Chapter 17

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Draco's POV

I received two letters this morning, weird I think to myself I usually never get one letter let alone two. I wonder if ones from Harry? I grab the one closest to me and open it rapidly tearing the envelope in the process.

Dear Draco,
I just wanted to know if you're going to the camp or not Ron and I are going.  Also super random question but, I have gotten quite bored and Ron and I were randomly talking about it. Would you ever have kids at this age? I mean you are turning 19 in like a week so also Happy early Birthday. Another thing you and Harry.  Would you ever consider having kids with him? Ron and I were talking... of course and we are unsure if we want kids. Anyways I hope to hear from you soon hopefully I'll see you at camp.
Your best friend,

Uh, this is weird... I mean yeah I want kids and I don't really care what age because I know Harry and I could take care of them. We would get through it together.
The more I think about it the more I blush. I grab a quill and ink and sit down at my desk thinking of what I should say in my letter. Do I answer truthfully or tell him I don't want kids yet or maybe not at all.
I let out a low sigh. I'll just answer truthfully I don't feel like starting some shitty drama.

Dear Blaise,
It's been like 3 days and you're already weirder than before. Yes, I will be going to the camp I'm hoping Harry will go to. It gets lonely at the manor now that both my 'parents' are gone. To answer your question... in all honestly, I would of course love to have kids with Harry and I really wouldn't mind having them at any age. I feel that no matter how hard it is Harry and I could get through it together. Plus as you should already know I love kids.
You're weirded out friend,

I scratch the back of my neck nervously before handing the sealed letter to Klaus my eagle owl. He immediately takes off soaring towards Blaise's manor.
I stand up and head towards my bed to take a nap but, I immediately turn back around when I remembered I had gotten 2 letters this morning.  I open the letter even faster than I did the last one hoping it would be Harry.

Dear Draco,
   I need your help Harry lied to us he isn't in a new house. He felt like he would get in the way of our lives or something. Anyways he's at the Dursleys and I need you to pick him up as soon as you can I feel like the beatings are only going to worsen.
  If you want you can come to stay at the burrow with him. Mum really wants to see him. He apparently is stuck there till he's 20 because of some unbreakable promise. Since the camp is a school thing Harry is allowed to attend and stay with us a few days before. So please help I would get him but the "Weasley family is banned from the muggle world for 2 months" like Bloody hell you're related to Fred and George and the whole family gets banned.
  Your friend,

The farther I get into the letter the worst I feel. I have this sudden urge to vomit. Finishing the letter I let out the breath I had been holding. I really didn't know what I was feeling.
There was anger boiling inside of me but at the same time, I was sad that Harry hadn't told me any of this.
  I grab the suitcases that I had already packed for the camp this summer.  I shrink them down and throw them into my pocket while running to the front door. I'll just answer Ron back when I see him at the burrow.
"Master! Master where are you going" Herb shouts running after me he was our new house-elf.
  "I have a summer camp and so I need to get a friend, you are free to do what you must," I instruct him scrambling towards the door. 
I grab a scarf from one of the coat hooks and throw it at Herb who's eyes widen in shock. "You can stay if you want but, you're free now think of it as being company," I shout frantically pulling my shoes on and bolting out the door.

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