Chapter 82

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Atlas (5 months 1 week)
Ron (13 weeks)

Ron's POV (present)

We arrived back home and I was clutching onto Blaise for dear life, one hand holding my stomach.  I was so happy, yet terrified at the same time.
  As we got closer to the door I could hear yelling and sighed this is gonna be a headache.  "What do you even say" Fred and George shout as a loud thump made us stop on the porch.
  "I don't know whatever comes to mind" Harry shouts back to them. I look at Blaise confused and before I can say anything the door is swung open by a very happy Herb. "Baby" he yells happily hugging our legs, then rushing back over to the couch more than likely playing with Atlas again.
   I chuckle at his excitement "Happy baby gender reveal thing" "Happy Birthday". The twins shout at the same time throwing their arms into the air.  The rest of us facepalm as George slowly lowers his arms down and looks around at us "fuck I did it again" he chuckles nervously.
"Oh really," Fred chuckles sarcastically before hitting him on the back of the head. I laugh at the sight before me and all attention is on me again.
"Were you crying? what's wrong? Are you ok? Is the baby ok?" Both begin shouting random questions that I didn't even have time to answer.
   "Let's just all sit down and we can tell you everything," Blaise buds in as he rubs my back attempting to calm and comfort me.
  We all walk to the area of couches in the common room and like I thought Atlas was on his play blanket messing with Herb's fingers.  I sit and cuddle up next to Blaise. George sits next to me pulling me from Blaise into a hug and Fred does the same.
   Harry and Draco sit across from us with concerned faces. I feel guilty they're worried for no reason... I'm just scared. "Want me to tell them," Blaise asked and I shyly nod before hugging onto him again.
  "Well as most of you probably know Ron's kinda terrified about the whole pregnancy thing and having a baby" Blaise mumbled rubbing my arm slowly.
   I close my eyes and hide into his chest. He takes a deep breath and goes to talk again but is cut off by the ferret.  "What does that have to do with the gender," Draco asks and then a small "ow" comes from him as I'm assuming Harry playfully hit him or something.
  Wish I would have seen it I chuckle to myself.  "Don't interrupt them" he whispers to Draco as he mumbles back "sorry"
  "As I was saying.... the gender.... were just gonna tell you now if that's okay?" He tells them in a sort of question way.  A bunch of "yes please" and "yes" come from the boys.
   Blaise takes a deep breath and I tighten my grip on him.  "We're having twin girls," he's blunt as the room goes quiet until Atlas breaks the silence with a giggle.
  I look up from Blaise to see Harry smiling like a maniac as Draco looks at his hand holding up two fingers with a confused face. Herb was now standing up cheering "not baby! But babies" he cheered over and over again.
  I look to the twins who looked like the happiest people in the world. "WE ARE GOING TO BE THE BEST UNCLES" they shout standing and grabbing onto each other's forearms.
  They begin to jump around and squeal like they usually do when they successfully prank someone. Everybody looked so happy and I smiled up at Blaise who had teary eyes.
Harry comes over to Blaise and me and holds his arms out for a hug. I unlatch my body from Blaise and throw myself into his arms. "Congratulations," he chuckles while squeezing me and I squeeze back.
"Thank you" I whisper and he nods his head releasing me from the hug. Both of us walk over to Blaise and Draco because they were now talking about something.
"I'm just manlier than you because I made two and not one" Blaise snaps at Draco as I feel my face heat up. "I bet you I can make more overall" Draco yells back and this time Harry's face turns red.
"Come Harry we have babies to create!" Draco yells coming towards us. Harry bolts the other way shouting "No Draco No!" Draco starts to chase after him.
I laugh until I see Blaise staring at me "what?" I asked cocking my head to the side. "We need to get started to, if we're gonna beat that prick!" He shouts coming towards me.
I speed walk for the kitchen shouting at him "YOU IDIOT I'M ALREADY PREGNANT IT DOESN'T WORK LIKE THAT!"
He laughs still coming after me as I finally make it into the kitchen I go to a drawer looking through it until I find my heavenly spatula. Blaise enters the room biting his lip but stops immediately once he sees me.
"Babe that's the metal one" he laughs nervously, and I walk closer to him with it. "I know, and if you even try to rape me... sir. I will beat you with it" I laugh as he throws his hands up in defeat.
I lower my weapon and he jumps over to me tickling my sides as I let out a shriek. I drop the spatula as he continues to tickle me from behind so I can't push him away.
He stops for a second and then immediately starts again. "Blaise stoppp" I whine trying to breathe. He finally stops and rests his hands on my hips keeping me close.
He starts leaving small butterfly kisses on my neck. I suck in a breathe as he pulls away and moves closer to my ear "I could make you feel so good" he whispers seductively.
I turn around and put my hands around his neck. "You know what will make feel good" I whisper and he moves closer biting his lip "and what's that?" He asks pressing himself against me.
"Some pickles covered in peanut butter and ketchup" I cheer getting a groan. I kiss him and pull back to see him still pouting. "One more" he whispers and I smile rolling my eyes.
"Fine," I smile back as I go in for another kiss, he beats me to it and lifts me. Setting me on the counter not breaking the kiss. He goes in between my legs making us closer and the kiss deepens.
I giggle as he pulls away with a goofy smile and kisses my stomach. "Now I'm happy," he chuckles helping me off the counter. He leans against the counter as I go to the fridge grabbing a jar of pickles, peanut butter, and ketchup.
"Ok grab a butter knife and a plate," I say taking the stuff to the dining room. I hear a small "mhmm" before it's cut off by the door closing behind me. It opens again revealing Blaise with an uneasy look on his face.
I snicker to myself as I grab a pickle from the jar and I put my hand out for the butter knife. He gives it to me hesitantly and I roll my eyes and stick the knife into the peanut butter, covering the pickle with it. I made sure to put more than usual just for him.
I could hear him gulp from behind me as I set it down on the plate. I stifle my laughter as I grab the ketchup and cover the peanut butter-covered pickle in it.
I step away from my delicious creation and wait for Blaise to take a bite. I can't hold my laughter in any longer at the look of pure terror on his face. He picks it up and inspects it, putting it close to his mouth.
But as soon as it gets anywhere near his lips he pulls it away and looks to me for mercy. "Nope," I say blankly ignoring his puppy dog eyes.
He lets out a defeated huff and brings it to his mouth again. I finally give up and when he goes to take it away I shove it into his mouth.
His eyes widen just as the dining room door opens revealing a smiling Draco. Blaise spits my fabulous food all over him. I put all my weight onto the table keeping me up as I die of laughter.
   Blaise falls to the ground in disgust and attempts to get the taste off of his tongue. The smile is wiped off of Draco's face immediately. He turns around and opens the door to leave. "You guys make me depressed" he cries trudging out the door mumbling...
"All of a sudden I'm happy to go back to work tomorrow"

Here are the options feel free to comment names you'd like me to add😁 please choose only two!
Rosemary (Rose for short)-3

Will, the child call them:
Dad (Blaise) and Mom (Ron) -23
Dad(Blaise) and Papa(Ron) - 17
I'm adding this since I get so many requests asking for this instead
Dad(Ron) Blaise (Papa) -9

Remember you can message me privately about voting if you want!

Yeah not gonna lie I was kinda grossing myself out talking about the pickle💀

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