Chapter 166

967 57 62

April 16th
Harry (22 weeks)
Atlas (2 years)
Iris, Ivy, Asher (1 year)

Draco's POV
"O" Atlas squeals running over to Octavia. She seems surprised as she walks through the class door immediately ducking back out. She returns a few seconds later with Willow holding her hand.
Willow seems confused until she sees Atlas, her face lighting up. "Wo!" He squeals again, his run becoming a wobble as he falls to his knees just to stand back up and continue running.
"Hey, Atlas" Willow coos picking the child up. He giggles playing with her blue tie. "We don't want to be late to class now do we?" I say to no one in particular.
She seems to take the hint though freezing before shoving the child into Octavia's arm. "See y'all later" she cheers, running out of class. Octavia holds the child arm's length away while staring at him incredibly confused. He reaches forward wanting to hug her.
She gives me an uncomfortable smile while bringing him closer to her chest. She grunts as he clings on to her, and makes her way to her desk continuing to hold the child.
I take my wand aiming it at the door as it slams shut. Students rush to their seats, and Atlas jumps up and looks around before nuzzling into Mrs. Scree more.
"Want me to take him?" I laugh, holding my arms out. She shakes her head. "N-no it's fine" she chuckles rubbing his back. I smile at the two of them as a kid chuckles in the back "maybe she isn't heartless"
Her face freezes before she slowly turns to look at him "oh it's you again" she whispers raising an eyebrow. He rolls his eyes and I rub the bridge of my nose. I swear kids have no brains sometimes.
"I suggest you shut the fuck up before I shove your wand so far up your-" she spits out, and I quickly throw my hands up. "Woah Woah remember the kid is in your arms" I laugh nervously as the rest of the students look between the three of us.
"Ugh," she groans as Atlas sits up playing with her clothes. "In the nicest way possible I will torment you for the rest of the year if your mouth opens one more time" Octavia finishes less violently... Kinda I guess.
The kid shrinks back nodding as the others start laughing. "Okay everybody shut up and let me teach!" I shout, clapping my hands together, getting annoyed with these daily interruptions because kids can't keep their mouths shut.
They all snap their heads forward as I point to the chalkboard. "I don't want to hear an argument from anybody the rest of class" I continue before getting started with the actual lesson.

* (different class)

"So when you use this certain potion you HAVE to stir clockwise. Got it?" I inform the class. Most nod while others write down notes, some just doodling on their parchment. "This is because it is a-" I get cut off snapping my head to the side. "Dwaddy" Atlas whimpers sitting up from his nap. He clutches Wolfie. The blanket I had laid out from him falling off the chair behind my desk.
"Right here baby" I whisper squatting down with my arms out. He stands sliding off of the chair, wobbling over to me with a tired expression. Lifting him I rest the tired boy on my hip kissing the small toddler. He just plays with the wolf in his hands as I go back to the other students. "As I was saying before... you stir the opposite way because this potion will be giving you the opposite emotion you are feeling for the hour" I smile bouncing the baby a little.
He silently babbles while I continue explaining the potion, and its ingredients. Pointing to the picture I had drawn of each step, and cycle. They better appreciate my artwork, because Merlin's beard it was a lot of work.
It went well for a few minutes as I drew arrows trying to get them to understand each step and how precise everything had to be. A couple of minutes went by and a few students let out small chuckles and giggles.
  I ignored it almost certain it was Atlas doing something and he would stop soon. Almost the whole class was holding in laughs by now. I grew tired of it and turned my head to see the baby waving at Mateo. He's a Hufflepuff boy, he's got a scary look to him, but he is actually extremely soft, and a bit sensitive.
Learned that the hard way. I yelled at him for something, and he ended up breaking down. Definitely surprised me. Word got out about it... the bastard Snape told my beloved Harry and as soon as I got home a book was launched at my head. I got yelled at for two things that day. One making the poor boy cry and two making Harry have to throw the book he was reading.
Anyways the young man would wave his fingers in a small wave as Atlas readjusted himself, waving back. "Hi," Atlas whispered, making the smile on Mateo's face ten times wider. Mateo seems to just then notice me and sinks into his chair. "Sorry" he whispers, making me shrug my shoulders. "Well, are you going to say hi back," I ask looking down at the child waiting patiently in my arms.
The laughs from his classmates stop as he sits back up nodding. "Yes sorry... Hey," he waves again to the small child. Atlas giggles looking up at me. He points back at Mateo followed by a squeal. "Yes I'm so happy you found a new friend, but you're distracting them" I joke jabbing his sides as he scrunches himself up trying to protect his ribs.
"Anyways class dismissed... we will resume this tomorrow... bring your damn books!" I shout the last part as the students run out the door. Atlas follows each of them with his hand opening and closing into a fist almost like he was trying to grab something. In reality, he was just trying to wave. "Bye-bye" he cheers. Most wave back while others actually said bye to him including Mateo which seemed to have made the baby's day.
The break was extremely boring as I straightened up paperwork, and wrote down the steps for the potion I would be teaching next class. Before I did all that, I had dragged my chair across the floor setting Atlas on top of it. The toddler quickly stands up, while I hand him the chalk.
After watching him for a few minutes to make sure he didn't eat it I went on to my mini chores. He scribbled lines all over the parts of the board he could reach. Once I was done with everything one side of the board was nicely decorated with Atlas's masterpiece, and the other littered with my boring one by one steps.
  Taking the chalk away from Atlas, I set it back in its spot using my wand to clean his hands. He looks at his own hands amazed and confused. Making me chuckle while picking him back up. Grabbing his sippy cup as well. Walking out of the door Atlas looks around amazed with everything like it's his first time here.
Making our way into the Great hall I see that some students had already arrived waiting for the food to be served. I made a beeline to the professor's table. Setting Atlas on the ground, so I can lay his stuff out on the table without dropping him or anything I was holding.
"Ok... Wolfie check... sippy cup...uh plastic utensils" I mumble patting my pockets. "Now my little- Atlas...'' I called his name after turning to find the spot where he once was empty. I groan searching the crowded room for the adventurous toddler. "Let's see he would for sure go to find his mimi, grandpa, Octavia, or Willow" I mumble to myself looking around the room.
Minerva was giving me a strange glance as she noticed the child I had brought with me no longer... uh with me. I smile a nervous smile looking at Snape next. He shakes his head, obviously disappointed... I just shrug my shoulders looking for the two girls next... one of them has to have him... right.
I was starting to freak out a bit... as I search the room for them. "Fuck" I grunt once both girls walk into the Great hall holding hands no Atlas. Giggles come from one side of the room. The sound instantly makes me calm down, as the Hufflepuff table interrupts in laughter, and awes. I rush over to the cheerful table to find Atlas on... oh Mateo I should have thought about that.
My son was on Mateo's shoulders as he waved to everyone saying "hi" every 20 seconds. Mateo stood up bouncing up and down which caused the child to jolt around erupting into loud giggles. The Hufflepuffs around just cheered them on gushing at how cute he was. A girl I didn't recognize next to Mateo giggles before getting everyone's attention. She smiled up to Mateo holding in a laugh.
"Well congratulations on the new little boyfriend Mateo" she bursts into laughter making the rest of them follow suit.
"The fuck not!..... I need more TOWERS!!!!!"

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