apart.
Before I know it Blaise is propping me up on his shoulders. "Shit you scared the crap out of me" I yell, finding balance. He chuckles as we inch closer to the lantern. "You're an idiot" I whisper-shout to him.
"How am I the idiot" he whisper-shouts back. "When I asked how... I meant what spell should I use" I spit out. He groans and I can almost feel him roll his eyes "just blow it out you fat oaf," he snickers.
I gasp which causes the light to go out making the alleyway pitch black as we both tumble to the ground. "What did you call me" I snarl standing up.
"Shut up and look at the wall," Blaise hisses hitting me on the head. I turn to see a glowing red emblem, a single K with a red crown tilted to the side on top of it.
"Really is he that full of himself" I snort, stepping closer to press the symbol. The wall shifts around creating an entrance for us. "Ready?" I whisper not waiting for an answer as I push him into the dimly lit hall.
We reach the end quickly, voices clearly heard. I turn to Blaise who was looking at me he holds up 6 fingers. So he thinks there are 6. I listen closely for a few more minutes until I clearly hear Kingsley.
"Listen the brats pretty much-destroyed everything but we can rebuild" I roll my eyes as he tries to sound like some sort of leader and me a brat! Never! Now if we're talking about Ron...
I regain my thoughts and lean in to listen again. "Once we get more numbers I'm getting that Harry boy.... at first I just wanted him for money but now... I want revenge!" He shouts the last part and I bite my tongue attempting to not lunge at him here and now. "Watch how the all-powerful Draco reacts when his little toy is pregnant again but with my child this time," he laughs like a manic and the others join in.
I freeze feeling my right eye twitch. Yeah well, I'm done. I pull back the curtain and clap slowly "well.... well, nice plan too bad you're not going to be able to go through with it" I spit out pulling the hood from my head, keeping a smile on my face.
Kingsley drops his feet from the desk they were propped on and stares at us frozen in fear "what are you doing in this town Kingsley" I ask through gritted teeth. Pulling my wand out and aiming it at his chest.
"Confringo" one of the guys shout and I duck making it hit the guy behind me blasting him into the wall. "Well, there goes one" I whistle in a cheery tone.
Blaise yells "Deprimo" breaking apart the ground underneath the man that tried to attack me causing him to fall into a hole that I could only guess was about 20 ft.
His screams eventually cut off and are replaced with a groan of pain "well at least he's not dead" I mumble to myself. I turn towards two guys running for their wands on a table. "Bombarda" I shout sending an explosion their way blasting them into the same wall the other guy was in already passed out.
Flipping to the other side of the room I find two girls probably sisters each pointing their wands at me and one guy pointing his at Blaise.
I turn back to Kingsley who has a smug look on his face, rolling my eyes, I turn my wrist barely noticeable and mumble "fiendfyre" a huge wall of flames surrounds the three as they shout in shock and panic.
Looking to Blaise, he mouths a quick "thank you" I nod my head in response and turn to Kingsley who's shaking in fear "what still got no wand" I ask placing the tip of mine on his forehead.
I step back still pointing my wand at him "incarcercous" I roll my eyes and ropes form from thin air, binding Kingsley. He levitates in the air still entangled in the ropes.
"Now let's take his highness somewhere special for his special treatment" I chuckle. Blaise starts to use his wand to move the debris out of our way. "Blaise you said 6 there were clearly 8 people how much money do I win" I snicker 'accidentally' running Kingsley into a wall. He lets out a little "ow" and shuts back up. "You ain't getting nothing because you didn't make the bet before" he laughs, flipping me off. "Tch" was all that came out of my mouth.
I can feel and see Kingsley wiggling back and forth attempting escape. "Don't worry old friend we're just finding you a nice new home" I smirk and I can feel him relax.
"After we have some fun"

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