Chapter 27

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Fred's POV  (prego counter 4 weeks)

George and I knew everything about the 'Strawberry Tea'.  We had been in the living room ermm... making out I guess when he was preparing it in the kitchen.
We eventually went to the kitchen to get some water and on the table was a potions book and the page it was turned to was the one needed to impregnate males.
At first, I thought it was for him but when George and I followed him to the camp he gave the pink bottle to Harry. I'm assuming he did it for a reason because if not he's really screwed up in the head.
   As counselors in training we just kinda walk around and help anybody who needs it. We walked hand and hand until we see a tuff of red quickly walk behind a cabin.
  I turn to George and nod my head "follow" was all he said as we sped walk to the cabin. As we turn I see Ron pressed against the cabin with Blaise in front of him passionately making out. "Woahhhh what a show," George and I ruin their moment laughing.
  They immediately stop and both look up at us with flustered faces. "So is Harry pregnant," we ask as Ron's eyes go wide and Blaise stares at the ground.
  "Shhh not so loud" Ron whisper shouts. He scratches the back of his neck nervously before continuing "we think he is but we are unsure he should be like 4 weeks but he's had 3 migraines"
I look to George and he's smiling his beautiful smile. "Why do you want him to be pregnant?" George finishes the sentence as Ron rubs his arm nervously.
  "I'll have to let Harry explain it... it's kinda personal" Ron choked out it kinda sounded like he was gonna cry. He turns into Blaise as Blaise looks towards us.
  "Just know if he doesn't have a kid he might not make it long" Blaise hesitantly tries to explain without saying to much at the same time he was rubbing Ron's back. "You need to get to class but if you ever need our help come get us," we say placing a hand on each of their shoulders.
  They nod and quickly scurry off to class. "I've been thinking, how much of the Weasley family is gay?" George says scratching his head.
  I turn towards him about to say something but I cut myself off. "You're right besides mum, dad, and Ginny we know for sure they are straight but, what about Charlie and Bill.... what about Percy!" I say with excitement.
"You never know maybe Charlie has a dragon fetish and that's why he hangs out with them" George adds nodding his head up and down.
"How about we take a little break on being responsible" George whispers while pushing me against the wall that Ron had once been at. I grin while looking into his eyes. "Us responsible that's funny," I joke as he chuckles along.
I can feel his warm breath on my neck and it's leaving a tingling sensation as my breathing hitches. He quickly kisses up my jawline and my nose and then pulls back and looks at me as I bite my lip at the passionate look in his eyes.
He quickly leans in and I place both of my hands on his cheeks.  Our lips smash together creating a spark that felt amazing and new every single time we kissed.
    I knew we had to leave soon but I really didn't want to. I grab the back of his head and pull him towards me deepening the kiss before pulling back. "We really should go aren't we suppose to help Hagrid today?" I ask Georgie. He gives me a little pout since I had pulled away.
"Come on you big baby," I roll my eyes at him while dragging him towards the forest where Hagrid was currently teaching his class. "Later today we should do some pranks," George bring sup the best idea, grinning evilly.
"That's exactly what I was thinking," I agree as we dash for the class now realizing we were incredibly late.

Harry's POV

  "Snape right?" I ask Draco as we head to our last class of the day. "Yeah are you ok?" He asks me while feeling my temperature for the third time today.
  "As I said before just a little drowsy," I remind him, brushing a hand through my hair. "Ok uhh let's just go to class," Dray says grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the small wooden cabin in front of us.
  Once opened it looked exactly like Snape's potions class back at Hogwarts I see Ron and Blaise already in their seats.  I sit next to Ron and Draco follows behind sitting next to me.
  I look at him and see his face is full of worry and concern I know he's been stressing out because of my health lately but I know I'm fine. He notices me staring and quickly shakes the look off his face replacing it with a smile but you could still see the exhausted look in his eyes.
  I smile back and turn towards the front of the class as Professor Snape clears his throat. "Today we will be attempting to make an invisibility potion," He instructs, scowling at the class.
  "You will also be testing it yourselves" he adds looking at every one of us. I stop paying attention to him but kept listening I went back to studying Draco's face.
  He looked so tired and sad I have been keeping him up all night and I just feel awful. "If anybody is pregnant do not drink the potion" Snape continues listing off the reason why you can't as I roll my eyes nobody's pregnant. Why would somebody come here while they are pregnant? I would be in bed all day.
  I look to Ron who looks like he's going to pass out and Blaise is practically trembling.  "Well grab a partner and get to it" Snape snaps as everybody hurries to their feet to get ingredients. I grab Draco as my partner and head towards the back for ingredients... Woah what if Ron's pregnant?


Ron's POV

I shakily stand grabbing Blaise "we need to make sure Harry doesn't drink it," I say in a whisper not taking my eyes off the front of the class.
  We set up at a standing desk behind Harry and Draco so we could watch everything they did. Also to cheat off of Draco because he's awesome at potions...
"So if it comes down to telling Harry we think he's pregnant we're gonna have to tell him but if we can somehow get him to not drink it another way... do that" I whisper not taking my eyes off the boys in front of us.
  Blaise let out a low "got it" in response and we started working. I know for sure this potion wouldn't work as soon as we started. I grab the cherries and attempt to slice them into perfect halves but my hands were shaking so bad I missed almost every time.
   The 2nd ingredient was dead spiders... don't even get me started on that my face went white at the sight of them. Blaise scooted them closer to him and turned his back to me so I couldn't see them as he placed one smushed spider in quietly counting to 7 before dropping the other in.
  "Ok spiders are gone what's next," he asks turning back to me with the small mixture. I look at the book in front of me and race my finger across the page trying to find the next ingredient.
  I gave up so I just looked up to see Harry stirring his with a chicken feather. "Stir it with a chicken feather," I say snickering a bit.
  "Should have been a Slytherin" Blaise replies rubbing his fingers over the top of my hand gently. I smile at him as he grabs a brown chicken feather from the drawer underneath the desk.
  He stands over the cauldron "stir right?" Blaise asks doubling checking the directions. "Yup," I say with a nod as he sticks the feather in and it slowly burns up. I look at Blaise in fear as he looks at me with a worried face.  "Were not drinking this" Blaise says rubbing the back of his neck still staring at the potion we had made, which was basically acid.
"No, I think we should drink it," I say sarcastically as both of us raise our hands slowly "we're so going to get hit" I whisper again as the angry emo lord stomped towards us. "Yeah" Blaise sighs sadly.
  "What issss it!" Snape snaps I gulp and slowly move forward.  "Heh, we can't drink this," I say in a hushed tone. "And why not" Snape sneers leaning closer to my face.
  I scramble to grab another feather and stick it in the acid watching it burn away. He shakes his head in disappointment "you idiots this is a 3rd-year potion how could you mess this up" he says through gritted teeth.
  Taking his clipboard he lightly smacks me in the head and shoots a death glare towards Blaise. "Stress I guess" was all that came out as he growled at us and walked away.
"Stupid privileged Slytherin.... he didn't freaking hit you" I grumbled as Blaise laughed and rub my shoulder.
"Yeah yeah, now we need to focus on that," he says pointing to the two boys in front of us.

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