Chapter 138

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September 17th
Atlas (1 year)
Asher, Ivy, and Iris (8 months)

Draco's POV

"We need your child" Fred screams chasing after me as I cling Atlas to my chest running down the hall past an anxious Harry. "Are you okay Harry?!" I shout not stopping as he whips around to look at me.
I keep running turning the corner as I look down at Atlas who seems to be enjoying his little adventure. "I might have to give you up to make sure papa is okay" I whisper as he claps his hands together.
I turn for a split second to see Fred and now George following close behind me. "We only need him for an hour at most" George shouts as I start to slow my pace.
"Stay back" I yell turning so they can't see Atlas. "Please... Asher won't sit up for anyone else" they beg making me feel bad as I drop the kid from my arms. Setting him on the ground. He hugs my leg and looks up to me while bouncing on his toes wanting back up.
I smile and lift him back up walking him over to the twins. "Fine" I mumble handing him to George as Fred pumps his fist in the air. "Dada" Atlas squeals reaching back for me. I give him a small smile messing up his hair "you're going to go play with Asher for a bit okay" I kiss his forehead as he nods his head, hugging onto George.
"1 hour" I mumble as they both cheer running off to Asher. I trudge down the rest of the hallway when I remember Harry. Peeking my head around the corner I see he isn't there... he was heading to the common room, right?
"Hey, weasel have you seen Harry?" I ask which in response he immediately shushes me. "Excuse m-" I say flabbergasted only to be cut off by Blaise as he shushes me too. I turn the corner more and see Ivy dragging herself across the floor as Iris attempts to get on all fours again letting out a tiny yawn.
Blaise begins cheering and swoops her up kissing her stomach as she giggles and kicks around. Great now my baby fever is even worse. Atlas is practically running everywhere. "You did such a good job Ivy!" he coos at her kissing her forehead as she continues to giggle.
He then sets her down and picks up Iris who was grumbling to herself as he kissed her forehead as well. "You're so close little monkey... you'll get there soon" he laughs tickling her stomach as the same giggle comes from her as well.
Ron looks towards me and I try not to laugh as he's fanning away tears. I shouldn't laugh because Harry was the same way... but it's Ron and I love making fun of Ron...
"W-what did you need," he asked his voice breaking as Blaise looks over to us with a look of concern "oh baby are you crying!" He pouts setting Iris back down and pulling Ron over for a hug. "I'm f-fine" he cries turning into Blaise's shoulder... "I'm just gonna go" I nervously laugh pointing back towards the dining room and kitchen.
I hurry into the kitchen only to find it empty before using the conjoined door that leads into the dining room only for it to be empty too. "Maybe he circled back" I mumble to myself pushing the door open as I hear the older twins giggling evilly.
I don't trust them, but at the same time, I'm more worried about Harry... maybe... Yes... fiancé comes first right now! I sneak past the crying couple as their two daughters sit up and stare at them with wide and worried eyes.
Speed walking down the hall back to our room. The nursery door was open and I check in real quick before opening the door to our room. When I open the door I'm surprised to see Harry face first on the floor just groaning in frustration.
"Babe?" I ask as he shoots up clearly embarrassed that I found him like this. "What's wrong you've been acting weird lately," I ask closing the door behind me, and I slump down onto the floor next to him.
He just shrugs his shoulders "is it about this surprise thing because I really don't think you should be doing it if it's making you this stressed out" I sigh pulling him into a hug while drawing numbers on his back.
"No it's fine... there's uh 2 surprises now" he chuckles putting his chin on my shoulder. "Well, that doesn't sound like it's getting any better for you" I groan as he tightens the hug. "I'm okay I promise it's normal to be anxious about this stuff" he promises me as I bite the inside of my cheek. Giving him a small peck on the head.
"Well, you can talk to me if you need to even if you don't tell me what's exactly going on" I reassure him as he nods his head. "Wanna hear some exciting news," I attempt to lighten the mood. He only nods his head again staying silent as I keep rubbing his back. "Ivy started crawling... Iris looks real close too" I inform him and he pulls back from the hug with a huge smile.
"Really that's great" he cheers before looking around the room. "That reminds me where's our kid," he questions me with a nervous chuckle, while I grit my teeth. "I wanted to check on you so I let the twins have him" I sigh wiping some fake tears from my eyes. "Wait you seriously let them take Atlas! To Asher... do you have a fever! Are you feeling okay?" He jokes putting the back of his hand to my forehead.
I roll my eyes as he continues to laugh at me "no but seriously I'm honored you sacrificed our child for me" he giggles as I run my hand up and down his arm. "Yeah, they get him for an hour... which means you have to keep me busy for an hour" I smirk sending him a wink as his entire body tenses up, his face becoming extremely flushed.
"Oh yeah easy" he whispers relaxing a bit as he crawls onto my lap. I smile to myself, and he kisses my chin making him was down to my neck "you know what we can start with" he mumbles nibbling on my ear as I wrap my arms around his back. "What?" I let out a breathy moan.
He kisses my neck some more before bringing his mouth back up to my ear "We can start with you catching up on all your schoolwork! Like bloody hell, Draco you're so behind!" He shouts scaring the absolute crap out of me as I tumble backward.
"Baby no please don't do this to me" I whine as he gets off of my lap. "You can't tease me like that!" I cry. He starts to walk over to my desk being completely serious.
"Why do you hate me" I cry throwing myself back onto the ground. "Draco stop you really need to get your work done" he laughs and I look up from the ground with the best pouty face I could muster. "Merlin you and Atlas look too much alike" he groans as I kick my feet to the ground.
"Whyyyy" I continued whining realizing how I just got played... big time. "You always use that against meeeee" I sob as he lets out a heavy sigh. "Use what against you? how perverted you are?" He giggles as I nod my head to the ground.
"I don't understand you sometimes" he continues laughing as I cry into the floor. "Let's make a deal," He walks over to me, so when I looked up I was staring right at his socks. "And what's this deal?" I question him completely suspicious, while sitting up.
"Get your work done... and then I'll keep you busy... maybe," he smirks, biting his lip. "You did that on purpose didn't you" I groan because he knows how hot he is when he bites his damn lips!!!
"Keyword maybe!" He adds again and I jump to my feet. "Consider it done" I shout running over to my desk. I sit down taking the first paper I see and start grading as fast as I can.

Harry's POV

There's no way in hell he is finishing all of that! So I'm safe plus I said maybe for a reason because if he does happen to finish it... consider me gone.
It's fun teasing him... "What is wrong with these kids!! It's a potions class I don't care about your fucking pets" he shouts at the papers in front of him as I laugh.
"No way in hell"

#2- 6
#3- 25
#4- 34

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