Chapter 161

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March 14th
Harry (17 weeks)
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (1 year)

Ron's POV

"Blaise you need to let gooo, I have to feed the girls" I laugh trying to pry my boyfriend's arms off of my waist.  "Nooooo don't leave me" he whines, gripping me tighter.  "Okay, what is going on?" I ask, my voice dropping to a more serious tone.
   "What do you mean?" He asks, kissing the back of my neck.  "Lately you always say something like... no don't leave me or you left me! When I had only just left the room" I call him out.  He sucks in a breath and lets go of my waist.  "Oh it's nothing, my vocabulary must have weakened" he jokes, his expression going cold, as his voice went monotone.
   "Nooo stop! I was just curious!" I shout, turning around to hug him.  His mouth twitches up into a smile. Both of us laughing, as I start rocking us around.  "Now help me find children"  I instruct him getting a nod before he takes my hand. Our hands web together, and we go to search the nursery first.
   A bit of worry sets in, as we come to yet another empty room.  "Iris... Ivy" Blaise shouts taking his hand from mine to cup his mouth.  I leave him knocking on Harry's door rapidly.  The door opens just as quickly revealing a very annoyed Harry with a very flustered Draco behind him.
  "Always getting interrupted" my best friend grumbles to himself, as I scratch the back of my neck nervously.  Feeling a bit guilty I ruined their little moment.  The guilt rushes away as I straighten up my face showing an expression of concern. 
  "You don't have to, but could you please help us find the girls" I started confident, yet it ended in a whisper.  Harry's stone face softens at the mention of the girls, and he nods his head dragging Draco out of the room with him.
  The ferret closes their door, and Harry quickly checks Atlas's nursery.  Returning a few minutes, Atlas following close behind.  "They aren't with Atlas" Harry mumbles to himself while Blaise comes sprinting down the hall. 
  "T-they aren't w-with the twins,"  Blaise says exasperated and out of breath.  I bite my cheek attempting to not overreact. They couldn't have left the house. My emotions were getting the best of me, so I started back to the common room ready to flip every couch, bed, and dresser until I found them.
  The boys come running down the stairs with sympathetic looks as I give them a small look of hope.  They both shake their heads no, and the flame of hope quickly dwindles.  "I don't understand.." I groan into my hands feeling like the worst person in the world.
   Both girls had come waddling into our room.  Iris grew lazy and fell to her knees switching to crawling.  I had asked them if they were hungry, and both squealed getting right back up onto their feet.  Watching them leave I got ready to follow when arms wrapped around my waist.
  They had been out of my sight for five minutes at the most, and now they had completely disappeared...  Now I was walking back down the hall with my brothers behind me.  Meeting up with everybody who was yelling into rooms trying to get some sign from them.
  I peeked back into our room just in case.  Of course, they weren't there.  Herb came running past as he attempted to help us find his friends. There was one thing that really caught my attention which happened to be Atlas.  He was acting weird pounding his fist on the shelf against the wall. 
  I smile knowing the girls must have been here from the mess on the floor.  Sighing I squat down next to Atlas lifting the three books and other random things sprawled across the floor.  Not bothering to put them back in their right places. I just set them on top of it.
   "Blaise" I mutter, turning back to where I had last seen him.  The only one I see is Harry who was checking another room, his hand rubbing his stomach which was starting to become more noticeable.  "Papa!" Atlas screams attempting to shake the shelf.  "Hey be careful,"  Harry shouts, moving to grab the child. 
  I watched curiously as the child cried getting dragged away from the bookshelf.  "We can't play right now... I'm sorry" Harry coos to him getting down to his eye level.  I shake my head and move forward... is this actually happening.
  "Blaise!?" I call a little louder and his head pops out of the room.  He steps out walking over to me.  "Anything?" he pries, getting a no from me.  "I'm scared," I choke out.  He pulls me into his chest, and I breathe in his scent attempting to calm myself down. 
  It doesn't work as I burst into tears.  "w-what should we do" I cry letting my arms hang at my side.  "Let's just continue to look... I'm sure they are just playing one big game of hiding and seek" He reassures me, but I could tell by the tone of his voice he was having a hard time believing that as well.
  Blaise releases me from the hug turning to search the common room... once again.  I take a deep breath knowing I'm not gonna be any help if I just stand here and cry.  They are my girls after all.  "Okay think Ron... they were hungry... there's no way they managed to get all the way to the kitchen in five minutes" I mumble trying to think things out. 
  Iris can barely walk, and Ivy still falls every few feet.  I groan into my hand.  "They can't even open doors anyways" I whisper inaudible to others.  They would have to be opened for them.  Were they taken... There's no way Herb guards the door, and he's currently sprinting around to find them, the babies would have made some sort of noise.  I remember faint giggling, but that was it.
