Chapter 47

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Harry's POV (25 weeks)

I woke up to Draco's arm wrapped around my stomach loosely. Shifting backward into his warmth, I stay there for a minute attempting to go back to sleep.
  It doesn't work and I feel wide awake so I slowly open my eyes to be met by a set of blue eyes. I jump backward basically over Draco and yell "Dray" as I land on the other side of a now hazy and angry Draco.
   Grabbing my wand off of the nightstand I aim it at... Ron. "I'm going to strangle you and then feed you to some fucking weasels" I spit out, setting my wand back down.
   As soon as I'm done Draco and Ron are staring at me like I'm mad. My boyfriend is the first to talk "Yep I'm still dreaming" and lays back down putting a pillow over his face.
  "Anyways today is the dayyy... you can just tell me now! I'm great at keeping secrets" Ron shouts with a huge smile on his face. "You are the exact opposite now get out or I am really going to kill you" I whisper with a smile.
   Draco takes the pillow off of his face with fear in his eyes. "Please let me be dreaming" he whispers to himself, which I decide to ignore him for a bit.
  "Of course... best friend" Ron chuckles nervously and ducks for the door slamming it behind him. I let out a sigh and turn to Draco just laying on his back with his eyes close.
  I crawl over to him and lay my head onto his bare chest and intertwine my legs with his. He doesn't move besides wrapping his arm around my shoulder.
  "So it's not a dream... are you ok?" he asks with a chuckle. "Yeah I'm just tired," I sigh with a light voice. "Well that means we're going to have to get up" he sits up and pulls me into his lap so I'm straddling him.
   I groan and lay my head on his shoulder. While he wraps his arms around my back. "We are going to need to set decorations up... not to mention I need to prepare myself for when your uncle kills me" Draco whispers and I can practically feel him shiver.
     Then I see a smirk creep upon his face. I give him a confused look, and as soon as I do he leans down to my neck swirling his tongue around I let out a whimper "Dra- what are you d-doing" I mumble while he starts sucking on my neck.
   I finally give in and melt into the pleasure. Once he's finished he leans back with a smirk. "I have an idea if your uncles doesn't kill me, you let me have a present" he whispers the smirk on his face growing bigger.
   I feel my face heat up but, nod yes anyways. Crawling off of Draco I walk towards the mirror to see my cheek was back to normal and the only hickeys left was one of Draco's from last week which was very faint and the one he just made.
The only other thing extremely noticeable was the now purple/blueish bruise on my neck of Kingsley's hand. I reach my own hand to my neck and touch it softly wincing from just the contact.
  I sigh and right as I do Draco comes from behind me and pulls my body against his placing his chin on my head, staring into the mirror. "We are so hot," he says with such a serious face that I can't help but laugh.
"You're such a dork" I continue to laugh as I pull out of his embrace and walk towards the closet. I grab some stretchy jeans with a plain white shirt and then pull an oversized baby blue cardigan over it.
Leaving the closet just as Draco finishes redoing his pastel pink tie that goes with his jeans and white button-up. Basically, the guest will wear pink if they think it's a girl and blue if they think it's a boy.
Obviously, Draco knows but if we both wore blue the gender reveal would be pointless and he was the one that wanted a girl so he got stuck with pink. I stare at Draco admiring how good he looks in basically everything.
He snaps getting my attention and I look at him with innocent eyes. "Just can't wait for later can you," he flirts with a seductive voice and a wink. I tense up and turn for the door every bit of my hormones telling me to just jump him right here and now.
Stepping out of the room, and quickly walking down the stairs I enter the common room. Herb was sitting patiently on the couch with a small blue hat. He kicks his feet back and forth waiting for the guest to arrive.
   I stop at a closet that we had stored all the decorations in and grab them placing them on the coffee table. Leaning over the table, I counted to make sure I have all the garlands when Draco presses himself against me.
"He-mmmm" I let out a noise mixed between a yelp and a moan as I straighten up. He grips onto my sides still pressed against me "stop being such a pervert" I hiss and he kisses the back of my neck before releasing me.
If he doesn't stop I'm gonna have him do me right here and now. "Stupid hormones" I mutter under my breath. "What was that baby," Dray asks plastering an innocent smile on his face.
"I need a nap already" I groan rubbing the bridge of my nose. I take my wand and start to tap the lanterns in different spots around the room causing them to float up.
Ron walks in with a pink t-shirt and a pink choker with Blaise following behind him who has some light blue converse on. Ron skips over and looks at the garlands before pointing at one "where do you want this" he asks pulling out his wand.
Blaise goes to Draco to help set up the sign and program it. Once they're done the words say Welcome and after 10 seconds switch to Draco and Harry's and after another 10 seconds it switches again to Baby shower.
Then after one more change, it says Boy or Girl? It should repeat the system over and over again.  I have Herb help me set up the vases and he puts the flowers in a certain arrangement that he likes. Before we turn them into real flowers.
  I find it ironic that his name is Herb and he is so good with plants.  Sometimes I'll sit next to him and listen to him go on and on about plant facts and how his favorite flower is the Tiger Lily. Not gonna lie I've learned more about them from him than from school and it's just relaxing to listen to.
   "Hey babe I'm gonna do the balloon" I shout over my shoulder, I get an "ok dear" in response. Taking the balloon into the kitchen I open the cabinet filled with some of Draco's gluten-free stuff. Grabbing the gluten-free crackers I quickly grab the bag of blue petals from it.
  Opening it and pouring the whole bag into the balloon before sealing it back up and burying the bag into the trash.  I take one last look around to make sure no petals spilled out and as I do the twins strut in.
    George wearing a light blue beanie and Fred has a light blue sweatshirt wrap around his waist. I guess those two will be happy.  They wave to me and I smile back "what do you need help with" they ask and I think about it for a bit before answering.
  "Is there any way you'd be willing to get the food out and ready, set it up on the table out in the common room?" I ask as they both look at each other simultaneously and shrug their shoulders "sure" they say in unison.
  I walk towards the door and pause "Thanks.... and do whatever you must to keep Ron away" I whisper sternly before continuing out the door.
  I shove the ballon back into the closet so Ron won't be constantly trying to see into it. Everything is basically up besides Ron who was putting one last garland up. Fred was watching over the food table while George snuck to and from the kitchen with more food.
   I laugh as I notice the newly painted light blue stripes under their eyes. I was about to go talk to Ron when a knock from the door in a flash Herb is at the door. "Weird it doesn't start for another hour" Draco mumbles.
   Herb opens the door and I hear the voices thank the cheerful house elf. Turning back to Draco with wide eyes, he speeds walks to hide behind me.

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