  As if they heard me a small giggle comes from somewhere around me, and I freeze.  I wasn't the only one that heard that right... Looking around I realize I'm alone in the hall.  Tears flood my eyes again "Great now I've gone mental" I chuckle lightly walking back down the hall.
  Atlas comes stumbling over, and he grabs my pant leg trying to drag me towards something.  "I'm sorry buddy I really can't play right now," I tell him.  "Bwaby" He shouts pointing over to that stupid bookshelf.  "Wait... what do you mean baby?"  I question him as he starts patting the shelf.  "Ehhh" he whines in response.
  Things start coming together when another squeal comes from somewhere in the wall confirming what I believed.  "Iris! Ivy'' I shout grabbing at the books I had put on the shelf earlier.  I shiver remembering the huge spider while trying to find the right spot for the books.  I felt stupid, but if I'm correct one of these books should work a way into a tunnel. 
  Ughhhh Fred and George would know... After a few minutes, I finally find the correct spot of one of the books and jump back as it slides out of the way.  "Blaise! Harry!" I shout trying to get someone's attention "George... Fred?!"  I continue "Draco?" I added before sighing no one... just my luck. 
  "Go get papa and daddy" I shoo Atlas.  He giggles and waddles away... I'll go get help them. Before I can turn to get somebody high pitch scream echos through the tunnel followed by another.  My eyes widen, as my feet carry me into the tunnel running at full speed.
  "It's okay... it's just a spider... they aren't that bad'' I tell myself trying to work my way through this fucking maze.  "Ivy! Iris!"  I shout hoping to get some response back. Nothing... the tunnel begins to widen, and I start to remember where I am.  "No..." I whisper in fear.  The giant arch becomes visible in the distance.
   "Not Princess" I cry trying to take a quick look around the room.  Ready to bolt.  My vision seems blurry until I notice two brightly dressed girls in the center of the room. "Bright pink, and lime green" I mutter the color of their outfits for no reason at all. 
  Starting to walk forward slowly, keeping my sights on them the whole time.  As I drew closer I realized Iris was hugging over Ivy both had tear-stained cheeks.  "G-girls" I let out meekly slowly making my way to them.  They both look up to me with terror in their eyes.  They aren't looking at me though.  I wish I wasn't scared of spiders... Iris screams and clings onto her sister as I flip around noticing the one and only Princess in the corner of the ceiling.
  My vision becomes hazy again, and I feel the urge to pass out... puke... I don't even know.  Fighting it I run to the girls.  "She won't hurt you," I tell them, putting my body over theirs. Ivy turns into my chest.  Iris quickly does the same.  I tuck my head down, starting to silently cry not wanting to scare them.  Both were continuing to scream, obviously terrified.
  "S-shes nice"  "j-just a little s-sc-scary looking" I try calming them and myself down.  I can hear her moving around curiously staring at us with her beady eyes.  She will eventually get bored and leave... I'd rather sit and wait than provoke the thing on accident.
   "I love you both so much," I tell them while shifting our bodies around.  I now faced Princess, and they could only see me and the wall.  "Both of you look so cute today" I whisper rubbing their heads.  The twins pull themselves out of my chest to stare at me.  Quickly wiping their tears I continue to talk trying my best to keep everybody calm.
   Iris hiccups rubbing her eye, as she stares at me unsure of what to do.  I smile down at her, receiving a small smile back. Then taking the lead Ivy lifts and hides in my shirt holding it up for Iris.  Her sister hastily climbs in both girls continuing to cry.  I let out a breath once I knew for sure both girls can't see me.  Slapping my hand over my mouth I silently sob choking on my own tears.  I'm so scared... sealing my eyes closed I do the best I can to stay quiet. 
  I'm not going to be able to hold it together much longer... "Ron!"  my favorite voice in the world at the moment shouts.  I refuse to open my eyes nodding in response as big arms wrap around me.  "You found them"  Blaise praises me with kisses on the face.  I just nodded, moving to hide my face in his neck.  I was trembling so much, and I hadn't even realized it.
  "You're so brave you came in here even though it terrified you... just for your daughters", he continues as other voices soon start coming down the hall.  I give in, on being quiet and sob loudly my arms clutching the girls who were shaking as much as I was.
  Of course, as soon as the boys appeared Fred and George yelled for Princess as if she was injured or something.  I ignore it trying to calm myself down failing miserably.  "P-Please I just want out of here" I cry, his hand rubbing my back. 
  "Hold onto the girls" he whispers.  I answer with an "okay'' my grip around them becoming tighter.  As it does Blaise shifts around lifting the girls and me.  I kept my eyes sealed shut, he carried me bridal style, the girls laying on my stomach.  Readjusting them a bit so they don't fall I turn more into Blaise's chest. 
   "Just go to sleep buttercup... You were so brave... let me take care of you now"

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